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I tried to TruePlay Arc / Sub / Ones but the tuning is simply stuck on “Continue” step.

I’ve updated to the latest version 80.00.04. 

@Corry P do u guys are aware of this?


Not to pile it on, but same here. I get stuck at the Begin button, nothing happens, and the app soft freezes and has to be restarted to try again.

Attempting on an Arc/Minisub/play:1s setup, and in another room with just a playpar, same behavior.

Interestingly, I have an Era 100 that it will get past the Begin button and allow me to tune, but it is creating the same pew pew pew sounds, albeit at 1/3 volume, out of a Play 5 gen 2 in an adjacent room.

Seriously ready to sell all this gear and move on since this app update. Nothing seems to work as well, or at all, as before.

Not to pile it on, but same here. I get stuck at the Begin button, nothing happens, and the app soft freezes and has to be restarted to try again.

Attempting on an Arc/Minisub/play:1s setup, and in another room with just a playpar, same behavior.

Interestingly, I have an Era 100 that it will get past the Begin button and allow me to tune, but it is creating the same pew pew pew sounds, albeit at 1/3 volume, out of a Play 5 gen 2 in an adjacent room.

Seriously ready to sell all this gear and move on since this app update. Nothing seems to work as well, or at all, as before.

These are all FACTS! And I'm amazed that a company with such successful audio equipment is so incompetent with the software. Maybe they should have left Google alone and worked with Google because Google probably could have helped them with what they're trying to do. Ever since they've been trying to cut Google out of all their software, they've been trash. And the Sonos assistant is trash. It's nowhere near an equivocal replacement for the Google Assistant. They should have left good enough alone and kept fixing the app that they had which was already problematic. It wasn't perfect but it was way better than this new release! And I'm willing to overlook all of the other things that the app is missing but not TRUEPLAY! That's the one thing that makes the SONOS system SONOS. They've got to be kidding me. I mean the reason we bought all of the equipment is because we could tune our rooms and make it work. A lot of people have odd rooms and SONOS and TRUEPLAY was an excellent way to get the sound you were looking for without spending another $5,000 to do it on top of the equipment. And Sonos equipment isn't cheap? I have the era 300s, 2 Sub Gen 3s and the ARC for my theater. I have Two SL1s  in my garage. And I have two moves in my bedroom! And I was thinking about getting a mini sub but THE SOFTWARE IS A SERIOUS SCHOOLED HEEL! 

Same issue with an Arc, Sub and 2XEra100

reboots of iPhone and Sonos systems don’t work

Same issue. Arc.+ 2 x ERA 100. No way to use trueplay after finally being able to pair after 2 hours


I’ve been reading bad things about the app online and thought the internet was overreacting. It’s truely bizar how you can release an app that simply doenst work. People need to be fired over this. It’s just insane to be stuck like this when spending 1500 euros

Hi,  I’m experiencing the same issue.

I found I can run Trueplay if I disconnect my era 300’s, leaving just my arc and sub.  Add the surround again and the trueplay second yellow circle locks at the end leaving just the ability to cancel.  I logged this with Sonos on 8th May but the experienced agent could not identify a fix.

Yep, reconnect and Trueplay doesn’t work again.

Same issue here.

I have a Beam + 2x One SLs which otherwise work fine.

Reconfigured my listening / viewing space and tried to retune Trueplay but that looks like it’s not happening anytime soon.

Going to try the Apple Music hack later - although there’s a part of me saying “if everything else works just leave it alone until the Sonos work-experience app developer finishes his burger and runs his Basic debugger”  

I tested it.  

Trueplay works on:

-Stereo pair of Era 100

-Playbar / no sub,no surronds /

Not working:

-Arc+Sub+2 Era 300 surrounds.

So I think the problem is with the software of the Arc or the Sub or the Era 300.

However, according to Sonos, my system is up to date…


Does Trueplay work for you, if you disconnect your surrounds from your setup?  It worked for me.

I tested it.  

Trueplay works on:

-Stereo pair of Era 100

-Playbar / no sub,no surronds /

Not working:

-Arc+Sub+2 Era 300 surrounds.

So I think the problem is with the software of the Arc or the Sub or the Era 300.

However, according to Sonos, my system is up to date…


Does Trueplay work for you, if you disconnect your surrounds from your setup?  It worked for me.

Surely this is a pointless exercise?  Why bother tuning your system with only a portion of the speakers connected?  The tuning will be skewed.

I tested it.  

Trueplay works on:

-Stereo pair of Era 100

-Playbar / no sub,no surronds /

Not working:

-Arc+Sub+2 Era 300 surrounds.

So I think the problem is with the software of the Arc or the Sub or the Era 300.

However, according to Sonos, my system is up to date…


Does Trueplay work for you, if you disconnect your surrounds from your setup?  It worked for me.

Surely this is a pointless exercise?  Why bother tuning your system with only a portion of the speakers connected?  The tuning will be skewed.

That is fair.  I was really trying to see if the problem impacting everyone was related to surrounds and Trueplay.

