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Pairing my sonos one sl

  • 8 December 2020
  • 8 replies

I cant sync my sonos ones sl. They work independently on spotify and I saw you need to have 2 named speakers to sync. I set both mine up under same room but have since can I sync them to play at same time?

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8 replies

I suspect you need to group them. 

How do I group them? Thank you 

I tried something like that in the spotify app and it wouldn't let me do that

In the Spotify app chose a device (speaker), then click “Group rooms”:

This will open the Sonos app where you can group your rooms and then play the group in the Spotify app.

You can also start grouping rooms in the Sonos app, and then open the Spotify app to play the group.

Grouping rooms in the Spotify app only works on mobiles/tablets, not PC or Mac:

Thank you for the help guys but I'm still getting no love. 

I hit group speakers in spotify and then it says done and takes me to sonos app but only 1 speaker shows. I try to ad the other and it says searching for nearby products and does nothing for 5-10 min now. 

I wonder if theres a way to reset everything and start the setup all over

 I have to continuously unplug my router and plug back in just to get sonos to work after not using for a while.

If I don't get this sorted out they're going back.

Not happy with the set up on these so far

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Sometimes the ip addresses can get duplicated, causing problems. Unplug all Sonos devices and then restart your router. When it has fully restarted, power up one speaker. When it is fully restarted power up the next. If that sorts everything, it’s probably worth setting reserved ip addresses for the devices to stop it happening again. 

Hhmmm I think your onto something.  Can I run different ip addresses and still pair them? That would work under grouping yeah?

I'm gonna try that out tomorrow and see if that works.

How would I set up reserved ip addresses?  Off 1 router 

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hhmmm I think your onto something.  Can I run different ip addresses and still pair them? That would work under grouping yeah?

I'm gonna try that out tomorrow and see if that works.

How would I set up reserved ip addresses?  Off 1 router 

Let’s just be sure of terminology. You can pair two Ones in the same room, to be a Left and Right stereo pair. You can have single or stereo-paired speakers in a different room. You can have one music source playing to one room and a different source playing in another. Or you can have a single music source playing to multiple rooms, so the sound is sync’d to all rooms, by Grouping them. So there is a difference between paired and grouped speakers. 

Each speaker has its own IP address. 

Reserving ip addresses is not done in the app. Let us know your router and maybe we can help you.

When I say us and we, remember this is a user forum, though Sonos staff also monitor and contribute on here 😀