Warning about New App - Do Not Update if you use alarm & other features

Userlevel 2

SONOS has seen fit to release an update on its app with some features absent.

If you want to use the alarm or sleep timer then (caps lock alert): DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT UPDATING. Other features, which I don’t use so am unaware of their absence, may not be available too.

The “Customer Experience” team has told me: 

“features such as playlist creation and queue editing within the Sonos app, sleep timers, and local library support will not be available at launch, but will be added to the app on a rolling basis over the coming months”. 

Months??!! I used to use the alarm feature every day -  not now thanks to this “upgrade”. 

Why SONOS has launched an app update that’s clearly not ready for general release beyond beta is beyond me.

The whole thing is an utter shambles and spoils the SONOS brand.

This customer is not happy with his experience. 

4 replies

Userlevel 1

Doesn’t surprise me. They did stuff like this with their API years ago. Frustrating but I get it as a company. I also loved the alarm feature so I hope they bring it back sooner than later!!

I did not get a chance not to update it just updated why can I not go beck to my older version as the Si still seems to be available 

Agree, this is ridiculous. Alarm and sleep timer are features I use daily. I’m not the of the logic behind “updating” the app without these features.



Userlevel 2

I’m glad to say that the alarm is now available in the latest version. It’s buried a little deeper in Settings > Manage > Alarms. Other missing elements will become available over the next few weeks apparently.  Whether SONOS hurriedly restored the alarm because of the upcry is not for me to say. To be fair the new app does seem a little more responsive and less prone to hanging than S2 but by releasing a major upgrade with less features SONOS’s change management has been a little clumsy imo. 
