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**Class Action Lawsuit** We all deserve to recoup all hardware investment

If ever a situation called for a class action lawsuit, this is it:

  • Company sells customers expensive, multi-unit hardware systems
  • Tethers customers to a software ecosystem to use them effectively
  • Dramatically changes software into an auto-update environment
  • Unsuspecting customers lose access to extensive, core media sources and features that significantly diminish the value of their expensive hardware and/or make it untenable for usage they had every reason to believe they would continue to have
  • Customers wishing to continue meeting these essential needs forced to sell Company hardware that they had no intention of doing at a loss and buy competitor hardware.
  • Pattern of behavior by Company indicates that choices made to remove said functionality were part of an intentional, plan to damage the product experience of many users in favor of others.

Seriously. This would be like selling someone a car and then updating the operating system so that the steering wheels was controlled by AI instead of manual because there’s more profit there for the company.

Even if they resolve this issue with their awful software release, how much in damages are deserved for every customer for heir lost time and undue harm?

The store value of my hardware suite, which I had no intention of replacing is probably $7,000 - $8,000. How much do others have invested who believe they need to leave SONOS?

I am not someone who can start a class action lawsuit, but I’m sure there are people here who can, and I’d be at the front of the line to join it and recoup my losses. If you feel similarly, then bump up this thread so that SONOS is held accountable

Ken, My sonos 1 and Sonos 2 apps were set to auto update so both are on latest versions.
Sonos 1 V11.14: Build 572150280 no updates avail on android.

I understand that I can uninstall these and load the .apk of older versions if I can find them.
But I shouldnt have to do this, but may have to to get these older sonso 2 devices working again.

My newer Gen 2 Play 1 setup fine with new Sonos 2 app. but my older devices are still disconected and unregistered.

I believe the new Sonos App, as far as I’m aware, is just for ‘existing; S2 products only - you likely need to use the old S1 App for your previously setup devices that are on the S1 App build 11.4 or earlier.  

My thoughts are to perhaps try the "System Compatibility Checker" (SCC) in the S1 App, to see if it will move/upgrade them to the new Sonos App (that’s assuming it’s what your are trying to do here?)… if no joy with the SCC tool, then you may need to speak to Sonos Customer Support about your predicament.

Here is the link to contact them:

Update on Sonos One setup: Updated Sonos 2 android app.
Sonos 2 app Recognised Sonos One, connected and registered, but didnt give a room allocation,
I can sellect Sonos One system (one time only) BUT when I try to access the system containing Sonos One it goes back to settings with no “products found”. I can find my existing system but not the Sonos One just set up.

In system settings cant add a speaker or component , when I touch the screen button nothing happens
I would call this still broken for basic device setup connection function

As far as I know there are no instances of the new software 'breaking' any hardware components. 

I think the point is more that the collective functionality that existed on the day I bought a system is now - from my perspective at least - seriously compromised. Hardware/firmware/software - doesn’t really matter - I bought a collective thing and this has seriously screwed the basic functionality of the way I (yes me, possibly not you) use the system. There may be “feature updates” in the pipeline (though as someone in software development these should be carefully designed, implemented and tested - sounds like they will be rushed out). Plus these “feature updates” are in some cases basic functions which should have been present from day one. In terms of browsing and playing music “ad hoc” - you can play one song at a time…! Sounds like the old days of 45rpm singles… that really is progress Sonos - well done Spence & team. 

Never have I experienced any company that drained me about 6000 dollars of speakers , made my speakers almost all obsolete not allowing me to use them. Even iphone 6 can be used . Dramatically changed my app experience , prevents me from listening to my own music library. Bugs and connectivity keep getting worse with time one downgrade after the other . Please help me get half my money back. I never made such a mistake . Speakers out of all equipment last a lifetime but these are simply worthless by an evil company purposefully stole and scammed me . I support mass action lawsuit against sonos . I never take my time in joining any forum ever except now.

