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Wireless range extender

  • 19 June 2023
  • 4 replies

I have a long house, that is covered with multiple starlink mesh nodes. In most rooms I have S1 speakers throughout the house with a larger set up in the living room. No speakers are wire connected.

When I try group all speakers, I'm presented with the “Wireless range extender” error. 


Wireless range extender Some Sonos products are using the WiFi from a range extender device. If you include one of these in a room group, you won't be able to play music in that group. To ensure playback in all grouped rooms, you'll need to permanently wire a Sonos product to your router.

I’d suggest searching Starlink here, it comes up from time to time.

Yes, didn’t happen on my last mesh (Google), but with new Starlink I’m Having the same problem, and don’t want to buy a whole new mesh network if it’s not necessary. 

anyone figure out if there’s a workaround? 


@106rallye, sorry I was a little trigger-happy posting. Why is it happening and how to stop it happening.

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