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I will recommend that none of my friends buy Sonos because your latest update is so *

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


Firstly I hope the bad language you expressed is moderated, as this is an open forum that youngsters may read. 

In any event your post is not very constructive, to say the least - maybe post some of the main issues you’re seeing with the new Sonos App. At least that way Sonos engineers may then be able to see/address the problems. 

Absolutely anyone, like yourself, who have joined this forum today, can raise an unhelpful critical comment, but that’s never going to get anything addressed without you providing at least some detail about the issues you are facing. Some example screenshots might perhaps help too. 

Otherwise I can see your post and many other similar ones,that are lacking similar detail, as simply being dismissed by Sonos, alongside those users that perhaps maybe ‘trolling’ on this site.

You make a good point. I apologize. My excuse is frustration

 The new update prevents me from loading music  . It is full of delays etc etc , it seems to be bug filled. This is unacceptable 

Many others raise similar points

Sonos needs to improve its updates




This is how the Sonos App is working in my own case. I’m a user based in the UK - just a few examples attached from my iPhone/iPad controller Apps.

The App is controlling 25 Sonos products in 10 rooms with 18 music services installed. WiFi-6AX local mesh network with 1GB/s d/l & 100MB/s u/l

i agree it’s a little slow in some areas (App launch can take 7 to 10 seconds for example), but I’m finding I can playback/control the chosen audio on each room, or group, so I don’t have any huge issues, personally speaking. Local NAS library is working okay too.

All the network connections, where practicable, are to the 5Ghz band with device SNR levels in the Sonos App all showing a greater than - 45dB (strong connection to the LAN).

I agree with @Ken_Griffiths 

I have 31 Sonos units but not nearly as many complications for my controller to contend with as does @Ken_Griffiths. FYI, the use of the term “complications” is not to be considered as negative. It’s just a way of expressing the many varying degrees of loading content Ken has tasked his controller.  

To my main point….Your WiFi will also determine how fast content will load on the controller. Although 7-10 seconds may seem like an extended loading time; it could be even longer on a less robust network or shorter on a faster network (assuming that’s possible at the consumer equipment level in the UK).

However, as I recall from a previous post with @Ken_Griffiths he has some very serious next-level networking in his home. 😊

You make a good point. I apologize. My excuse is frustration

 The new update prevents me from loading music  . It is full of delays etc etc , it seems to be bug filled. This is unacceptable 

Many others raise similar points

Sonos needs to improve its updates




YUP the app is still a buggy POS. 

If you are a longtime user, as am I, and an installer , as am I.  You would realise the errors of the software, the glitches and bugs, the difficulty of use , now, versus how it used to be.  The fact that hardware cannot be added, still after two months, peoples libraries have disappeared, certain service do not function ( apple).  To name just a few




there must be close to 10,000 posts ive seen personally.


To the people watching



@James Truelove,

I have had no recent difficulty adding hardware, that includes a Roam 2. The local library issue majority of complaints, clearly stems from the fact the new Sonos App no longer support the SMBv2 and http sharing protocols and Sonos announced that before the launch of the new App in May. It was discussed here in the  community too. In fact some users posted guides to help others update their local libraries to SMBv2, or higher.

The Apple Music install issue is clearly a temporary matter, but I’m sure as an installer you have found a way around installing that service - I know I have and once installed it will work perfectly well too, as shown in the attached animation from my own controller App.

I am a harmless and innocent punter.i just want my technology to work..and any update to improve or at least not make worse


Please oh please Sonos sort this out

Just to mention...

I just added two Roam2’s to my network and created a stereo pair without an issue using the updated app version 80.04.04.
