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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Two of my Play5 gen2 speakers are still bricked after a failed APP update last month. Then customer support suggested factory reset. Now stuck in a failed loop where APP detects add speaker, requires an update, which stalls at ¾, every time. Once left it for 24 hours.  I don’t read any plans for the APP to address S1 S2 upgrades, downgrades, or whatever it takes just to get back to playing Spotify, nothing else. Have decided to chuck them out, for sanity sake. My last forum entry. There appears to be no plans to fix.  No reply from CEO email. 

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

I keep thinking about your post and it is troubling me. I don’t know if you’ll come by and read this, but those Play5 speakers are great speakers, probably one of the best speakers that Sonos has made. Except for not have two rear firing speakers, every time I look at them, I think about my old Bose 901’s. If Sonos was smart, they would look at your post and contact you. I think you are saying that they were working at one time and playing Spotify. And I think I’m understanding that the new app is seeing these speakers and wants to perform a firmware update, but that is never completing. I would remove everything from the app, all these voice and streaming services and try it again. I don’t know if you have tried this yet. Also, You might want to add the two Play5’s using one of the PC apps. I have always found the Windows PC app to work for me in the past when adding or updating new equipment. Maybe try doing this and leave the new app out of the picture. Good luck, John

Hard to get the fixes when this happens.  I was using a Dell laptop with Windows 11.


I will update when I find time to do the 1101 fixes.  I’ve done them before with no positive results since the app update.  Try, try again.

I will update when I find time to do the 1101 fixes.  I’ve done them before with no positive results since the app update.  Try, try again.

Don’t know if this helps but I just updated and it told me it couldn’t find my sub, gave me an error and told me to try again. But I ignored it and after a few mins it turned out it had in fact updated. So perhaps that will apply here..? If you check for updates again, it may now say there isn’t one.

I did not complete the update but I tried again and it worked.  Thanks for the help.

Listen to your customers and get the app sorted. You made a conscious decision to make the app changes and Sonos have let their customers down. Don’t blame bugs and announce bug fixes. Put your customers at the forefront, listen to them and make the Sonos experience fit for purpose. Thank you. 

Listen to your customers and get the app sorted. You made a conscious decision to make the app changes and Sonos have let their customers down. Don’t blame bugs and announce bug fixes. Put your customers at the forefront, listen to them and make the Sonos experience fit for purpose. Thank you. 

Sonos are listening and have prioritised sorting the App issues - see this link:

Everything changes and stays the same, that is the story with Sonos.  Last week, for about a week i was actually able to connect to my backup music folder and play my music, what a joy.  Went to bed, woke up and it had disappeared and i could not re-establish the connection.  There wasn't any update that i saw or agreed to (i check almost daily but especially on Tu/We, thanks @Rhonny) so it wasn't anything i did.  The rest of the week was frantic and music-less.  Today we got an update and i duly installed it.  

Can't tell if it has made a difference to anything else but it has not allowed me to reconnect with my music folder, either the one on a drive connected to my notebook or the one on the router.  Does it mean anything that the error messages are different, depending on the option chosen?  If i try to connect to my notebook external drive i get the 913 error message.  If i try to connect to the router copy i get a simple ‘unable to connect’ message.  


I fear if you are looking for sympathy over the amount of work you have, you may be looking in the wrong place. There are so many valid questions that Sonos have to answer, as detailed in many forums. But fundamentally, you need to take along hard look at the lack of UAT that has resulted in such a disastrous app, the absence of communication and advance notice over feature removal, and the poor quality UI of the current app (and, on the last point, many past iterations too.)

Whereas once people perhaps tolerated low quality software development and clunky firmware, because the hardware quality and sound reproduction were sector-leading, you are no longer top of the pile in that space. So many others have excellent wireless speaker systems now, that you have to be market leading in every department - and Sonos are not.

In fact, right now I fear you are market losing. 

You have a long journey. Slick marketing just creates expectations you need to meet, and when you don’t and customers realise Sonos talk the talk, but can’t walk the walk, they will understandably switch allegiance.

I for one am getting pretty close to throwing the bricks made by Sonos, but rendered useless by Sonos,  in the bin and never coming back.

I bet I am not alone.




I fear if you are looking for sympathy over the amount of work you have, you may be looking in the wrong place.



I’m not sure sympathy was ever sought, it was simply explaining that they’d do their best to respond in the face of huge volumes of posts. But I think we should be sympathetic with the moderators of this forum. They didn’t make the decisions that led to the influx of anger and abuse that has materialised over the last couple of months. 

Be careful not to conflate forum mods with the executive team at Sonos when you address your posts.

New firmware 80.1-55240 and my Play 1 surrounds (according to PC app) are erroring and refusing to update. Looking at version numbers in the Android app this extends to the Sub too with the 3 of them remaining on 80.1-55014... all other speakers updated.

