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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Circa 1TB of flac files stored in folders by album, artist and genre. I would quickly navigate through the folders on the app, adding albums or individual songs to the end of queue to create playlists either to save or as a quick and dirty listening for a couple of hours.

That’s it. No streaming services other than the occasional play from Amazon music. Just quick and easy access to my large collection where I knew the location of anything I wanted to play. 

Go try Sonopad and/or Sonophone. You'll be amazed.

They are only iOS though. Is there an alternative for Android?


I’m not sure about 3rd party Sonos controller apps on Android. They probably exist, but I haven't tried any. 

But there are several Android apps you can use to cast a personal music collection to Sonos via UPnP (with your music stored either on your phone, a network share or cloud drive). Just search “upnp music” on the Play store. I’ve been looking at a few and the one I like most based on initial impressions is Symfonium.

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Common sense is looking after your loyal customers.

Presumably this reply has been received by many loyal customers here?

“We’re here for you” seems particularly ironic...


Nope, nothing received here (UK). Registered system so they have my email 🙄

I am absolutely livid with Sonos. 

We have a number of iOS controllers in the house with the Sonos app on. I was only able to turn off the automatic update on one device to stay on the old S2 app and maintain some control over our home music system.

However, after setting up a music queue this morning I now find that even this one device has been updated with the new app, removing any last hope of controlling our system.

Sorry Sonos, I am now putting in an order for a different suppliers hardware because you have totally lost the plot with zero regard for any of your customer base and their requirements.

This is for you, dear moderators @Corry P , @Jamie A and @Sotiris C. 

As a (formerly proud) owner of 4 Sonos Move and 4 Era 300, I wonder where are you hidden. You created this thread and then completely disappeared. Not a single comment, not an update after 42 pages of comments from your CUSTOMERS.

Are you being forced to stay silent or what? Or maybe you don´t know what to say to your CUSTOMERS?

Where is the calendar to get the missed functions back? Where are the explanations? Even more, where are the apologies from Sonos for having lied to their CUSTOMERS?

This is a shame.

In my case, thanks to Aptoide I managed to install again the old app. I hope that anyone from Sonos has the great idea to block that app to xxck their CUSTOMERS even more.

This is for you, dear moderators.

I wonder where are you hidden. You created this thread and then dissapeared. Not a single comment, not an update after 42 pages of comments from your CUSTOMERS.

Are you being forced to stay silent or what? Or maybe you don´t know what to say to your CUSTOMERS?

Where is the calendar to get the missed functions back? Where are the explanations? Even, where are the apologies from Sonos for having lied to their CUSTOMERS?

This is a shame.

In my case, thanks to Aptoide I managed to install again the old app. I hope that anyone from Sonos have the great idea to block that app to xxck their CUSTOMERS even more.

They are clearly hoping we’ll go away. And we will. But it won’t mean this has blown over. It will mean we’ve given up on the app, the product, the forum, the mods, and ever getting taken seriously.

it won’t be a win for Sonos when this thread (and the many like it on other platforms) go quiet. Silence won’t be golden.


The new app is horrible….It worked for like a it won't play anything….my systems are useless….Not buying anymore Sonos products...ever.

Has anyone been able to successfully add a local music library to SonoPhone? I downloaded it to see if I could restore that access. 

I don’t see it available as a direct source, and using Plex, which is another way I can at least view the music, it’s not showing up.


Sidenote, it’s a sad state of affairs for Sonos when I and many other users are eagerly exploring Phone, which to be fair is a pretty unattractive app. But if it can at least allow me to do the main thing I have speakers for, to listen to music, then I’ll gladly use it.


That’s ironic.

I’m still on 16.1 (after rolling back), but upon trying to split my stereo pair it informs me that:

App Update Needed

Update the Sonos app to the latest version. You may have limited functionality until the update is complete.

LOL, did the moderators delete my question asking if anyone has been successful getting SonoPh*one to access a local library (I finally caved and spent the 3 bucks to see if I’d be able to get my music back).

If so, that would be extremely on-brand at this moment in time.

long time Sonos user,  have many products and use everyday throughout my house… I CANNOT and will not use the new app!  It is not user friendly, cluncky and not finished.  I have rolled back to the old app,  however some services are not working due to app needs updating.   This app needs to be reverted back,  a fixed completed better beta needs to come out for user testing before making a change like this. 

With so many other wireless speaker options,  maybe it is time for me to redo my home systems?!?

Is this the current plan from Sonos CEO, Directors, developers, site administrators etc? Just go silent & disappear rather than responding to loyal customers?

I do seriously hope they're taking a kicking on the stock markets.…

Come on "ivory tower brigade" - give your customers a glimmer of hope, plan and timing to resolve your God almighty f*** up!

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

The calendar for updates was in this post, a week ago, and this FAQ article

  • Screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21
  • Adding and editing alarms: May 21
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June 
  • Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June

My understanding is that both that post, and the FAQ article, will be updated as needed.


Is this the current plan from Sonos CEO, Directors, developers, site administrators etc? Just go silent & disappear rather than responding to loyal customers?

I do seriously hope they're taking a kicking on the stock markets.…

Come on "ivory tower brigade" - give your customers a glimmer of hope, plan and timing to resolve your God almighty fuck up!

There are 3 types of customers in the eyes of commercial outfits like Sonos:

Potential customers (includes repeat customers) 

Purchasing customer (includes the Sale) 

Past customer


Loyalty has nothing to do with it, you are a sales figure.

