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when will we all file a class action suit against this company??

  • 16 June 2023
  • 9 replies


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9 replies

Yes, when?  Because posters have been threatening to do it for years and nobody ever does it.  That alone lets one know what an idiotic idea it is to start a lawsuit over a speaker.

Never.  There is no such thing as a class action sit.

After completing an update as directed by Sonos, the wifi card in my Play  Base is now defective.  It was working perfectly before the update.  Sonos offered to send me a replacement speaker, the cheapest one they make, as a replacement but the new speaker only works with the S2 controller.  All of my 10 other Sonos devices work with the S1 controller.  Their suggestion? Change out all my existing components for new ones that work with the S2 controller. What a load of crap. This would mean an investment of another $8-$10K at least to replace speakers that are working fine for now until they decide to send another update to blow the components out.  I will no longer download any updates and will not by another Sonos product.  I have been a Sonos customer for 10+ years.  This is how they treat long term customers.

Please show me a computer maker who treats their customers any differently. From Apple, to Dell, to Samsung, they all appear to treat their long time, and new, customers significantly worse than Sonos. 

After completing an update as directed by Sonos, the wifi card in my Play  Base is now defective.  It was working perfectly before the update.  Sonos offered to send me a replacement speaker, the cheapest one they make, as a replacement but the new speaker only works with the S2 controller.  All of my 10 other Sonos devices work with the S1 controller.  Their suggestion? Change out all my existing components for new ones that work with the S2 controller. What a load of crap. This would mean an investment of another $8-$10K at least to replace speakers that are working fine for now until they decide to send another update to blow the components out.  I will no longer download any updates and will not by another Sonos product.  I have been a Sonos customer for 10+ years.  This is how they treat long term customers.


Can you show me another company which offers a discount or a free unit for a product which hasn’t been manufactured in 3 years, so it is at the very least 2 years out of warranty?  


Since you chose to post under this “class action” thread and if that’s your end game I suggest you contact a class action attorney. This community can’t help you.

And, if you read the terms and conditions you agree to, you’re unlikely to find much satisfaction talking to an attorney. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I can tell you that being unhappy with the contract you agreed to is sufficient to get a lawyer to take your case and generate a hefty bill. But it is unlikely going to be enough to impress a judge and less likely to impress a jury.

Be wary of courts that are not amused by this and award the company sued their legal costs after finding the case frivolous.

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Musicguy55,

Thank you for being a member of The Sonos Community. We, the community team, are not equipped to deal with legal matters in our Community. Your legal representative can guide you on how to get in contact with Sonos from a legal perspective. This thread will now be closed to any further posts.

Kind regards,

Corry P