The app itself is still failing the update process full stop, as it has always done, reporting a problem in checking for updates!

Just updated to Version: 16.3.1 (build 80155240). Didn’t notice anything yet except my Beam did indicate WM:3 for a minute, but now it’s back to WM:0. I am configured for SonosNet. Going to play around and make sure everything is still working. 

New firmware 80.1-55240 and my Play 1 surrounds (according to PC app) are erroring and refusing to update. Looking at version numbers in the Android app this extends to the Sub too with the 3 of them remaining on 80.1-55014... all other speakers updated.

The app itself is still failing the update process full stop, as it has always done, reporting a problem in checking for updates!

The surrounds/sub get their IP address via the main player (soundbar etc.) I’d perhaps reboot that main player or the router and see if that then solves the update issue.

Thanks @Ken_Griffiths , it doesn't - previous updates have had no issues (apart from general failure of the app...).

Just to be clear, surround IP's are assigned and managed by the network DHCP. The Soundbar's involvement does not alter this.

Any ideas what the update is for? No issues in updating... 

There is a new SONOS APP UPDATE just gone live - for iOS it’s version 80.05.05 (not sure if there is an update for Android as the release notes are yet to go live).

iOS App Store says:

  • Improves stability when adding new products
  • Addresses excess battery usage.

Thanks @Ken_Griffiths , it doesn't - previous updates have had no issues (apart from general failure of the app...).

Just to be clear, surround IP's are assigned and managed by the network DHCP. The Soundbar's involvement does not alter this.

If the surrounds are bonded (not grouped) to the soundbar - the IP addresses are proxied by the soundbar. So it’s (still) worth trying a reboot of that device, if not tried already.

@Ken_Griffiths Yep they are bonded, I did the reboot, no joy... Now though my surround setup (5 speakers) is unreachable from the app - showing as not connected! Still good for TV but no amount of rebooting seems to help from app pov…

Just another Sonos improvement obviously 🤬

(No idea what happened to previous post content...)

@Ken_Griffiths Yep they are bonded, I did the reboot, no joy... Now though my surround setup (5 speakers) is unreachable from the app - showing as not connected! Still good for TV but no amount of rebooting seems to help from app pov…

Just another Sonos improvement obviously 🤬

(No idea what happened to previous post content...)

You could update the app to today’s version so the app at least fully restarts, in case it helps anything to return...

@Ken_Griffiths Yep they are bonded, I did the reboot, no joy... Now though my surround setup (5 speakers) is unreachable from the app - showing as not connected! Still good for TV but no amount of rebooting seems to help from app pov…

Just another Sonos improvement obviously 🤬

(No idea what happened to previous post content...)

Strange, what router/mesh setup are you using? - Are you using SonosNet, if so which devices are wired? Have you disabled the wireless adapters on ‘any’ of your Sonos products, including the soundbar?

@Rhonny Update available for Android too. Installing bought the 5.1 kit back on-line, app is now reporting system upto date but still showing old software version for surrounds and sub...

@Ken_Griffiths no SonosNet all Wi-Fi but as above all back with new app for the moment...

@Rhonny Update available for Android too. Installing bought the 5.1 kit back on-line, app is now reporting system upto date but still showing old software version for surrounds and sub...

@Ken_Griffiths no SonosNet all Wi-Fi but as above all back with new app for the moment...

Maybe unbond the surrounds/sub and update them and then re-bond them.

One of the biggest frustrations with the whole thing at the moment is how inconsistent it is. One day searching the local library works, the next day it doesn’t. How can the same app produce such different  results from one day to the next even without app or firmware updates in between

This suggest that the app is using the web every time and some things don’t load properly on some launches

One of the biggest frustrations with the whole thing at the moment is how inconsistent it is. One day searching the local library works, the next day it doesn’t. How can the same app produce such different  results from one day to the next even without app or firmware updates in between

This suggest that the app is using the web every time and some things don’t load properly on some launches

Dunno, I haven’t seen the issues you mention, but maybe it’s the case that Sonos are continually updating some things and you’re just coming across some things being worked on - The library search here has been okay, but I did see that ‘Albums’ needed grouping by Album Title, but I understand Sonos are aware of that issue.

By the way I find the new search is really quick across all services, including the locally held library index.

There is a new SONOS APP UPDATE just gone live - for iOS it’s version 80.05.05 (not sure if there is an update for Android as the release notes are yet to go live).

iOS App Store says:

  • Improves stability when adding new products
  • Addresses excess battery usage.


I have never known the community so nonplussed by the release of a new app version…! Talk about jaded and browbeaten by it all...!

Where’s @Bumper when you need him?
