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TuneIn just plays endless loops of commercials and never gets to the actual station anymore.

I don’t mind a few ads,  but an endless loop?!

it happens on almost every station I try.

I should also say that this only happens on Sonos.

it works great in my car and phone.

any ideas?

Thanks a lot for your tenacity and help in solving this matter. In the meantime I've added myTuner Radio to Sonos (per your advice) and that allowed me to listen to Jazz Radio Blues, as I was used to do before.

Thanks so much, @beynym 

Well, that knocks one theory out of the park 😂

I pass this up the chain of command and will update here when I have something I can share.

Hi @gurji99 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Your description is indicative of a connection issue - when TuneIn servers detect a new connection, they play the ads first. If you are hearing continuous ads, then it seems likely the connection is continuously breaking. As this is happening with multiple stations, I would therefore presume that the issue is local to you - it’s likely due to interference, but it could be that you just need to reboot your router by switching it off for at least 30 seconds.

Adding Radioplayer is a very good step to take to determine if there is indeed an issue with TuneIn - if the issue is local, then Radioplayer will have playback problems too. Radioplayer does not need an account - you just add it and play.

I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports about the situation.


Hi @beynym 

Your previous issue with TuneIn was related to one particular station that TuneIn was distributing the wrong playlist for, probably because the station made an error when submitting it to TuneIn. As this issue affects all stations, it’s much more likely to be local in nature. I also recommend that you too get in touch with our technical support team (after also trying a router reboot).


I hope this helps.

Hi @beynym 

I still get no matching search result for Jazz Radio Blues, except for via myTuner - and it plays from there without issue. As myTuner doesn’t require a login, it will only take a moment for you to add the service, search and find Jazz Radio Blues and save it to My Sonos. From then on, there will be no difference in how you go about playing that station. There won’t be any TuneIn ads either, though myTuner may have their own.

I hope this helps.

Hi @beynym 

Ah! What I see there is a search result with favourites included. This explains why you were still able to find them in a search. Those results are like desktop shortcuts to files that have been deleted on a computer - the shortcut exists, but not what it points to. I think both stations have been removed from TuneIn completely.

myTuner will do the trick.


You might want to try listening to Allegro Jazz (a TuneIn radio station): no jazz music, all I hear is some strange ambient music sound. Or Jazz Radio Blues (a Sonos radio station): a continuous radio commercial is all I get to hear.

FYI: here's the link to my first posting of this issue, some four months ago.


Hi @beynym 

Your previous issue with TuneIn was related to one particular station that TuneIn was distributing the wrong playlist for, probably because the station made an error when submitting it to TuneIn. As this issue affects all stations, it’s much more likely to be local in nature. I also recommend that you too get in touch with our technical support team (after also trying a router reboot).

I just rebooted my router, but no improvement. Allegro Jazz is stil broadcasting some ambient music and Jazz Radio Blues is still emitting only TuneIn commercials. These are the two affected, all other radio stations (whether TuneIn or Sonos Radio) are doing what they're supposed to do. I haven't checked all radio stations, of course. 

Hi @beynym 

These are the two affected, all other radio stations (whether TuneIn or Sonos Radio) are doing what they're supposed to do.

Then your issue isn’t quite like that reported in the original post, and therefore is likely caused by something different.

I tried to test these stations for you, but could not find either station on TuneIn or on Sonos Radio. I assume you have these stations saved in My Sonos - are you still able to find them via Search? It’s possible they’ve been removed from TuneIn (and therefore Sonos Radio), in which case attempting to play the saved favourite could well produce some unexpected results.

Hi @beynym 

These are the two affected, all other radio stations (whether TuneIn or Sonos Radio) are doing what they're supposed to do.

Then your issue isn’t quite like that reported in the original post, and therefore is likely caused by something different.

I tried to test these stations for you, but could not find either station on TuneIn or on Sonos Radio. I assume you have these stations saved in My Sonos - are you still able to find them via Search? It’s possible they’ve been removed from TuneIn (and therefore Sonos Radio), in which case attempting to play the saved favourite could well produce some unexpected results.

Allegro Jazz was situated in My Sonos, but no longer in TuneIn, so maybe you're right about this one. On the other hand, Jazz Radio Blues still is to be found in TuneIn and in Sonos Radio, and it's playing TuneIn commercials continuously.

Hi @beynym 

I still get no matching search result for Jazz Radio Blues, except for via myTuner - and it plays from there without issue. As myTuner doesn’t require a login, it will only take a moment for you to add the service, search and find Jazz Radio Blues and save it to My Sonos. From then on, there will be no difference in how you go about playing that station. There won’t be any TuneIn ads either, though myTuner may have their own.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for your help, I might give MyTuner a try. I'll insert a image, showing Jazz Radio Blues in My Favourites: both versions, TuneIn and Sonos Radio. I muted it, had enough of their ads.


OK. Two people with (probably) the same problem. No description of their set up given, so no way to (try and) help on this community. You hav ethe choice to call Sonos and alert them (Maybe talk about the diagnostics you can send them) or wait until they find out there are problems -  that may be related to both your set up, so that can take a while. 

Thanks for your summary. Since a couple of months Sonos is aware of the issue, so is TuneIn. For the moment all anyone involved can do, is wait and see.

I’m surprised you didn’t volunteer this info in your first post. It would have saved folk time in actually trying to help you, if you don’t want any assistance.

