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Sonos, c’mon. It’s been 5 months since the version 80 app release and you’ve been making promises the whole time of us seeing improvements and after 5 months it’s just not working. Please just admit the full depth of the debacle and roll all the software back and give us back the working version.

As I type, my wife is listening to music in the kitchen and I like what I’m hearing so I fire up the Sonos app on my phone to see what’s playing in the kitchen and the app swears up and down “No content” in the kitchen zone, even after force-quitting and restarting the app.

My core needs and user journey are pretty simple:

  1. fire up the app and have it connect instantly and with zero fuss
  2. search for music and find what I’m looking for
  3. add it to the queue, maybe reorder the queue
  4. control playback (pause, resume, skip among songs with back/forward or by random access in the queue) with no lag
  5. create groups for multi-room playback
  6. control volume (in one zone or several) with no lag

Version 80 broke ALL of this at once. Since then, you’ve added the queue back, thank goodness, and it sort of works, but only sort of, and the rest of the above -- which is all core, P0, non-negotiable, table stakes functionality -- is still largely broken.

ALL of this worked fine prior to version 80. So it’s really hard to accept any sort of explanation that the old app was a crumbling heap of tech debt and you had to rip the bandaid off to start over, because from the outside… it actually worked. And it’s even harder to accept this explanation you’re giving us about the necessity of a rewrite when that was couched in “at least the new architecture is so clean we can update it every 2 weeks and so it shipped pretty bare at first but you’ll be seeing rapid improvements” but 5 months later, that just doesn’t appear true either.

The new search takes far too many taps -- if I search for a song name, the search results start showing me the artist for the song but not the song itself, I need to scroll to the right for that. Sometimes the search will just fail or have high latency. Last night I saw a bug where after searching for a song and scrolling right to see it, the search screen would show it for about half a second then go entirely blank.

The queue is back, thank goodness. But about half the time when I tell a song to add to queue or “play next”, the app freezes for 5 seconds then shows a top toast saying “unable to add to queue” -- but if I look in the queue, the action DID take hold and the song DID end up in the queue.

The app is super laggy; often after changing songs or changing volume it can be a couple seconds for the local, in-app screen to update, and several more seconds after that for the Sonos hardware to respond.

Multi zone volume control used to be a thing of beauty -- I could drag my finger across the volume control for one zone, and the linked sliders would all dance in synchrony, and all the speakers would also be immediately changing volume at the same time, no perceptible lag -- a true user delight. No more. Now it feels like the sliders for different zones are connected by rubber bands, and this is just in the local on-device UI! When the speakers actually change volume after that is anyone’s guess.

I’ve been a Sonos customer since 2007. I’ve got probably 30 devices (combination of Amp, Port, OneSL, Five, Arc, Sub) across 3 houses for me and my extended family. I could even understand your reasons for the S1/S2 split and wasn’t one of the customers who was angry about that, and for what it’s worth I retired/upgraded my older devices and went all in on S2. It all worked great and I was very happy with it until May 2024 and “Version 80”. It’s been a continuous source of frustration since then. And heartache -- because I loved it so much and it’s impossible to love now.

It’s gotten so bad I often just use Bluetooth to my AVR or random portable speakers (despite the much lower sound quality, despite the many problems with Bluetooth) because… that will actually work with so much less frustration.

I can't believe I’m actually typing this. I willingly spent thousands on Sonos gear to avoid those problems with Bluetooth etc… and now I’m back to Bluetooth because it works better. High irony.

I really wanted to be patient and give y’all the benefit of the doubt, but after this many months and this many releases and this many half-baked apologies, I’m just left with the frustration. Please just restore the old functionality we all paid thousands for. Just release the previous-version app and call it S2 Frozen or whatever. Yes, I realize you’ve rolled out software updates to the Sonos hardware devices themselves that make them no longer speak to that version of the app. But that’s all just software, so roll that back too.

Sorry but I am genuinely puzzled by some of this. Why would you want other sliders to move when you adjusted one? Did it ever do that? I must be misunderstanding something. 

Sorry but I am genuinely puzzled by some of this. Why would you want other sliders to move when you adjusted one? Did it ever do that? I must be misunderstanding something. 

