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Surround speakers cutting out after 6.3 update.

Hi there, I never have had a problem with my speakers before (My setup is Soundbar + SUB + 2xNEW Play:5s. After the update to the 6.3 for some reason the right or left surround cuts audio sporadically. They never cut at the same time.

What I already tried to do.

1 – Shutdown my router, wait a while and turn it on again. (My router is the ASUS RT-AC5300)

Since this didn’t work I went to the next step.

2 – Remove the surrounds speakers, remove the power cord of the speakers, wait a bit and reconfigure the surround speakers.

It didn’t work also.

The sound cuts are very brief something like 2-3s of no sound from the affected speaker, and let’s say that on an interval of 10 minutes this happens around 6 times.

Someone has any other troubleshooting tips? What to do from here?


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31 replies


Perhaps if you were to submit a system diagnostic and post the number here in this thread, a Sonos rep would be able to get a better look at your system and diagnose the problem.

For my money, since it's happening on both TV and music, is a duplicate IP address, but you've indicated that you've shut down all the devices as well as the router, then brought them back up one at a time, so it's perplexing. The only other thing that I can think of that might cause this issue is wifi interference, from a device in your home, or a neighbor's home.

But submitting that diagnostic within 10 minutes of getting one of those dropouts, and posting the number here would probably help Sonos hone in on what the real issue is.
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Sad to repot this has been happening to me as well. I've only had my Sonos for about 6 months, but just recently sometimes the surround sound cuts out. I noticed it streaming music from my wife's iPhone and figured it was her iPhone 5. It just started happening while listening to Sirius with my iPhone 7 plus. The surrounds (play 1s) appear to cut out, for around 30 seconds to a minute. I just switched from Siirus to a song in my itunes library and they came back on. Had no problems for months and haven't updated anything recently. Also have an Airport extreme.
Userlevel 2
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Hi bozer,

If you don't mind, please submit a diagnostic and let us know the confirmation number and we'll happily take a look at that.
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Thanks for the quick response Omar. I just submitted mine. Confirmation number: 7414829
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Hi Omar,

Not sure if you will see this, but I still have this problem. My left rear play 1 (in 5.1 setup) cut out for a few moments while streaming Spotify. I never heard back on the ticket I submitted. Is there a fix for this yet?
Just to add to the conversation because I had exactly the same problem, 2 major things to look into in my case:
1) Asus RT-AC5300 after firmware updates didn't work with my Play1s... Only started working after I rolled back the firmware. Come KRACK malware firmware update, same problem. Problem solved by logging on the the router, going to AiProtection-Time Scheduling, and adding the SonosZP client name to the list and under Time Management, setting it to allow for all the hours in the week (other people have just disabled this function).
2) Apple Music starting to play and stopping. Apple Music disappearing. Solution, rebooting my Sonos system and making sure the Sonos is registered to the SAME country as my Apply Music ID (my iTunes account is a UK account and I currently reside in Malaysia where Apply Music doesn't yet work). Sonos seems to pass on country registration to the streaming service.
All working now after lots of stress! 🙂