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customer service

  • 24 July 2024
  • 4 replies

I just called customer service in the uk and was informed the wait would be 105 minutes. I guess a lot of “Sonos Members” are experiencing similar problems to us. Our system has stopped working, we get the annoying messages that our individual components cannot be found, the Sonos customer service is unreachable. I see that there are over 450,000 “members” registered. I wonder how many are regretting buying Sonos? It is clear to me that the “product” supplied is simply not fit for purpose. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Based in the UK, my system crashes from time to time as well and I employ various methods to fix it. From powering on and off speakers or modem (standard BT issue) plus app on phone by powering phone on and off etc etc. Totally tedious but it usually stabilises the issue - for a short while anyway! Have a mixture of legacy plus newer units. 
The app relaunch was a technical and PR disaster, and by treating their customers’s in the arrogant and demeaning fashion they did, will take some time to recover from - if ever! 
However work is moving on to slowly improve and restore things on the tech side. Whether restored company reputation is achieved remains a moot question!

Thanks for your reply. We did get one speaker working for a while! 

luckily there are other better options out there l


good luck with your system. Hope it remains stable 

Cheers Enuff1. Wouldn’t give up on Sonos quite yet though. From what I can glean I don’t think any system comes hassle free! 
Incidently - had to restore part of  my system again today. Powering down etc stabilised it - for now anyway! 

Thanks Jannyman . A lot more advice and support from you that the non existent Sonos customer services or should I say disservices!!!