I see that download and use of the updated version of the app - requires “acceptance” of a whole raft of conditions - including section 13 - not participating in a group action against Sonos. This is all so ridiculous. I liked Sonos - it was a great, if not perfect product. They’ve steam rollered us  with a half baked “replacement” app that removes some really basic functionality - and surprise surprise - people are upset. Maybe I’m wrong and it’s always been there - but it seems like a very defensive move to now require people to “accept” these terms - before being able to use their own equipment. So Spence and Co. are under commercial pressure to deliver new revenue (… headphones) - but not by upsetting 1% (REALLY!?) of their customer base (the other 99% apparently being happy). It takes a real leader to accept things are not as they should be, to step back, take a breath and try (carefully) again.

I see that download and use of the updated version of the app - requires “acceptance” of a whole raft of conditions - including section 13 - not participating in a group action against Sonos. This is all so ridiculous. I liked Sonos - it was a great, if not perfect product. They’ve steam rollered us  with a half baked “replacement” app that removes some really basic functionality - and surprise surprise - people are upset. Maybe I’m wrong and it’s always been there - but it seems like a very defensive move to now require people to “accept” these terms - before being able to use their own equipment. So Spence and Co. are under commercial pressure to deliver new revenue (… headphones) - but not by upsetting 1% (REALLY!?) of their customer base (the other 99% apparently being happy). It takes a real leader to accept things are not as they should be, to step back, take a breath and try (carefully) again.

A lot of times, those agreements are unenforceable. 

I see that download and use of the updated version of the app - requires “acceptance” of a whole raft of conditions - including section 13 - not participating in a group action against Sonos. This is all so ridiculous. I liked Sonos - it was a great, if not perfect product. They’ve steam rollered us  with a half baked “replacement” app that removes some really basic functionality - and surprise surprise - people are upset. Maybe I’m wrong and it’s always been there - but it seems like a very defensive move to now require people to “accept” these terms - before being able to use their own equipment. So Spence and Co. are under commercial pressure to deliver new revenue (… headphones) - but not by upsetting 1% (REALLY!?) of their customer base (the other 99% apparently being happy). It takes a real leader to accept things are not as they should be, to step back, take a breath and try (carefully) again.

Sonos publish the archives of previous version on the website. That clause has been there since November 2022, including opt out instructions, and prior to that there was a binding arbitration clause, so it’s nothing new.

It also isn’t a Sonos specific thing and many companies, especially tech ones, have been including similar in their terms of use/eula for years. The T&C highlight has started appearing in multiple locations online and looks to me like people deliberately trying to find planned malice to wind people up where none actually exists.

Did Sonos mess up? Big time. They messed up the release, how they handled the chaos that followed as a result and how the company leadership responded to the issues.

Part of me hopes, especially for those affected, it will act as a wake up call for people to stop sleepwalking their way into giving increasingly more control of parts of their life to companies, but in reality it won’t. Worse things have occurred with other companies and it didn’t dramatically change people’s behaviour.

Like the post above yours demonstrates

  • Sonos didn’t drain them of money, they chose to give Sonos the money.
  • the speakers haven’t been made obsolete, the software is not working correctly and missing feature of the previous version, but that isn’t the same as obsolete and not being fixed.
  • While passive speakers can be expected to last a lifetime with a little simple maintenance, a Sonos speaker is a media player, power amplifier and speaker in one so not really a valid comparison.

Rather than accept responsibility for their action of choosing products they have no control over, they deflect it to the company they bought from.


Very well put.

A note regarding the new Terms of Use Sonos requires you to accept when using the app… for me noticed today when opening the iOS app:



It seems all the talk of a class action suit have reached management.


In section 13 (j):

Right to opt-out of the Arbitration Agreement. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE BOUND BY THE “ARBITRATION AGREEMENT” AS SET FORTH IN THIS “DISPUTE RESOLUTION” SECTION 13, THEN: (1) you must notify Sonos in writing within thirty (30) days of the date that you purchased a single Sonos Product or otherwise become subject to this Arbitration Agreement (or any subsequent changes to the provisions of the section titled “Dispute Resolution”); (2) your written notification must be mailed to Sonos at 301 Coromar Dr., Goleta, CA 93117, Attn: Legal Department or emailed to and (3) your written notification must include (a) your name, (b) your address, (c) the date you purchased the product, if applicable and (d) a clear statement that you wish to opt out of this Arbitration Agreement. Sonos will continue to honor any valid opt outs if you opted out of arbitration in a prior version of the Agreement pursuant to the requirements set forth in that version. If you do not timely opt out of this Arbitration Agreement, such action shall constitute mutual acceptance of the terms of these “Dispute Resolution” provisions by you and Sonos.

