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Thus spoke the emperor and a science fiction hypothesis to the problem

  • 23 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Can anyone give me a reason to continue to hope for a solution, which now seems clear there will never be, until now no acceptable response or action from the company.

I think it's really useless to continue wasting time, the Emperor stated in the Verge that the app is beautiful, he and all his subjects who have been using the app since December (?) find it simply fast, complete and perfect.


Who are we to allow ourselves to evaluate it negatively and demand that functions be reinserted if the emperor and his court are not interested in.

I think I've already wasted too much of my life on something that won't lead to anything. However expensive (in the monetary sense) it may be, the sooner I get rid of everything that has now become junk, the sooner I will live better.

Although honestly all this made me rediscover the much better audio of my old Play5 (gen1) and the functionality of the old S1.

I would simply like to bring my entire system back to this level. But I really believe that it will never be possible for Sonos again, and that in fact they will try everything to put both the old Play5 out of use and will also succeed in destroying the functional S1.

Not being able to find a logical explanation, and not having received any from the company yet, I'm starting to think that perhaps the only explanation that can explain all the events:

  • the need to rewrite it from scratch
  • the impossibility of getting the previous app back even with all its defects
  • ignoring what the users' reactions would have been
  • the need to adapt the app to new products

I only have the possibility of ramsonware.

thanks for any response



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3 replies

Have we now reached the point where each poster is trying to outdo those before them in ever increasing levels of hyperbolic melodrama and silly metaphor?  Because I've seen this before, and it doesn't end well.  Today it's Emperor and subjects, tomorrow will be Hitler and the Holocaust.  Dial it back, people.  This isn't life or death.  Sonos screwed up, we all know that.  They said the fixes are coming, and they've kept their word so far.  If you can't live with that, sell your Sonos devices.  But please stop feeding the escalation of stupidity.

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They may have fixed what they said for you, but that is not the experience for lots of us.  Voicing frustration and disappointment over this awful app rollout is appropriate.  This was not a mistake, they purposely rolled out an app they knew didn’t work because they wanted to sell headphones.  Nobody is at the CEO’s house with pitchforks, there is no go fund me to put out a contract on the CEO, people are commenting/complaining on a monitored sonos forum.  Don’t be so condescending to think if it isn’t a big deal to you it shouldn’t be a big deal to anyone else.  

They may have fixed what they said for you, but that is not the experience for lots of us.  Voicing frustration and disappointment over this awful app rollout is appropriate.  This was not a mistake, they purposely rolled out an app they knew didn’t work because they wanted to sell headphones.  Nobody is at the CEO’s house with pitchforks, there is no go fund me to put out a contract on the CEO, people are commenting/complaining on a monitored sonos forum.  Don’t be so condescending to think if it isn’t a big deal to you it shouldn’t be a big deal to anyone else.  


I didn’t say it wasn’t a big deal to me, it most certainly is.  I was trying to convey that escalating levels of melodramatic one-upmanship leads to some really, really ugly posts.  One can be upset, one can complain, one can get their point known without the oft-seen “Watch me be more pissed off than the last guy, I’ll compare this to Emperors and subjects!!!” - “Well watch me be more pissed off than you, I’ll compare it to killing the family pet” - “Well, I’ve got one better than that, I’ll compare it to pulling a loved one off life support!!!  So there!!” all the way to the inevitable Godwin posts (all comparisons seen in this very forum over Sonos’ actions in the past).  

A little perspective can make a productive discussion, even when there are many posters who are here to watch things burn.  Don’t be one who just wants to watch things burn.