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Can you switch back and forth from music to the TV sound on the Playbar?

  • 30 December 2014
  • 12 replies

Can you switch back and forth from music to the TV sound on the Playbar?I'd like to play music during the commercials without losing my place in the song queue. Is this possible?
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12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +22
yes - just pause your music, switch to TV input.  Then when want to start listening to music again just hit play on your queue.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
well not so fast.... I checked and when I switch to TV it doesn't erase the queue but it really has no way to go back to the queue at least from the desktop version.  I can pick a song in queue to start again but I have to do it manually.  It doesn't know where I left off.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
mobile version either.  It will switch to TV input and leave the queue intact.  But there is no way to say to switch back to where you left off on the queue.  You have to actually pick a song in the queue to go back to listening to it.
Userlevel 3
Badge +4
This one should be put as an idea.
Userlevel 5
Badge +3
Hello William, 

Chris is correct, there is not a way to 'pick up exactly where you left off in the queue' however you can pause and starting playing tracks from the queue during commercials should you choose to do so. 

I'm going to change your question to an idea so that others can lend their feedback as well. 
I would like this also, if I'm listening to say, a podcast, then switch to TV, then go back, my position within that podcast is lost, very irritating...
This is a great idea. Something I have wanted for awhile. Some sort of toggle button when on the TV screen in mobile app that lets me quickly toggle the source between TV Audio / Playlist Audio. The idea being when I toggle off TV audio to playlist the playlist audio plays exactly where it left off like it was always paused. This would be an amazing feature. One of those "cool" things continuing to set Sonos apart. Would be nice if this toggle could be exposed by my universal remote as well. Please please add this!!
This is a great idea, I would love to see this implemented.
Can a queue option not be added to the left, as the TV option to allow to switch between music and TV or Radio. Quite a few threads suggesting this and every time promoted to idea. Really important feature if using for music and home cinema
Agree, this would be much better. I've had to turn off the "TV auto play" feature on the playbar as it keeps dropping what I am doing if I turn on the TV.
You should be able to toggle using the button on the playbase.
Why was this basic function submitted as an idea three years ago but still not implemented?