Definitely interested in Class Action Lawsuit.

Definitely interested in Class Action Lawsuit.

Never going to happen.

Totally agree.  I had about $8,000 - $10,000 (guessing) professionally installed when we moved into our new house.  Every bit of it is totally worthless now.  Even if they get this update figured out it’s gonna cost me a fortune to get my AV guy to make it all function again.  He’s a sharp guy and a Sonos certified installer and he doesn’t have any idea how to get my system operating again.  I can understand that equipment can, in time, become obsolete, but there was no “warning” or “notice” associated with the update that would indicate that I could possibly render my entire system obsolete.  I’m at a point where I will more than likely have to replace my entire system.  I am looking at alternatives to Sonos.  

Shame on Sonos!!

I can’t trust this new app in a commercial setting.  This new app is so bad and so unresponsive that music will be playing and the app will show nothing playing. I hit play on a song, which was part of a playlist, then the next song came on and was totally fine for the employee to listen to if they chose, but absolutely offensive for the general public. I opened the app and it showed that nothing was playing the speakers that were playing music with lots of profanity. I had just hit play one some before on the same device and now there was no way to stop the music because the app showed nothing playing.  I’m running around grabbing ladders to unplug the speakers.  I left in a private office and could only get it to pause after I turned the phone off, powered it back up and opened the app.  This app sucks so bad I can’t trust it anymore in my business and I currently have over 20 Sonos speakers.  Thanks for sinking me  with 8 grand of untrustworthy crap.

1 - Playbar

3 - Beams

2 - Roams

4 - 5’s

11 - Play 1’s

1 - New $400 NAS I can’t use to go with my 21 - speakers that I can’t use, not to mention all of the expensive stands for each speaker….$1,000’s of dollars that are useless.

All this money spent and we sit in silence.

Roll back the old app.

Sign me up for the class action lawsuit.

I want my:

Hours on hold returned

and my money invested returned



Count me in on the class action too if it gets off the ground - I play almost solely from my own music library on my  NAS - the link to this library in Sonos app just disappeared and no way to get it back - total disgrace of a company

I just want to be able to use the product I paid a lot of money for again. I didn't update it, it updated itself and now can't find my Beam 2, can't connect my sub mini and two S1s g2s.

Was going to buy my Mum an Era but not anymore, how on earth would she bea able to use it!

I'm in.

I just want to be able to use the product I paid a lot of money for again. I didn't update it, it updated itself and now can't find my Beam 2, can't connect my sub mini and two S1s g2s.

Was going to buy my Mum an Era but not anymore, how on earth would she bea able to use it!

I'm in.

There is no ‘in’ because there is no lawsuit.  Only lots of people saying “I’m in”.

Updated: After browsing more of the posts in this thread, I have to agree that a lawsuit is unlikely. But I’ll leave my complaints untouched below, if anything to add my name to the group of people who feel significantly burned by the decisions that Sonos made here, and who will very likely back away from being a customer and recommending Sonos to others.

Count me in… I’ve been a loyal Sonos customer for years, and have gotten several friends into the ecosystem as well. I now feel completely betrayed by the new app, and even worse, I feel embarrassed that I got my friends into the ecosystem. I’ve likely spent on order of several thousands of dollars on new and used Sonos gear, most recently by upgrading from Playbar to the Arc + Sub. Overall, the hardware is fantastic, and the quality of audio is amazing. But, the bugs and faults of the new app have driven me to want to sell all of my Sonos gear and move to something else. The biggest issues for me, as a user are:

