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It seems hard to believe, but that seems to be the unanimous “rumor” here. I am hoping it’s just because the implementation in the new app immature, and that maybe some time in the future this will work again.

But, could Sonos comment? Is the support for playing from a music library going away?

I’ve purchased a Brennan D3 to act as a music storage device.  After burning 450 or so CDs to it, I CAN now reach those CDs, but the Brennan lacks in sorting and playlist creation capabilities, and I STILL can’t play any purchased music from my system via SONOS.  I THOUGHT this latest release was supposed to fix that, hence my question: anybody else have any luck getting back to the music on their own computers?  

Hi @Fred_6, poking around their website I see the Brennan can act as a NAS which you should be able to add as a Music Library via either the Mac desktop app or the iOS mobile app. Looks like you have to enable “NAS mode” on the Brennan per this article …

It seems hard to believe, but that seems to be the unanimous “rumor” here. I am hoping it’s just because the implementation in the new app immature, and that maybe some time in the future this will work again.

But, could Sonos comment? Is the support for playing from a music library going away?


Hey Sonos! How about a simple answer to this question.  Yes or no.  The “best answer” given to this thread dances all around the issue.  You would think that after two months of customer turmoil and dissatisfaction, the least we could get is a plain and unambiguous answer.  Let me restate the question:  Are you going to make it possible for Sonos to once again to play songs from our personal music libraries on our own computers?  Yes or no?

This is a community website, not a Sonos Support website, or even a method to directly communicate with Sonos. I suspect the moderators report in general the community sentiment, but I suspect they don’t have time to answer every demand for an answer.

I have been able to play my local library without issue, throughout this set of releases. I would assume that Sonos will not go back on their decision for HTTP or SMB v1 access. If your system has been using this, you need to make changes. 

For MacOS users, see this thread.

For Windows users, see this thread.

Sonos sent out notices both in the S2 app, and in email, about these changes. They also updated the FAQ to reflect the update. While they have stated that the local library system continues to be worked on, I do not expect them to resume use of http or SMB v1, so if your computer uses them, I’d recommend re-adding your share, as is indicated in the controller, where it says ‘We’ve made security changes to supported libraries. You may need to re-add your library”.

If you’re having trouble finding this area in your controller, open the S2 controller, click on the gear icon at the upper right of the screen, then the word ‘Manage’ under it. Next, click on ‘Music Library’, and the page to enter/modify your local library will come up.

If you continue to have issues, I would recommend that you call Sonos Support to discuss it.


This is a community website, not a Sonos Support website, or even a method to directly communicate with Sonos. I suspect the moderators report in general the community sentiment, but I suspect they don’t have time to answer every demand for an answer.

I have been able to play my local library without issue, throughout this set of releases. I would assume that Sonos will not go back on their decision for HTTP or SMB v1 access. If your system has been using this, you need to make changes. 

For MacOS users, see this thread.

For Windows users, see this thread.

Sonos sent out notices both in the S2 app, and in email, about these changes. They also updated the FAQ to reflect the update. While they have stated that the local library system continues to be worked on, I do not expect them to resume use of http or SMB v1, so if your computer uses them, I’d recommend re-adding your share, as is indicated in the controller, where it says ‘We’ve made security changes to supported libraries. You may need to re-add your library”.

If you’re having trouble finding this area in your controller, open the S2 controller, click on the gear icon at the upper right of the screen, then the word ‘Manage’ under it. Next, click on ‘Music Library’, and the page to enter/modify your local library will come up.

If you continue to have issues, I would recommend that you call Sonos Support to discuss it.


I am fully aware that this is not a Sonos Support website, thank you. But in fact, moderators have responded at least once to individual posts in other threads on this support site. I should have mentioned that I had already wasted two hours between Sonos chat and phone support. The chat agent didn’t even know about the May app rollout debacle, and the phone agent was clueless, running me through various futile troubleshooting exercises and finally giving up. It was only after all that that I sought help here on the forums.

The directions for re-adding my music library linked in Sonos’s May 2 warning email contained an incorrect step that stopped the process cold for me. In the section “Add Your Music Library in the Sonos App,” Step 3 says “Select Networked device (ex. NAS drive).”  After trying that a bunch of times (including the phone tech support agent advising it) and failing, I finally chose the first, highlighted button, which said something like Add Your Music Folder.  When I clicked that button, my music folder was added in seconds with no other steps. Just like that. This was after I had disabled SMBv1 on my Windows 10 PC as someone helped me do on another Sonos Community thread, no thanks to Sonos Support.

Even though I was voted “Best Student” in my Pro Tools class and know a little something about audio, I had no idea before all this what an SMB is. More to the point, I have no desire to know, and Sonos is way off base expecting me to know. I paid $$$$ for their top-of-the-line system, and I expect top level customer support, directed not at spectrum-adjacent tech heads, bless their hearts, but at the average consumer.  Regaining my music library was very simple once I ferreted out some basic information that Sonos should have provided on May 2 in their original email.  Sonos, do better!

I’ve purchased a Brennan D3 to act as a music storage device.  After burning 450 or so CDs to it, I CAN now reach those CDs, but the Brennan lacks in sorting and playlist creation capabilities, and I STILL can’t play any purchased music from my system via SONOS.  I THOUGHT this latest release was supposed to fix that, hence my question: anybody else have any luck getting back to the music on their own computers?  

Hi @Fred_6, poking around their website I see the Brennan can act as a NAS which you should be able to add as a Music Library via either the Mac desktop app or the iOS mobile app. Looks like you have to enable “NAS mode” on the Brennan per this article …

Hi Press250,

First off, thank you for your reply.  That was quite kind, and I appreciate it.

I AM aware that my new Brennan can serve as a NAS, and that’s exactly how I have it set up.  So the good news, is that I DO have access to the 450 or so CD’s I’ve ripped onto the Brennan unit since the SONOS disaster.  (Seems strange to me that I apparently can add a NAS to my  SONOS system, but not a music library from the same MacBook where the SONOS software resides… *sigh*) Alas, that still leaves a somewhat significant piece of the music we own “locked” onto my laptop, since I cannot add my laptop music as a music library.

A little while ago (but today), I was able to update my SONOS to whatever the latest version is.  That appears to have worked, but when I try to add my laptop as a music library, I’m still getting that original 913 error when I try.  I had expected, based on the SONOS explanation of what was to be included in this latest update that I’d be able to do that.

Oh well, guess the “forced patience” requested by Patrick is still in effect.

Again, thanks.

A little while ago (but today), I was able to update my SONOS to whatever the latest version is.  That appears to have worked, but when I try to add my laptop as a music library, I’m still getting that original 913 error when I try.  I had expected, based on the SONOS explanation of what was to be included in this latest update that I’d be able to do that.

Hi @Fred_6, I was ‘helping’ with the same issue on another thread and @brian163 chimed in with a complete series of screenshots for setting up file sharing on a Mac …

… see if that works for you.