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Has Sonos severed or suspended its commercial operations in the Russian Federation given it is engaged in a fascist invasion of a sovereign state and stands accused of war crimes? 

Yandex Music is a Russian entity. 

I find this whole cancel culture concept distasteful.  It is what children do when they don't get their way with classmates.


Where do you draw the line?  What subject, class, event do you find crosses this line?  There is always someone waiting to jump on the bandwagon to push the movement further to one side.  Eventually you and everyone else dragged into it will run out of things that have not yet been canceled for one offense or another.


War is bad, do you think the Ukrainian, Russian, or any other populous wants war?  All the cancel culture is doing is making it worse overall.  Take the banking issues for example, that has really hurt Ukrainians as well as other surrounding people.


I want Sonos to focus on their products.  I do not care how they vote, I do not care who or what they support, I do not care who they have married.  Just make great products, this should be all companies primary focus.


No matter what view, cause etc. a company choses to support publicly, there will always be a lost customer on the other end of that choice.  Some might support the other end of the argument or others (Like me) just want to interact with their products and leave anything not directly related to them elsewhere.

Like others around the world, we are appalled and saddened by the attack against Ukraine. Sonos does not have any direct business or employees in Russia and has ceased sales to this market. In addition, Sonos has blocked all radio stations connected to the Russian state from Sonos Radio. is not affiliated with Sonos.

It's not cancel culture... Ask the millions of refugees, the maimed and defenceless if they think it's just a game.  Sonos should shut down its activities in Russia and Belorus.

You say you don't care, well I do. 


If Sonos specifically sold products to the Russian government/military for the purpose of the war effort, you would have a point.  I don’t really have a problem with Sonos selling products and services to Russian citizens, many of them against the war themselves. 

I understand that the point of your call for Sonos to stop business in Russia is to hurt the economy of Russia, and put pressure on Putin.  I don’t think Putin is all that concerned about the welfare of his citizens.  Or at least he believes the war is more important to Russia.  If that were not the case, then he would have pulled out of Ukraine already.  It’s valid to ask whether  FB, Apple, and many others  are really helping out Ukraine with their actions, or if they are just satisfying the emotional needs of those calling for cancels while hurting innocent citizens in Russia or elsewhere.  No answer on that from me.

Personally, I would rather Sonos (and almost every other company) focus on moving all manufacturing and business out of China, because of the human rights violations of that government, as well as the theft of intellectual property and the lack of freedoms their citizens have.  And in immediate terms, China is still doing everyday business with Russia.

That said, despite efforts, since I still buy plenty of products made in China, knowingly and unknowingly, I don’t expect Sonos to be perfect either.  And again, there is difference between the citizens of a country trying to make a living and the government that they live under.





I agree; I only question the hypocrisy in not calling for the same actions against the US and the UK when they do the exact same thing whenever it suits them to do so. And when they impose only convenient sanctions - for instance the US embargo on Russian oil imports is a joke - they hardly import any to start with. While the EU refuses to sanction the same imports even today because who will then pay the higher amounts for gas at the pumps? EU citizens? God forbid.

And why did the UK continue to host Russian oligarchs and Russian money even after 2014 when Putin annexed the Crimea from Ukraine? It is just a big joke, this posturing by politicians.

As to war crimes, one could just as much accuse Bush and Blair of these in Iraq. They killed a lot more Iraqi civilians than Putin will Ukrainans. The Americans killed Afghan children even in their last days there, and got away by just saying - oops...

Did you ask for cancelling anything when the US invaded Iraq, illegally, in 2003? Supported by the UK?

Putin, for all his many faults/crimes, can at least claim a large shared border and consequent security concerns. As the US would have if Mexico had joined the Warsaw Pact, back in the day. As it did in the case of Cuba.

Iraq was a long way from having a shared border with the US/UK.

And as I write this, there are oil tankers headed for Russia via the Black Sea to lift crude to take it back to the EU. Which can’t be stopped because the EU can’t live without it. Hypocrisy is nothing new or unique, so this too is not a surprise.

I was 100% against the Iraq war. Against the. Vietnam war, the Libyan fiasco, etc. In my book the only justified war was the war against the Nazis. The Ukraine war was a war crime from day one. Deliberate targetting of civilians, destruction of hospitals and schools are all war crimes.

Sonos should take a moral stand and cease operations in Russia. 

The allies also bombed civilians in the war you justify!

I too am sick just sick of individuals on social media spouting about things they know nothing about and trying to shame anyone who does not share their views.  In my view it’s just attention/ virtue seeking rubbish that does nothing. 

I doubt Sonos receive any revenue from Yandex, or any other Music services so I’m unsure how this would help?  It’s up there with cancelling Tchaikovsky recitals and shops removing Pavlova from their shelves, utterly pointless.

Well, it seems Trumpism is alive and well.  

