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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


This is related to MacOS 14.6.1 running the S2 app 16.3. and it hanging when Global Protect is running.  Yes, there’s a post from 2 years ago stating that Sonos doesn’t work if split tunnel is disabled and yes, I read that thread and many of comments justifying or defending Sonos just made me shake my head.  As a network architect and developer (only when I have to), there is no defense for the software crashing just because a VPN is running.

This particular client VPN has split tunnel is disabled it does allow local network access (this is a setting within Global Protect and most other VPN clients).  I can reach every other device on my local network AND its access it from the local IP.  The only traffic that uses the VPN IP is traffic that leaves the local network.

As I write this, I started the Sonos app with the VPN disabled allowing it to connect and then enabled the VPN.  What happened:  the app is still streaming music BUT it’s still hung (spinning wheel; not able to do anything in the app).  This demonstrates that this software is buggy.  There is no reason for Sonos app NOT to operate as long as local network traffic is allowed.  There is NO reason for the software to hang just because a VPN is started.  At the most it should just not see the speakers; not crash. 

This is just poor programming and I hope this is the queue to be fixed (since it worked in previous versions of S2 and had no problem in S1).

Likely so, that has been the previous behavior. I don’t think Apple shares their new hardware before release with many companies. Given the attention on bringing the app to parity, it wouldn’t be awfully surprising if that effort was slightly back-burnered, so to speak.

Fortunately, TruePlay doesn’t change when you get a new iOS device, so you can set it up once, with your older iOS device, and it won’t need to be re-done until you move your speakers around. 

This is related to MacOS 14.6.1 running the S2 app 16.3. and it hanging when Global Protect is running.  Yes, there’s a post from 2 years ago stating that Sonos doesn’t work if split tunnel is disabled and yes, I read that thread and many of comments justifying or defending Sonos just made me shake my head.  As a network architect and developer (only when I have to), there is no defense for the software crashing just because a VPN is running.

This particular client VPN has split tunnel is disabled it does allow local network access (this is a setting within Global Protect and most other VPN clients).  I can reach every other device on my local network AND its access it from the local IP.  The only traffic that uses the VPN IP is traffic that leaves the local network.

As I write this, I started the Sonos app with the VPN disabled allowing it to connect and then enabled the VPN.  What happened:  the app is still streaming music BUT it’s still hung (spinning wheel; not able to do anything in the app).  This demonstrates that this software is buggy.  There is no reason for Sonos app NOT to operate as long as local network traffic is allowed.  There is NO reason for the software to hang just because a VPN is started.  At the most it should just not see the speakers; not crash. 

This is just poor programming and I hope this is the queue to be fixed (since it worked in previous versions of S2 and had no problem in S1).


Just wanted to add, I’m willing to work with the developers.  I can provide crash reports, logs or any other debugging they might need.  Better than just complaining about issues.  They can reach out to me for any help I can provide.



Have you read the information CEO comments here, the information in the app update schedule here, seen the posts release notes here, or even the quarterly comments here?

You mean this? "We plan to continue releasing new software updates on a bi-weekly cadence."

It's not happening. 

Sorry, wasn’t there a software update (to speaker firmware) last week? Which two week period are you concerned about?

Have you ever written any code that inconveniently doesn’t fit in with a standard two week Agile release process?

Have you read the information CEO comments here, the information in the app update schedule here, seen the posts release notes here, or even the quarterly comments here?

You mean this? "We plan to continue releasing new software updates on a bi-weekly cadence."

It's not happening. 

 I didn’t even really notice when the old app updated. Now when 8 days late I’m nervous about what else they broke or the new bug they will release anyways. 

It would be great if they just fixed the app and put all the missing features back and made it as great as promised, cause 4+ months and it’s still a pos is inept. 

Why do people need to try and defend the indefensible? The release schedule is clearly app focused. Starting to claim speaker firmware updates count towards the two weekly cadence is stretching it. Even if we accept that, it also clearly says:

With each release, we will share detailed notes on what we’ve addressed and what we’re working on next in our Community.

Perhaps you could tell everyone exactly what is in the last firmware release and what they are working on next in the firmware? 

Whilst I don’t expect a bang on two weekly schedule to be met, Sonos have set the expectation themselves, primarily I’d guess to try and placate users, but seem unable to keep to the expectations they set. Worse, they don’t offer any explanations on why it might be late, or how late it might be, which would be the correct way to approach any delays to the schedule they created. 