It still seems odd to me that in the whole Sonos/TuneIn user community only a small handful of folk are experiencing the issue. 

I hope your wait for a fix is not too long. 

Possibly only some radio stations do it?  So not everyone has the issue…


I think both stations have been removed from TuneIn completely.


Allegro Jazz has been removed, that is true. Too bad, for I liked it a lot. But Jazz Radio Blues still is present in TuneIn and it's still broadcasting only commercials. I just checked. Something's still rotten there.

Hi @beynym 

OK, I’ll report this and someone will be able to then report it to TuneIn. Could you do me a quick favour and try a search from a mobile device instead and let me know the results? It might only be showing up on the Desktop controller, as my Android searches were absent of matching results, and this would be very pertinent. Thanks.

Hi @beynym 

OK, I’ll report this and someone will be able to then report it to TuneIn. Could you do me a quick favour and try a search from a mobile device instead and let me know the results? It might only be showing up on the Desktop controller, as my Android searches were absent of matching results, and this would be very pertinent. Thanks.

A screen pic from my iPhone, taken just now, shows Jazz Radio Blues still being present in Sonos Radio.


Hi @beynym 

My colleague (also in NL) got the same results as yourself - 1 search result, but it only plays ads. I assume the station just isn’t available to me in the UK via TuneIn. 

We’ll let TuneIn know about the issue - once they fix it, Sonos Radio will get the updated URL list within a week. In the meantime, you can use myTuner as mentioned, or add this URL by following the instructions below:

Using the Sonos App for iOS or Android:

  1. From the Browse tab, select TuneIn.
  2. Tap My Radio Stations.
  3. Tap the three dots in the top right and tap Add New Radio Station.
  4. Enter the Streaming URL and Station Name and tap OK.
  5. The station will be listed and available in the My Radio Stations section under TuneIn.


Using the Sonos App for Mac or PC:


  1. Select Manage and Add Radio Station.
  2. Paste in the streaming URL of the station you wish to add, and type in the name of the station.
  3. From the Sonos music menu, navigate to TuneIn > My Radio Stations where the newly added station will be listed.

On a Mac, the “Manage” menu can be found in the toolbar in the top left corner of the screen. On a PC, the “Manage” menu is found at the top left of the Sonos application.

Doing this will bypass TuneIn/Sonos Radio completely.

Amazing Blues radio on Sonos Tunein is continuously playing ads. 

added MyTuner and right to the station. 


Stations in listening to are fine. Maybe disable the service and then re enable?

But what if you are the only one having this problem?

Apparently I’m  not based on the responses here. Furthermore it’s a streaming service.  My sonos devices don’t self generate commercials.  The firmware is the same firmware used by many other Sonos users.

So it makes no sense that I am the only one having this problem.

OK. Two people with (probably) the same problem. No description of their set up given, so no way to (try and) help on this community. You hav ethe choice to call Sonos and alert them (Maybe talk about the diagnostics you can send them) or wait until they find out there are problems -  that may be related to both your set up, so that can take a while. 

Thanks for your summary. Since a couple of months Sonos is aware of the issue, so is TuneIn. For the moment all anyone involved can do, is wait and see.


I have 6 Sonos connects, and 3 Sonos connect amps, 1 Sonos play and 1 Sonos amp.


OK. Two people with (probably) the same problem. No description of their set up given, so no way to (try and) help on this community. You hav ethe choice to call Sonos and alert them (Maybe talk about the diagnostics you can send them) or wait until they find out there are problems -  that may be related to both your set up, so that can take a while. 

Thanks for your summary. Since a couple of months Sonos is aware of the issue, so is TuneIn. For the moment all anyone involved can do, is wait and see.

I’m surprised you didn’t volunteer this info in your first post. It would have saved folk time in actually trying to help you, if you don’t want any assistance.

It still seems odd to me that in the whole Sonos/TuneIn user community only a small handful of folk are experiencing the issue. 

I hope your wait for a fix is not too long. 

Radioplayer is another streaming service, like TuneIn. Go to Services and Voice, Add a Service and select Radioplayer. Then search for your station. 

Cannot find that. Thanks for helping out, but Sonos should fix it. Or TuneIn. Or the radio station. I don't fancy jumpin’ thru hoops.

It’s the same hoop you had to jump through to set up your TuneIn account, but that’s fine; good luck. Just out of interest: have you reported the problem to TuneIn? 

TuneIn works perfect on every other device I use it.  Only Sonos seems to be the issue. Even when I use “Sonos radio” which is just TuneIn rebranded.

im pretty sure it is a Sonos issue.


I’ll take a guess and say it doesn’t happen for Sonos’s newer generation of products;)

OK. Two people with (probably) the same problem. No description of their set up given, so no way to (try and) help on this community. You hav ethe choice to call Sonos and alert them (Maybe talk about the diagnostics you can send them) or wait until they find out there are problems -  that may be related to both your set up, so that can take a while. 

Thanks for your summary. Since a couple of months Sonos is aware of the issue, so is TuneIn. For the moment all anyone involved can do, is wait and see.

OK. Two people with (probably) the same problem. No description of their set up given, so no way to (try and) help on this community. You hav ethe choice to call Sonos and alert them (Maybe talk about the diagnostics you can send them) or wait until they find out there are problems -  that may be related to both your set up, so that can take a while. 

But what if you are the only one having this problem?

I'm not. Read the OP's post.