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Problem adding surrounds to Beam

  • 12 November 2020
  • 69 replies

Trying at add a pair of Symfonisk bookshelf speakers as surrounds to my Beam. I set them up and confirmed they were working individually. Then I tried adding them as surrounds.

I go thru the setup and it fails saying “There is a problem adding your surrounds. Check the network connection and make sure your products are powered on. Try again.” They are powered on and network is working fine (could play music up until starting the setup).

Pressing “Try again” instantly gets the same error. If I exit the setup, the Living Room (where the Beam is) now says “Living Room (+?+?)” and I have “Remove Surrounds” in the rooms menu. I tried playing something in 5.1 but no sound is coming from them. The 2 Symfonisks are also now gone from my system and I need to factory reset them to get them to appear in the app again.

How do I setup the surrounds properly without error?

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69 replies

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Hi @kojikabuto, thanks for trying that.

Mind sharing a bit more about how the network is set up? What make/model of router are you using, and are there any extenders in use?

It may also be worth trying with a Sonos device wired to the main router if that’s possible, let us know how you get on :)

Hi Xander.  I was able to set it up by wiring the sonos play1 to an ethernet cable.  Then after I disconnected the cable, it lost connection again BUT the app recognized the broken connection and triggered me to set-up the wireless connection.  It’s all fixed now.  Thank you! 

I ran into this problem today, and tracked it down to running a dual-band WiFi.  I had a single network available on both 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz.  If you try to add older 2.4-only speakers to a newer dual-band device, it won’t work.  The easy solution I came to was to move the Sonos system to my 2.4-Ghz only SSID.  That forces the newer devices to use 2.4Ghz, allowing them to pair with the surrounds.


Wow - does it seem crazy to anyone else that we have to be network admins to figure this out?  Not OK.


I am so thoughtfully thoroughly fed up with Sonos and it's overly complicated garbage I'm ready to dump the whole system.  And now it's not going to play nice with a mesh?  

Gonna sell everything now that they jacked up the price.  I'm done jumping through hoops

> And now it's not going to play nice with a mesh?

These have been issues for years, and why they created Sonosnet in the first place.  For most people it works.


Unfortunately it doesn't work well for me, since when I use Sonos net my Roam, which can't connect to Sonos net constantly connects and reconnects.  It's just one thing after another. After 3 years I've had enough

> Unfortunately it doesn't work well for me

Only suggestion I have is the one above, setup a 2.4Ghz-only SSID, and use that for Sonos.  It helped me.


> Unfortunately it doesn't work well for me

Only suggestion I have is the one above, setup a 2.4Ghz-only SSID, and use that for Sonos.  It helped me.

I don't seem to be able to do that with my new router... Appreciate the feedback though

Did you ever solve this? I have the same problem, exactly, except it’s a Beam and two Sonos Ones.

Omg. Bought the Beam (Gen 1) Sonos One (Gen 2) on Black Friday and had an older Sonos One (Gen 1) for a few years. I could not forever add the surround to the Beam on the S2 app after upgrading the Sonos One (Gen 1) to use the S2 app.

I kept getting this error “There was a problem adding your surrounds.”




Fully satisfied with the quality of the 5.1 setup. Just waiting a good deal on the Gen 3 sub. Hope it’s compatible ;)


Hi! Im having the same issue with my 2x Play:1’s and beam. 

My diagnostics number: 807155853.

Hi, I have exactly the same problem with the same setup (Beam and two Symfonisk). It worked perfectly when I bought these 2 years ago, but now nothing helps to make it work. I have tried to change wifi and other network setting, even hardware, but nothing helps. 
I think Sonos technicians need to take a look and provide a firmware update that solves this.

They’ve got no idea what’s “wrong” with your system, so it’s hard for them to provide a solution to you. Your best bet is to submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of reproducing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.

I know I’m a year late, but I’m having the exact same issue and cannot seem to resolve it with any of the troubleshooting methods listed in the thread. Also, I’m not seeing a “Diagnostic Number” anywhere, curious where this is found. If anyone has been able to sort out this issue, some guidance would be very much appreciated. 

I know I’m a year late, but I’m having the exact same issue and cannot seem to resolve it with any of the troubleshooting methods listed in the thread. Also, I’m not seeing a “Diagnostic Number” anywhere, curious where this is found. If anyone has been able to sort out this issue, some guidance would be very much appreciated. 


A diagnostic confirmation number is displayed after you Submit a Diagnostic.

If you click on the underlined words in both my and @jgatie ’s posts, you’ll be taken to an FAQ that explains how to submit a diagnostic. 

I’m so fed up of having bought these products I wish I just wired up my speakers. my last stereo never needed any adjustment in 20 yrs. this stuff crashes every week. 

For those of you still having this issue, I found something that worked for me. When I added each of the speaker parts (an 'arc' and 2 'one SLs'), I assigned them to be located in the "Living Room". Each of them were assigned the same room location, but were numbered weirdly. The arc was in "Living Room 1", the two SLs were in "Living Room 2" and "3" respectively. I changed the rooms they were all assigned to just the "Den" (all matching names). Once I did this, all of a sudden it worked! I suspect when initially installing the speakers, the app must have assumed the parts were all in three different living rooms. Hope this works for someone.

I had this issue recently, which coincided with a new wifi 6e router from Vodafone. To fix it I had to go into the router settings and turn on compatibility mode, which splits out the 6e band from the 2.4/5GHz ones. Everything connects fine now, but was very frustrating trying to get it sorted!