
Sonos ACE wear detection

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Wear detection is not working on my Headphones. Wear detection is turned on in the app. If i take the headphones off. Sound carry's on playing.

26 replies

I tried restarting, updating, removing and replacing the ear pads several times, made sure sensors and holes lined up, still had the problem. I then tried this which worked:

1. Removed ear pads, left them off.

2. Put on headphones without the ear pads.

3. Played music (sounded terrible.)

4. Removed earphones, music paused by wear detection.

5. Put earphones back on, music resumed by wear detection.

6. Replaced ear pads, now it is working with ear pads on.

Works now with all sources I’ve tried, except YouTube videos imbedded in a website, but I’m not sure I’d expect that to work.

It seems like it needed to be kick-started like this to begin working? It’s a good feature, I hope a software update fixes it to work better.




