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Create S2 system for Roam but keep S1 system with S1 and S2 compatible items

I have just bought a Roam (not realising initially it required S2). I have an S1 system with a mixture of S1 and S2 compatible products. I want to leave that as it is and set up a separate S2 system with just the Roam. Is there a simple way of doing this?

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35 replies

Userlevel 7
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Not sure I follow - I wasn’t able to dismiss the screen where it detected the other speakers.  Why is the Account, System etc. option greyed out above if you had signed in?  You ended up with a 3rd Household with it containing just the Roam and linked to your account.

Either way, I suppose removing the cable was an easy option to stop them being seen - just didn’t think of it initially.

On the playlist issue, I believe I should be able to save upto 1000 Sonos playlists - with upto 40k songs and didn’t think I was anywhere near that.  I don’t think this info is available to users now though - but is taking the thread off topic anyway.

EDIT: sorry, I thought you had finished, didn’t realise more posts were incoming..

It then setup the Roam in the new HH and I added the WiFi password to the Roam, in my case it then updated the Roam (as I hadn’t yet done yesterdays update for this particular Roam) … all was successful… see below 4-screen ‘collage’ of the App screens, post setup:

So it’s then just a case of going onto setup the music services, playlists etc.

So it appears the answer is to simply close the App and reopen it, rather than joining the existing HH and it should then prompt to setup the Roam, without powering off your existing devices.



@sjw, Let me know if there’s anything else you need, or I can assist with, but I did manage to get the Roam to setup here without switching off any of my other Systems on the same network. The answer was to not opt to join the nearby system, but to just close/reopen the App, so that it then gives the pop-up card option to setup the Roam on the new HH instead.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

If it was me and you are on S1 I would buy the Move.

Personally I wouldn't want S1 and S2 apps on the same device (phone), but others have with no issue.

We have one S2 speaker but it is on a different household, different account and different device.

If it was me and you are on S1 I would buy the Move.

Personally I wouldn't want S1 and S2 apps on the same device (phone), but others have with no issue.

We have one S2 speaker but it is on a different household, different account and different device.

I’ve not had any issues running both S1/S2 systems side-by-side on the same LAN subnet, using the same account credentials with both controller Apps installed on the same (mobile) devices.  

The somewhat important step IMHO, is to have S1 and S2 running on a completely different HouseholdID, by creating a new System/Household, rather than perhaps upgrading from S1 to S2 and then trying to leave both Systems in situ with the same HHID.. that’s where some users seem to encounter the occasional issue, I think.

@sjw should be fine here once the new HH is created and the Roam added to it - it will not interfere with the existing S1 setup in the slightest. The only thing perhaps is then having to maintain two ‘systems’ with music services, playlists, updates etc. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

I managed to get it done (reset App and Roam).


After the above you get this one: the key was to click outside the white popup..


Which brought up this: (which you ‘OK’ to Cancel.


Then this pops up and you can indeed carry on:

If it was me and you are on S1 I would buy the Move.

Personally I wouldn't want S1 and S2 apps on the same device (phone), but others have with no issue.

We have one S2 speaker but it is on a different household, different account and different device.

It seems OK with both Apps on the device, time will tell of course.  If Sonos had stuck to what they initially announced and allowed you to ‘Control your S1 just as you do now.’ without forcing a Factory reset on it and losing everything from the S1 devices, I’d have been tempted to Split and go that way before - but all speakers get similar use and I’ve invested too much time curating those Sonos playlists over many years to needlessly have them deleted.

The Roam is better for me (I think it’s probably what the Move should have been) as it’s just to throw in a bag and take on holiday and play in the room etc.

Glad you manage to sort it @sjw.. 👍 it’s just a case now of getting used to its buttons & controls.

Maybe this summary I put together will help to get you started…

Roam Controls Summary

 Rear Power Button

  1. Use this button to power on the device.
  2. A quick press puts device to sleep/wakes up device
  3. A long press puts device into Bluetooth mode (it will go into BT pairing mode, if not paired), or repeat this step for pairing mode, repeat to return to WiFi (or disconnect the pairing on mobile device).
  4. A Longer 5+seconds button press when powered on will power off the Roam.

Play/Pause Button

  1. A quick press will play/pause the audio.
  2. A quick double press skips to next track (if available).
  3. A quick triple press (either restarts track, or skips to previous track - depends on audio service in use.
  4. A long press (2nd bleep) will group the Roam with a playing Sonos speaker on LAN HH (repeat to cycle through all playing sources).
  5. A longer press (3rd bleep) with invoke Sonos SoundSwap between Roam and nearby ‘compatible’ Sonos Speaker in same HH (WiFi only).

There are other button options for device reset and diagnostics etc. but they are rarely necessary, so I haven’t included those.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

I managed to get it done (reset App and Roam).


After the above you get this one: the key was to click outside the white popup..


Which brought up this: (which you ‘OK’ to Cancel.


Then this pops up and you can indeed carry on:

If it was me and you are on S1 I would buy the Move.

Personally I wouldn't want S1 and S2 apps on the same device (phone), but others have with no issue.

We have one S2 speaker but it is on a different household, different account and different device.

It seems OK with both Apps on the device, time will tell of course.  If Sonos had stuck to what they initially announced and allowed you to ‘Control your S1 just as you do now.’ without forcing a Factory reset on it and losing everything from the S1 devices, I’d have been tempted to Split and go that way before - but all speakers get similar use and I’ve invested too much time curating those Sonos playlists over many years to needlessly have them deleted.

The Roam is better for me (I think it’s probably what the Move should have been) as it’s just to throw in a bag and take on holiday and play in the room etc.


For me the Move is a portable Play:1, with the presence of the Play:1 which was what I wanted, I can see the Roam is a lot lighter and easier for long distances.

Personally the Move ticks all the boxes, but it mainly resides in my workshop or next to the bbq!.

I really think the Move and Roam suit different use cases and both have useful roles.  The choice of names reflects what they are good at.  The Move moves around my apartment, chiefly between the kitchen and the balcony.  But it’s too big and heavy for it to roam further afield.  That’s what the Roam is for.

I really think the Move and Roam suit different use cases and both have useful roles.  The choice of names reflects what they are good at.  The Move moves around my apartment, chiefly between the kitchen and the balcony.  But it’s too big and heavy for it to roam further afield.  That’s what the Roam is for.

I agree and it’s perhaps a little obvious for me to mention here, but that’s just how the Wife and I use each of those portable devices.👍 We find that the smaller Roams are perfect for taking on holiday etc. and the much larger Move is great for use in and around the Home/Garden.