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Where can i find the timeline for fixes to the app?

  • 13 May 2024
  • 8 replies

I saw a note that said something like

  1. alarms by late May
  2. queue management by June

anyone have this list? I’m guessing these are new releases in Jira. 


Found it!


We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.

  • Screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21
  • Adding and editing alarms: May 21
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June 
  • Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June

Looks like each Feature gets one, 2-week sprint to complete apart from the big one at the end of the sprints. Looks like it gets harder for the devs the further they move along. I’ve done this before and it rarely works out well when they are under such pressure from ALL directions. 

It looks like the company is tossed the developers… under a city bus on this one to meet earnings announcement date last week. 

Biggest load of rubbish. Updated the app and everything is bricked. Chat line in Brazil unable to help after over an hour of diagnostics and then tell me to ring a helpline in the USA from Poland. Why try and fix something that is not broken. So now thousands of dollars worth of equipment not working.

The best answer would be to say all the fixes go in tomorrow because the previous version has been reinstated.  The big problem with people (and Sonos) focusing on the issues above is there are so many other bugs in the new release that even in a month+ we still have a worse system than we had last week.

Imagine Sonos wanting to launch new hardware during this s*** show.😂


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Cette nouvelle application avec soit disant de grandes innovations est totalement inexploitable avec des bugs et des régressions indignent d’une pareille marque. A ne surtout pas installer, le retour en arrière avec IOS est impossible. 

Que les informaticiens travaillant pour Sonos retournent à leur clavier, la pente va être dure à remonter. Pour info, avec cette application, impossible de répartir différentes sources sur  différentes enceintes. C’était la force de Sonos; à ne surtout pas installer, aux risques que votre système ne soit inexploitable. Inimaginable qu’une application aussi buggée ait été déployée.

La seule réponse de la hot-line (Tchat) est de se servir de son PC pour gérer Sonos; N’importe quoi, allumer un PC pour se mettre un morceau de musique!!!  Et en plus , j’ai essayé, ça ne marche pas mieux que l’application Iphone. C’est complètement fou de mettre une application aussi mauvaise en déploiement!!!!!!

Improved app??

I think not.

Indeed the new app has been released and is meant to have alarms but no sleep timer.  But at least they’re fixing …. 


Seems detailed instructions would be a help as it’s lacking an intuitive design.