Who do you think Sonos is going to focus on & respond to?


Having heard/read all of the issues with the new app I disabled auto update on my devices but I just purchased a new iPad Pro and - low and behold - it installed the new app instead of the legacy S2. And now my four speakers don’t work. Well, actually they still do because I still have the previous app on my other devices so I can directly compare the two - layout, what works, what doesn't, and what’s missing. And the new app is so bad (I’m just trying to play Sirius stations…..nothing complicated… no dice) I’ve removed it from the new iPad. I feel bad for those who don’t have that option.

Worth remembering what Warren Buffett said: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”

Is this the current plan from Sonos CEO, Directors, developers, site administrators etc? Just go silent & disappear rather than responding to loyal customers?

I do seriously hope they're taking a kicking on the stock markets.…

Come on "ivory tower brigade" - give your customers a glimmer of hope, plan and timing to resolve your God almighty fuck up!

Yup they hid during the ama, have only released platitudes via pr and media. No “we’re sorry we deceived you”   They don’t care about loyal customers, only pushing headphones out the door. 

After two attempts, I can confirm that the moderators are deleting comments that mention the few competitor apps available to get around this debacle. This is very unbranded for Sonos in this moment.

Also, this is what it looks like when a company completely loses the narrative. Ouch.


Moderator edit: Incorrect - posts were flagged as spam by the system. If we actually removed your posts, this post would be an infraction.

App rating now 1.3 for Android phones, 2.8 for tablets - steadily dropping day on day…

That's from a steady 3.8 (ish) for both in under two weeks. Surely this is not just from existing customers but new too?

It'll be 0 by the time they actually release anything to rectify issues next month!

The calendar for updates was in this post, a week ago, and this FAQ article

  • Screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21
  • Adding and editing alarms: May 21
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June 
  • Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June

My understanding is that both that post, and the FAQ article, will be updated as needed.


Asking every user to come check out a community board,as opposed to Sonos management proactively emailing everybody ( they have our email addresses), is indicative of their approach to proactively solving their screwup


I for one actually haven’t received any emails from them, just have seen emails other people have posted here. That also seems on brand for them.


I guess we will all have to just satisfy ourselves with watching SONOS’s incredibly incompetent leadership Drive down their share price in the coming weeks as we keep our fingers crossed that they give us back our music.



I’ve given up on the Sonos app now and resorted to using AirPlay via the Apple Music app. This has 2 benefits, firstly it works (unlike the Sonos app) and secondly being an Apple Music subscriber the Apple Music app will actually play ALL of my tracks unlike the Sonos one which randomly skips tracks. So even if Sonos does ‘fix’ their own app it still has the shortcoming of not playing everything in my playlists anyway.

After wasting more hours of time trying to fix the mess Sonos made with this malware and reading a number of tech and national publications on this debacle, I’ve come to this conclusion -
Follow the money. Sonos prematurely pushed out a terrible rewrite of the app that controls all of their whole-home wireless audio systems. Why? Because Spence promised new gear that needed new software to support promises made for quarterly earnings.
So Sonos rolls out a half-baked, awful app, but guess what? Now it's web-based so Sonos can milk another user data revenue stream (their own radio streaming service was not well received) This new approach opens up tons of user data security issues but gives Sonos tons of user data it can sell off - helping out its mostly hardware-driven revenue model.
Damn the loyal customers who used to be the best sales force Sonos could ever wish for! Damn the horrible inconveniences and time wasted loyal users have to endure. Damn the user security consequences. And damn the damage to the Brand!
As long as the C-suite makes its quarterly bonuses, that's all that matters.
It's supposed to be a wireless home audio system with speakers and amps. Now it's data mining and garbage software company run by the former executive of Blackberry (oh and we know where that ended up).
That’s why there’s no apology from the executives - this was all planned some time ago and they have their mega millions to sit on while we struggle to play audio in our homes and business as promised over and over again by this now terrible company! 

So where is my music library? It has gone from my laptop and of course both mobile devices. The folders have not moved. I could see no mention in the original post of how to access them now, just a mention that it will stay- but how can I access it now? I have neither the time nor the inclination to read every single comment on this long thread. I just want my system to work!!

My Libraries are missing in action as well. Yesterday, mine appeared for a few hours but, when I tried accessing the Folder containing the music… it couldn’t/wouldn’t make the connect. Just a blurry page with a resulting error message. My Libraries are on USB SSD drives - and worked perfectly prior to the “update.”  I want it back the way it was.  Period.

This (removing local functionality and forcing everything through their cloud) is a really bad move by the CEO and CPO. Good thing I have a pair of Genelecs, and I’m about to buy a lot more. All 14 of my Sonos speakers are getting sold on facebook marketplace as soon as this debacle has subsided in the news. And to think that I was just about to buy a pair of Era 300s to replace the One SL rears in my living room surround setup. Now my money is definitely going to Genelec. The only reason I stuck with Sonos, which has about 10% of the musical fidelity of Genelec, is because of the LOCAL functioning app that allowed me to control the things with my phone.


This sucks.

Quick Question: I use an iPhone and iMacs to play my Sonos music. Since, apparently, Sonos has deemed USB drives (NADs) to be children of the devil, would it work to move the Music Libraries (files) onto the main internal hard drive of the iMac (or Windows machine) to avoid the SMB problem they’ve created?  Would the Libraries then be recognized by their crappy new app and my Sonos desktop controllers (iMacs)?  Currently, if I use the desktop controllers, I’m denied access to my own system.
