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Sony XBR TV, appleTV Gen3 using Playbar for sound. Volume Up doesn't work after latest update

  • 28 May 2024
  • 2 replies

I had an issue with my sub not connecting after the update.  I have given up on getting that to work for now.  I then noticed my volume buttons were not working.  I have reset the Playbar and reconnected to the app.  I tell it to use the TV volume IR for controls.  It asks me to hit the Volume Up button.  It recognized that I pressed the button and says it’s now programmed.  When I hit the Volume Up button, it does nothing.  When I hit the Volume Down button, the volume goes down.  This was all working fine before I tried to fix the issue with the sub connecting.  It’s all gone terribly wrong since then.  I have had to turn the Playbar off and use the TV sound for now.


Anyone else see this issue?  Am I the only person using a Playbar with a Sony XBR TV?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

I then noticed my volume buttons were not working.

Are you trying to use the physical buttons on your phone to adjust the volume? 

I thought that was disabled when Apple allowed Sonos to use Airplay? Use the slider inside the app instead.

For the Sub issue, Are you able to connect the Playbar to your router with ethernet? If so do that and make sure WIFI is enabled in its settings. Once that is done, try to pair the Sub to the Playbar again. In this configuration the Sub will connect directly to the Playbar and not your WIFI.

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

I am using the AppleTV remote volume buttons.  I have also tried my TV remote control and Cable box remote control.  They all worked just fine before the latest update.  Now none of them work properly.  The TV sees the IR commands and responds.  The Playbar lights the white light next to the IR receiver on Volume Down, but nothing on Volume Up.  It doesn’t matter what device I am actually watching on the TV.  Using the optical out of the TV to the optical in of the Playbar.  As I have been for many many years.

Right now I just want the Playbar to work properly.  I’ve taken the sub out of the system and I will work on that in the future when Sonos gets the update fixed.

If I had any idea this was going to be such an issue, I would have left the sub in updating state and never touched anything.

I just want to get back to that state and not have a Sub, but it doesn’t want to go back to that state since I tried to get the sub working.  Even though all the version are the same except the app on my phone.