There's no war just a special military operation so nothing to see here, walk on. 

Sickening 'I don't care' attitudes from the nation that gave us Freedom Fries. 


Odd, you are the first to bring up a US political party in this conversation.  I was under the impression the issue at hand was one between Russia and Ukraine.


Far as the “I don’t care” attitude goes, I don’t care about Sonos and ANY conflicts.  Not just this one in particular.  They are a company that has no part in this conflict.  Why on earth should you be dragging them into it?  I DO care about the conflict in Ukraine though.  That is separate from what brand of milk I buy.


I find it so weird that some people seem to think they are the only ones with empathy.  The only ones that care.  The only ones with the right opinions.  That the Other Tribe is always wrong, evil etc. for daring to have a different point of view.


As a side note, it would be disingenuous to tie Trump and his followers to being warhawks.  Far as I remember, Trump had no new wars.  

Trumpism is not a political party.  It's a political philosophy or rather a state of mind. 


I doubt that even Trump knows exactly what that philosophy or state is.

As to the Russians, if they really wanted to reduce cities to a rubble, they had the means to do this by now. Using missiles and artillery. 

It is a strange war, to be honest.

How disgraceful! 


Sonos is still selling in Russia....



It's not cancel culture... Ask the millions of refugees, the maimed and defenceless if they think it's just a game.  Sonos should shut down its activities in Russia and Belorus.

You say you don't care, well I do. 

I was 100% against the Iraq war. Against the. Vietnam war, the Libyan fiasco, etc. In my book the only justified war was the war against the Nazis. The Ukraine war was a war crime from day one. Deliberate targetting of civilians, destruction of hospitals and schools are all war crimes.

Sonos should take a moral stand and cease operations in Russia. 

None of which above absolves the Russians either. 

It doesn’t; I am merely pointing out that every country has bloodied hands. What is criminal and immoral when done by an individual is permitted in the name of realpolitik when it is done by nations, and all nations are guilty of this.

And if the EU can decide to not sanction oil imports from Russia, why should Sonos do this just because we think they should?

In the spirit of making money rather than taking a moral stance, here's a mock up of a special commemorative edition only for sale in the Russian Federation

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Where was all this concern in the West when Putin was bombing Syria and Syrian civilians to bits? What is so different about Ukrainians? 

The second is a rhetorical question, by the way.

What aboutery doesn't address the issue. 

It doesn't even make commercial sense given the rouble is worthless outside the RF. 

The allies also bombed civilians in the war you justify!

I too am sick just sick of individuals on social media spouting about things they know nothing about and trying to shame anyone who does not share their views.  In my view it’s just attention/ virtue seeking rubbish that does nothing. 

I doubt Sonos receive any revenue from Yandex, or any other Music services so I’m unsure how this would help?  It’s up there with cancelling Tchaikovsky recitals and shops removing Pavlova from their shelves, utterly pointless.


Exactly.  It’s the geopolitical equivalent of burning your Beatles albums after John said they were bigger than Jesus.  For you to burn the albums, you needed to buy them first, so what do the Beatles care about that? 

Well, it seems Trumpism is alive and well.  

There's no war just a special military operation so nothing to see here, walk on. 

Sickening 'I don't care' attitudes from the nation that gave us Freedom Fries. 


from the nation that gave us Freedom Fries. 


Say what you will about the Americans, they have the widest range in the world from the sublime to the ridiculous. And the renaming of the fries was a classic example of the ridiculous end of the scale.

I find it so weird that some people seem to think they are the only ones with empathy.  The only ones that care.  The only ones with the right opinions.  That the Other Tribe is always wrong, evil etc. for daring to have a different point of view.



Sign of the times it seems, amplified by social media. Every country, even my own, India, seems to be divided down the middle these days in a similar way.

Trumpism is not a political party.  It's a political philosophy or rather a state of mind. 

Interesting that about 50 percent or more believe that Trump won the election and 50 percent of Russians don't believe that Russian troops are reducing cities to rubble.  Go figure.

ваше здоровье! 

Trumpism is not a political party.  It's a political philosophy or rather a state of mind. 

Interesting that about 50 percent or more believe that Trump won the election and 50 percent of Russians don't believe that Russian troops are reducing cities to rubble.  Go figure.

ваше здоровье! 

How does half the US believing Trump won and half of Russians not believing cities being reduced to rubble have anything to do with each other?  That is magical thinking.  Do theses tribes you speak of also consume di-hydrogen monoxide?

Geo/realpolitiks at work - as a country that has been dependent on Russian defence equipment for decades now, that however also needs US support to counter Chinese aggressive moves on its Himalayan borders, India is in a bind that is rare. For sure, Indian diplomats are having to really earn their salaries these days, doing a lot of fancy footwork and endless phone calls, globally.

Morality doesn't come into it.