That’s how S2 used to work (and still does for me, as I’m still on a pre-May release).

If you touch the main volume control, the volumes of each device appear above, and if you slide the main volume all of the sliders above move accordingly (and instantly). Of course you can instead move the sliders for the individual devices, in which case they move independently (and instantly).

And, leaving the nitpicking aside, what Metamatt42 says is correct, isn’t it?


How can Sonos have got this so badly wrong for so long? Days of delay would have been unavoidable, given the time that it would have needed to re-think and revert to the older release. Weeks would have been acceptable if the reversion process had been properly thought out so that old and new releases could co-exist properly. But months of inflicting failure on your customers - that just seems like stubbornness. Not a characteristic that you should be seeing in the management of any successful company, surely?

Sorry but I am genuinely puzzled by some of this. Why would you want other sliders to move when you adjusted one? Did it ever do that? I must be misunderstanding something. 

That’s how S2 used to work (and still does for me, as I’m still on a pre-May release).

If you touch the main volume control, the volumes of each device appear above, and if you slide the main volume all of the sliders above move accordingly (and instantly). Of course you can instead move the sliders for the individual devices, in which case they move independently (and instantly).

I know that.  Perhaps I could remind you what the OP actually said:

“Multi zone volume control used to be a thing of beauty -- I could drag my finger across the volume control for one zone, and the linked sliders would all dance in synchrony, and all the speakers would also be immediately changing volume at the same time,”

I think what you said is correct, and what @metamatt42 said is diferent, and wrong.  What do you think?


Are you really so desperate to divert and distract from what the OP is actually trying to say?

Are you really so desperate to divert and distract from what the OP is actually trying to say?

I would like there to be some chance of knowing what he is trying to say.  Because on my system the volume controls work without lag, just as before.  I do find it irritating that this only works when the system screen is minimised, but that’s another issue.

Ah, OK - another multi-thousand poster here who’s volume control works just fine.

But from what the OP says - irrespective of how you dissect the exact wording used - his doesn’t.

I’ll ignore your sniping.  It’s water off a duck’s back to me.  Conclusion - it’s probably not a generic issue for which Sonos can provide a generic fix.  The problem we have now - and Sonos is ultimately at fault here - is that some users are blaming the new app for anything and everything  that goes wrong with their system.  Not helpful.

I’ll ignore your sniping.

Then perhaps I’ll ignore your “divert and distract” tactics.

It’s clear that the OP has multiple issues, and it’s also well-known that many people are seeing problems with latency in the volume controls. The fact that yours appears to work just fine isn’t helpful to the OP - it does nothing to fix his problem.

Easy, Sonos is s*** company and doesn’t give a f*** about its loyal customers. Unless and until they fire Spence, lay off 1000 or so people, or sell to Bose (or some similarly quality-oriented company) this will continue.


They haven’t done a f****** thing for their loyal customers.


Except if you count blocking people on social media and making promises to fix the volume button on the current app.

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

<some naughty words>

But bad language doesn’t help either.

IMO the OP really said what needs to be said in his last paragraph:

I really wanted to be patient and give y’all the benefit of the doubt, but after this many months and this many releases and this many half-baked apologies, I’m just left with the frustration. Please just restore the old functionality we all paid thousands for. Just release the previous-version app and call it S2 Frozen or whatever. Yes, I realize you’ve rolled out software updates to the Sonos hardware devices themselves that make them no longer speak to that version of the app. But that’s all just software, so roll that back too.


Sorry but I am genuinely puzzled by some of this. Why would you want other sliders to move when you adjusted one? Did it ever do that? I must be misunderstanding something. 

That’s how S2 used to work (and still does for me, as I’m still on a pre-May release).

If you touch the main volume control, the volumes of each device appear above, and if you slide the main volume all of the sliders above move accordingly (and instantly). Of course you can instead move the sliders for the individual devices, in which case they move independently (and instantly).

That is exactly how the new app works too.

Overall sentiment of the post is spot on!

I worked in software development for 40+ years, how the CEO still has a job beggars belief. Lots of unhappy customers, but wonder how shareholders are feeling?

Here is an instructive topic



Here is an instructive topic



+1 Everyone who has issues should contact support. 



