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Playbar Audio Issues, Optical Ports with no doors

  • 29 December 2014
  • 14 replies

Audio voices are going strange after a period of time. Also optical audio ports have no doors. Hi everyone. I just have purchased two Sonos Playbars and subs from Jb Hi Fi. Neither play bars have a door on the optical audio ports? I have only been currently using 1 unit, but I just opened the other unused unit to check it. Also, after watching a film on Apple TV, after some time the voices go extremely weird, like scrambled. I fixed this by unplugging and plugging back in the HDMI port on the Apple TV. This issue also happened on Foxtel yesterday. I am using a third party 'better quality' optical audio cable at the moment.
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14 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +20
Hi Taylor,
The newer model PLAYBARs do not have doors on the optical ports. This should not have anything to do with the audio issues for voices. Does this happen on all sources or just with the Apple TV? If you can reproduce the error, it may help to get some data from you system just afterwards. After the voice audio get strange, please send us a diagnostic report and reply with the confirmation number: Submit diagnsotics.
Hi Taylor,
The newer model PLAYBARs do not have doors on the optical ports. This should not have anything to do with the audio issues for voices. Does this happen on all sources or just with the Apple TV? If you can reproduce the error, it may help to get some data from you system just afterwards. After the voice audio get strange, please send us a diagnostic report and reply with the confirmation number: Submit diagnsotics.

Is this correct about the newer models not having "doors" on thenoptical ports? Is there a problem keeping the optical cable connected without the door?
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Doors are for protection from dust if not connected.  They would not effect the snapping secure. Doors are primarily needed on devices where there are multiple inputs and not all are used all the time.  I would assume the playbar comes with a plug in the optical port when shipped that is removed for 1st time use.
Userlevel 7
Badge +20
Hi Taylor,
The newer model PLAYBARs do not have doors on the optical ports. This should not have anything to do with the audio issues for voices. Does this happen on all sources or just with the Apple TV? If you can reproduce the error, it may help to get some data from you system just afterwards. After the voice audio get strange, please send us a diagnostic report and reply with the confirmation number: Submit diagnsotics.

Hi Selwynator,

The earlier models of the PLAYBAR had doors but we found that the doors were often damaged when attaching the cables. This caused the optical cables to not stay connected. We removed the doors in later models for this reason.
So any remedies when the door pops off, and goes AWOL, on my older Playbar and the optical cable will not stay inputed into the optical port?
Userlevel 7
Badge +20
So any remedies when the door pops off, and goes AWOL, on my older Playbar and the optical cable will not stay inputed into the optical port?

Hi Stratcat,

It would be best to contact our phone team for help with your PLAYBAR. When you call, reference this case number: 160822-001929. You can find our phone number here.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
My optical door on a 2013 Playbar has just come off and I have spoken to the Sonos team as its now unusable
I see that the new models no longer have an optical door will any replacement I receive be the new model and has the removal of the optical door made the optical port more robust?
Userlevel 6
Badge +3
My optical door on a 2013 Playbar has just come off and I have spoken to the Sonos team as its now unusable
I see that the new models no longer have an optical door will any replacement I receive be the new model and has the removal of the optical door made the optical port more robust?

Hi Sinjin, welcome tot he community.

The best would be to contact us by phone for this. A Sonos agent will be able to check the options we have to resolve this problem. You can find our contact information here. Let us know how it goes.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
Thanks for the response I have contacted Sonis and I am awaiting a response
Userlevel 6
Badge +3
Thanks for the response I have contacted Sonis and I am awaiting a response
Alright, well keep us updated and if you need anything let us know.
Warning- if you contact SONOS “support” to request assistance with fixing a broken Toslink (optical) door on a Playbar, go in knowing that they do not stand behind their products. I own 12-14 different SONOS products. I was an early adopter and praised the products when discussing amongst my friends. So when I noticed the cable hanging out and no audio on my Playbar, I called them to ask about a service center in my area. I was fully expecting to pay for the repair- I was only looking for a place to take it for a quick turnaround. Instead, the rep had an attitude, perhaps because he deals with this issue often, and told me I had three choices: send my well cared for Playbar to SONOS along with $169 in exchange for someone else’s refurbished unit, buy a new Playbar or do nothing. Of course I chose door #3 and continue to keep the cable inserted by balancing the cable and taping it 2 dvd cases. Since SONOS freely admits that the original design was faulty, they should have a part for sale or available to its loyal customers to fix this when it happens. And trust me, it will happen (I know 2 people who have the same issue). It’s really too bad SONOS will no longer stand by their products. As such, I will no longer stand behind them. This was the first Christmas in years where my wife did not buy me something from SONOS and while saddened I have survived. While I would have loved another Player or Connect, the Heos I received is just as good if not better. I do know one thing, not another penny will ever be paid for any SONOS products in this house again.
Warning- if you contact SONOS “support” to request assistance with fixing a broken Toslink (optical) door on a Playbar, go in knowing that they do not stand behind their products. I own 12-14 different SONOS products. I was an early adopter and praised the products when discussing amongst my friends. So when I noticed the cable hanging out and no audio on my Playbar, I called them to ask about a service center in my area. I was fully expecting to pay for the repair- I was only looking for a place to take it for a quick turnaround. Instead, the rep had an attitude, perhaps because he deals with this issue often, and told me I had three choices: send my well cared for Playbar to SONOS along with $169 in exchange for someone else’s refurbished unit, buy a new Playbar or do nothing. Of course I chose door #3 and continue to keep the cable inserted by balancing the cable and taping it 2 dvd cases. Since SONOS freely admits that the original design was faulty, they should have a part for sale or available to its loyal customers to fix this when it happens. And trust me, it will happen (I know 2 people who have the same issue). It’s really too bad SONOS will no longer stand by their products. As such, I will no longer stand behind them. This was the first Christmas in years where my wife did not buy me something from SONOS and while saddened I have survived. While I would have loved another Player or Connect, the Heos I received is just as good if not better. I do know one thing, not another penny will ever be paid for any SONOS products in this house again.

I have the same issue, but my scenario is better. I bought a Playbar at Target and turns out it was a used unit, optical cable wont fit or stay secured. When I contacted Sonos, they told me the device is 5 years old and out of warranty. Now im stuck with a broken Playbar and the best they can do is replace it for 180 dollars. As someone who owns 5.5 speakers, I'd say Im invested and overall, I love Sonos. This experience sets apart a good company from being a great customer focused company. Not many companies fall into that category, but those who do get the additional benefit for having customers for life.
I'd be talking to Target, not Sonos. They were the ones who sold you a "used" unit.
Userlevel 2
I've just relocated from the US to Australia. In moving one of the revivalists broke my Playbar's optical-in door off. After a little research I found that new units no longer have inputs with flaps - suggesting the earlier models had a design flaw. Given this, I thought I'd check my options with Sonos expecting they would acknowledge the issue and offer a replacement. To my dismay the only option offered was to purchase a "new" unit from Sonos Australia for $699AUD. I'm also an early adopter and have over 10 devices plus I've recommended them to numerous friends over the last decade.

They've just lost an ongoing customer and advocate.

My advise to new customers: BEWARE, look elsewhere!!

Sonos now treat their customers as a means to a profit - nothing else.