  1. Control latency in the new app is terrible… (re)grouping actions and volume changes can sometimes take significant amounts of time, or just not happen at all. It’s like there are a bunch of hidden race conditions introduced between the new app and onboard firmware.
  2. Loss of connection to my extensive Plex music library is a deal breaker. I can still play from PlexAmp, but now that process is a crap shoot… about ¾ of the time, trying to connect to an existing group from PlexAmp just fails. But with the loss of local media integration in the new app, there’s no other choice… well Airplay 2 I guess.
  3. Loss of queue editing and other meta actions associated with tracks.
  4. Group volume controls are inconsistent… when using the collapsed volume controls you can tweak individual speakers (when that works… see point 1), but when the group is expanded to full screen you can only change the entire group volume. This is a terrible UX change… I have to collapse the full screen in order to change volumes (or open the group edit control).

Overall, this points to a serious breech of user trust and what seems like a decision to prioritize pivoting to support a new product (the headphones) over the stability and capabilities that users depend upon. Forcing all users onto what feels like a broken user experience, effectively hobbling expensive hardware, is a symptom of a larger problem. For myself, if I do not see a meaningful response from Sonos (and not a PR statement) to correct this problem within the next quarter, I will actively begin to look for an alternative, and figure out how to recoup some of the money I’ve spent. My trust has been completely eroded, and it would take a meaningful response to get me to desire to spend more money with this company. It’s sad that, the last thing I would want to do is to spend money on the new headphones that Sonos released, which seems to have been the catalyst for rushing out this bad experience.

Blah, blah, blah, blah. 

Means nothing until I see a docket number.  Nothing but bluster.

One of you smart lawyers, with all that equipment in your house should start the process. Latency is absolutely ridiculous. I cannot get anything close to real time on the app. At first, I thought it was a problem with my Wi-Fi system.

One of you smart lawyers, with all that equipment in your house should start the process. Latency is absolutely ridiculous. I cannot get anything close to real time on the app. At first, I thought it was a problem with my Wi-Fi system.


That’s the thing, any smart lawyer knows the lawsuit would be laughed out of court. 

I’ve got a significant amount invested in Sonos hardware (probably around $5000 - more than $1500 just this year and been buying for about 11 years. it is totally ****** at this point and as important as music is to my daily routine, I can’t play or update my home library without upgrading to this POS interface on android. 

add my name to the class action lawsuit ASAP; while @Ken_Griffiths may be happy with his ipad version, a great many of us on Android and PC are absolutely not satisfied. WHERE ARE THE TECHNOLOGY ARTICLES COVERING THIS DISASTER?


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Same. I feel like I haven’t been able to use my Sonos system in over a month. I have a boost as well. Nothing works smoothly. It’s infuriating. 

Has anyone in this thread who strongly believes a case can be made contacted an attorney? If not, may I ask why? You can find a local attorney by searching “consumer product class action attorney near me” on Google. The initial consultation with an attorney is typically free.

On a separate note, I’m impressed that Sonos, the sponsor of this forum, has not shut down threads discussing potential legal action against the company. I’ve been part of many forums with different standards of “free speech,” but I don’t recall participating in one where a thread like this would be allowed.



Has anyone in this thread who strongly believes a case can be made contacted an attorney? If not, may I ask why? You can find a local attorney by searching “consumer product class action attorney near me” on Google. The initial consultation with an attorney is typically free.

On a separate note, I’m impressed that Sonos, the sponsor of this forum, has not shut down threads discussing potential legal action against the company. I’ve been part of many forums with different standards of “free speech,” but I don’t recall participating in one where a thread like this would be allowed.



Sonos knows that all this talk about class action lawsuits is mere posturing.  People who wouldn’t know a law book from a phone book toss that term around thinking it will make Sonos quake in their boots and bow to their will.  In reality, it makes people laugh. 

Here’s a novel idea…click the link to find out what is required to file a class action law suit. IMO there is a HUGE stumbling block ahead….

In which country will the class action be filed since there are multiple people of different countries clamoring for a suit. The rules of engagement will differ by region.

If anyone still feels they have a snowballs-chance-in-hell of winning…by all means pick a lead plaintiff (assuming you find an attorney/barrister/solicitor willing to invest time and energy) then full steam ahead. You got this!!!

