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Hi everyone,

Last week I got a Beam Gen 2 + Sub Gen 3 to replace my Beam Gen 1. So far everything's been running smoothly. Then today when I was listening to music with said setup while working a sudden hammering sound interrupted the music. The noise must have been at full volume despite the volume limit which I set to 40%. I jumped up from the couch and instantly pulled the plug. Music kept playing in the adjacent dining room on a pair of One/One SL for a bit before it stopped.

I tried to find the problem online and only found this video. This is exactly what I experienced with my Beam as well. However, this video does not give a good idea of how loud this really was.

Since I couldn't find a solution online, I called the support hotline. The lady on the phone told me, that such a problem has not come up yet. She asked me to replug the Beam and let some music play. After just a few minutes the noise interrupted the music again. So at least the support lady had some impression of it and I managed to send a diagnostic while the noise was on. After a few seconds the noise stopped. She then instructed me to reset the Beam/Sub setup and couldn't really help me otherwise.

Anyone here experienced this problem and possibly has a solution or knows what's the reason for this issue?

@Staff please help me out. This is really creeping me out as I feel this could come up again anytime... No fun watching movies or listening to music this way. My neighbours must hate me now.

Thank you.


So I had this happen to me early this morning while listening to some quiet music and it scared the living daylight out of me and my family,  It was so loud is sounded like someone was shooting a machine gun in our house.  All my dogs went crazy barking and the neighbour even came over to make sure everything was ok.  


We had to turn the power off from the main switchboard to get it to stop as the Beam (Gen2) I'm using is wall mounted and the power sockets are unreachable as they are behind out TV, which is also wall mounted.


The beam gen 2 was only purchased about 4 days ago and had been working fine until this occurred.  After turning the power back on I resumed the music I was listening too for it to only happen again 5 minutes later.  I had to turn the power off again 

After turning the power back on for the second time and playing music again, the audio sounded a bit off,  Like it was louder on the left side of the Beam rather than the right side.    I was reluctant to get my ear too close to the beam while checking to see if any of the speakers had blown up in-case the machine gun sound kicked in again but I did.  There isn't much audio coming from the Right side of the sonos logo on the front but can hear sound is coming from the left side of the logo very clearly. 


So I feel like these noise may have blown up one of the speakers.   Just my luck.  



Hi Josh,

Just made an account so I could reply to your message!

I had a similar thing happen to me and my beam also sounds louder on the left side.

Been debating wether to return or not as I have 7 days left but I assume this is a fault.

Like you say, it just sounds a bit off.

I wonder if anyone else can advise as to wether the left side being louder is normal, or if this problem has damaged our right speakers.

Hello all,

A quick update here after having tested my replacement unit for over 24 hours.

I have not reproduced the problem so my advice would be to get in touch with Sonos support or the place where you bought the beam to check if it’s a faulty unit (these things happen).


I saw a guy saying that this was fixed by a software update, but turns out it is still recurring. Really puts me off buying the Beam though I really like it in every other aspect. Can someone reassure me that what's happening here are mostly isolated cases? 

I’ve had this issue (or something similar) as well -- and reported it with diagnostics but no resolution. For me it is:

  1. Random, but overall infrequent (it can go weeks without it)
  2. Generally once it happens, it will happen a second (and possibly a 3rd time) within a very short period after (within 20 minutes).
  3. After about 30 seconds, the noise stops (and the Beam 2 disappears from the app - as it reboots).

The most recent occurrence (in the past week) changed though - it  was silent. So audio just dropped but like I noted above, the Beam 2 rebooted itself and then it did it again a few minutes later. So either:

  1. I hit a variation of the issue or,
  2. They pushed out a “fix” to at least make the fail less panic inducing.


Based on what I have read through the thread there’s no one app, service, device that reproduces the problem.  On the first beam 2 I got it happened when I was using the TV and from my phone using different apps.  Once it happened within 10 min of use, 5 min of use then 2 h of use.  Currently testing the new beam 2 they sent me.

Just finally found this thread after having the exact same issue 4 times with my Beam. Twice today. Is there no fix?!

Doesn’t seem like it.  They just sent me a new one but have to wait till my kids aren’t home to test it.  For the price of the whole system I shouldn’t have to worry like this.  My fear is that the issue shows up a month from now and they tell me to reproduce it when it seems to happen at random.

Has anyone figured out how to replicate it? I tried leaving my TV/streaming app running for hours but couldn’t make it happen. 

Just finally found this thread after having the exact same issue 4 times with my Beam. Twice today. Is there no fix?!

Doesn’t seem like it.  They just sent me a new one but have to wait till my kids aren’t home to test it.  For the price of the whole system I shouldn’t have to worry like this.  My fear is that the issue shows up a month from now and they tell me to reproduce it when it seems to happen at random.