Why do people need to try and defend the indefensible? The release schedule is clearly app focused. Starting to claim speaker firmware updates count towards the two weekly cadence is stretching it. Even if we accept that, it also clearly says:

With each release, we will share detailed notes on what we’ve addressed and what we’re working on next in our Community.

Perhaps you could tell everyone exactly what is in the last firmware release and what they are working on next in the firmware? 

Whilst I don’t expect a bang on two weekly schedule to be met, Sonos have set the expectation themselves, primarily I’d guess to try and placate users, but seem unable to keep to the expectations they set. Worse, they don’t offer any explanations on why it might be late, or how late it might be, which would be the correct way to approach any delays to the schedule they created. 

I’ll tell you what is not in it: a fix for the c***ed up screwed up Library listing where any album with Various Artists shows up listed over and over again for every song on the Album.  That’s been broken for weeks by a firmware release that was required if I wanted support.  And what did that release do besides f-up my system even more? Who knows. It’s all so broken and flakey, how would anyone know?

And did they roll that crap back or fix it - nope - still broken. Will pigs fly, will hell freeze over? Will SONOS ever get their system working again?  I saw a flying pig at a Pink Floyd show.  Dante says the lowest level of Hell is frozen. Ball is in your court SONOS!

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.


Moderators - I know you guys are good at catching most of our frustrated bad language, but I hope you are passing these suggestions up the chain as input to correct some of the issues mentioned by some.  I myself have mentioned at least 10 times over the past month or so about after searching my music queues and playing a song about two or three hundred songs down, that when I change app windows or leave that now playing window, I keep going to the top of that playlist and I have to start all over again. This is EXTREMELY frustrating and I’m hoping this gets fixed soon. I know you don’t have time to communicate with us all individually, but every once in a while, you should pipe up and lets us know about our suggestions and issues if anyone is aware or working on the issues discussed. I called the tech support number many times and have mentioned this to them and they claim they are passing this info up the chain. But nothing ever happens. This seems like an easy fix. The old app used to do this. 

Moderators - I know you guys are good at catching most of our frustrated bad language, but I hope you are passing these suggestions up the chain as input to correct some of the issues mentioned by some.  


It’s hard to track all the responses to discussion here so you might want to keep an eye on the Sonos board as they are allegedly adding future developments to it.

Hi @John Guarr,

Moderators - I know you guys are good at catching most of our frustrated bad language, but I hope you are passing these suggestions up the chain as input to correct some of the issues mentioned by some.

We’re passing all feedback and suggestions up; we have channels of communication where we can flag issues and we have a weekly sheet for suggestions/feature requests, but this is all we moderators can really do regarding this. The same goes for the phone and chat agents but it’s still worth reaching out so it can be recorded.

If the team are aware of any issues that are being worked on, the most we can say is that ‘we’re aware but have have no ETA’ which I’d assume many find it fairly repetitive to hear, so that’s probably why you don’t see us chiming in much after that. If we could say more, we definitely would.

We have a comprehensive list of issues that the team is working on and we’re flagging anything that community users are seeing, though we can’t comment on the priority of specific issues. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.

Hi @John Guarr,

Moderators - I know you guys are good at catching most of our frustrated bad language, but I hope you are passing these suggestions up the chain as input to correct some of the issues mentioned by some.

We’re passing all feedback and suggestions up; we have channels of communication where we can flag issues and we have a weekly sheet for suggestions/feature requests, but this is all we moderators can really do regarding this. The same goes for the phone and chat agents but it’s still worth reaching out so it can be recorded.

If the team are aware of any issues that are being worked on, the most we can say is that ‘we’re aware but have have no ETA’ which I’d assume many find it fairly repetitive to hear, so that’s probably why you don’t see us chiming in much after that. If we could say more, we definitely would.

We have a comprehensive list of issues that the team is working on and we’re flagging anything that community users are seeing, though we can’t comment on the priority of specific issues. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.

Okay, I understand. Thank you very much. 

FATIGUE. After FOUR months dreading the miserable crap app. With the recent firmware update tracks started jumping. (Yes, I did a network refresh, several times). I see no reason why bother to report, repeat, reiterate any of the already known and still counting issues. Sonos not compelled by this misery. Nothing substantial has happened since the flawed app got launched in May. Resolved issues are replaced with new ones. Bi-weekly update? Haha, yeah right. CEO Spencer (who has yet to made himself redundant because of this shambles) posted a letter in July. Sort of like "check is in the mail”. Yet they are planning to launch new products. Pay in and it will all get better? Seems like a Ponzi-scheme to me.