So I had this happen to me early this morning while listening to some quiet music and it scared the living daylight out of me and my family,  It was so loud is sounded like someone was shooting a machine gun in our house.  All my dogs went crazy barking and the neighbour even came over to make sure everything was ok.  


We had to turn the power off from the main switchboard to get it to stop as the Beam (Gen2) I'm using is wall mounted and the power sockets are unreachable as they are behind out TV, which is also wall mounted.


The beam gen 2 was only purchased about 4 days ago and had been working fine until this occurred.  After turning the power back on I resumed the music I was listening too for it to only happen again 5 minutes later.  I had to turn the power off again 

After turning the power back on for the second time and playing music again, the audio sounded a bit off,  Like it was louder on the left side of the Beam rather than the right side.    I was reluctant to get my ear too close to the beam while checking to see if any of the speakers had blown up in-case the machine gun sound kicked in again but I did.  There isn't much audio coming from the Right side of the sonos logo on the front but can hear sound is coming from the left side of the logo very clearly. 


So I feel like these noise may have blown up one of the speakers.   Just my luck.  



2 days in and the noise has freaked out my young kids and they won’t go near the speakers. May need to post vid on social for support because there’s nothing on this page and no customer on the weekends.  The second time it happened was when I was trying to set the volume limit.  My current solution is unplugging it when not using it.  

This is crazy random. All issues started in the last month or so. Mine has now done this. 3-4 times always in the middle of the night and the beam is in my bedroom so each time wakes us the hell up. 

@adamk111 What content was playing just before this happend?



So I had this happen to me early this morning while listening to some quiet music and it scared the living daylight out of me and my family,  It was so loud is sounded like someone was shooting a machine gun in our house.  All my dogs went crazy barking and the neighbour even came over to make sure everything was ok.  


We had to turn the power off from the main switchboard to get it to stop as the Beam (Gen2) I'm using is wall mounted and the power sockets are unreachable as they are behind out TV, which is also wall mounted.


The beam gen 2 was only purchased about 4 days ago and had been working fine until this occurred.  After turning the power back on I resumed the music I was listening too for it to only happen again 5 minutes later.  I had to turn the power off again 

After turning the power back on for the second time and playing music again, the audio sounded a bit off,  Like it was louder on the left side of the Beam rather than the right side.    I was reluctant to get my ear too close to the beam while checking to see if any of the speakers had blown up in-case the machine gun sound kicked in again but I did.  There isn't much audio coming from the Right side of the sonos logo on the front but can hear sound is coming from the left side of the logo very clearly. 


So I feel like these noise may have blown up one of the speakers.   Just my luck.  



Hi Josh,

Just made an account so I could reply to your message!

I had a similar thing happen to me and my beam also sounds louder on the left side.

Been debating wether to return or not as I have 7 days left but I assume this is a fault.

Like you say, it just sounds a bit off.

I wonder if anyone else can advise as to wether the left side being louder is normal, or if this problem has damaged our right speakers.

Hey there. 

I spoke to sonos support and they advise I do full factory reset. App reset etc. After doing this it seems somewhat better but maybe I'm just still partly deaf from the machinegun sound.

Im going to give it 24 hours and hope to God it doesn't happen again. If it does they advised to return to the store and swap for a new unit.



Good luck Josh! 
Keep me updated please :)

Sonos replaced my Beam2 now and the new one has not had the issue so far.

Just had it happen for a second time in the same day and I was able to run a diagnostic during the sound. Hopefully that helps figure out what’s causing this. Definitely going back to Costco if Sonos can’t resolve this. 

Sonos replaced my Beam 2 two months ago and today it just happened again, at a much lower volume, on my new Beam 2. Not sure what to do at this point, guess return it and buy something else? Clearly this isn’t resolved. 

I sent the video to Sonos support but was just told to reset the device and try again.. which I did.. well..

Happened again tonight, this time it was so loud that my neighbors woke and my ears are still ringing - I am never going to turn this thing on again, and I hope Sonos can issue me a replacement.

Don’t forget to grab the data suggested and submit a diagnostic report. - and contact Sonos Support Staff when available via this LINK.

I sent the video to Sonos support but was just told to reset the device and try again.. which I did.. well..

Happened again tonight, this time it was so loud that my neighbors woke and my ears are still ringing - I am never going to turn this thing on again, and I hope Sonos can issue me a replacement.


I just installed my Beam 2 on 1/31/22 and it has happened 3 times now. Just call support and he said they will “look into it” but sent me an email telling to unplug it and plug it back in and let him know if it happens again, not what I want to hear. This is a SAFETY issue for loud sound exposure at the least when it happens and needs to be taken more seriously. I will give him a day to look into but but most likely will just return it, too bad I used love Sons products and have many, not this one.