I tested it.  

Trueplay works on:

-Stereo pair of Era 100

-Playbar / no sub,no surronds /

Not working:

-Arc+Sub+2 Era 300 surrounds.

So I think the problem is with the software of the Arc or the Sub or the Era 300.

However, according to Sonos, my system is up to date…


Does Trueplay work for you, if you disconnect your surrounds from your setup?  It worked for me.

Surely this is a pointless exercise?  Why bother tuning your system with only a portion of the speakers connected?  The tuning will be skewed.

That is fair.  I was really trying to see if the problem impacting everyone was related to surrounds and Trueplay.

Good strategy.  If anything it serves to show how unfit for purpose the app currently is .

  1. See A LOT of people in this thread with the same issues that I have,  Trueplay button does nothing with the new update. 
    what I Don’t see is ANY sort of Advice or Information from Sonos. 

  2. If there’s a problem with the App Update then say so and let us know you are either aware and attempting a fix or will put out a new update to solve the issue. 
    Simply telling individuals to contact support isn’t good enough as many have said they can’t even get through to support, I assume because we are all having the same issues. 
  3. For the price of your products we all expect better support and service, it’s also causing you to lose sales as at least two individuals in this thread have returned their speakers because of these issues. And, I’m sure will not be recommending to their friends & colleagues. 
  4. Now I’m wondering if I will get a response to this that isn’t a bog standard Contact Support, the response should be aimed at ALL of the individuals having the same issue. 

I completely agree with Chally2.  Sonos should post something here stating something to effect of ‘we are aware of the issue and are working for a resolution…’

this is ridiculous.  I am contemplating of returning the ERA 300 

What the hell is going on? Arc + sub mini + 2x 100’s, also can’t get past the damn begin test time at eye level.


ive restarted my phone, i am not removing and re pairing my system, I have no confidence that won’t screw up my system further.


guys please fix this *, this isn’t a cheap ecosystem 

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


Same issue…arc + 2 subs + 2 era 300s

Same problem here. 

build 80.00.08

version 16.2 (build 79.0-52294)

iOS 17.5 (21F79)

Arc, 2 ones, and a sub 


An acknowledgement from Sonos would be appreciated. 

Same issue with an Arc, Sub and 2XSonos One.

Reboots of iPhone and Sonos systems don’t work.

Update: I called Sonos to configure my Sonos Sub and I had to log out and log in via the app and that helped with the pairing but the Trueplay EQ is still not working


This is the Sonos ECHO Chamber.  Nobody is listening.  Nobody from Sonos will respond.  There are 1000s of posts here & about 10 replies from Sonos & a tiny band of their supporters. 

Same troubles here since I updated. I’ve been patient. Maybe it will work in a month. They’re not very good at providing “support” apparently. 

Same issue here: TruPlay stuck on the “Now we’ll play some test tones” and you press continue and nothing happens. Note this is issue is with my Sony Arc only. I have the IKEA bookshelf speakers and am able to complete TruPlay using the test tones.


SONOS: Please advise that you are aware of this issue, are working towards rectifying it, and provide and update ASAP.



The update of the Sonos app is a disaster. The company Sonos would benefit from being more honest and transparent with its customers. The handling of this situation is catastrophic and only inflates the negative buzz around the brand. Sonos would gain so many points in terms of customer service and against other competitors by being more proactive in resolving the various problems it has created itself following the update of this app. Trueplay, which ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT WORK when managing multiple speakers in a surround configuration, is the perfect example ! And yet NO statement notifying this major problem and NO DATE for deploying a fix. SONOS, your loyal customers are watching you handle this disastrous situation, so PLEASE, do not take us for cash cows... do not spit in the face of those who make your reputation!  Act, communicate with your base !!!

The update of the Sonos app is a disaster. The company Sonos would benefit from being more honest and transparent with its customers. The handling of this situation is catastrophic and only inflates the negative buzz around the brand. Sonos would gain so many points in terms of customer service and against other competitors by being more proactive in resolving the various problems it has created itself following the update of this app. Trueplay, which ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT WORK when managing multiple speakers in a surround configuration, is the perfect example ! And yet NO statement notifying this major problem and NO DATE for deploying a fix. SONOS, your loyal customers are watching you handle this disastrous situation, so PLEASE, do not take us for cash cows... do not spit in the face of those who make your reputation!  Act, communicate with your base !!!

New update just dropped in App Store which references Trueplay.  I haven’t had time to test just yet though.

With the new app update today, I’m able to complete trueplay. HOWEVER, the toggle to enable/disable trueplay does not appear! Do they even test these out before rolling out new app updates? No wonder so many things break with this careless attitude from the devs!

I finally was able to use Trueplay on my Arc SL/Sub/Era 300 system. Still glitchy and took several attempts. An additional thing to try if you encounter an error like, “Something went wrong” is to log out/log into the app and try again.

Application image after tuning Arc+Sub+ Era300

Application image after tuning Playbar

I think Sonos only "appeared" to solve the Trueplay problem with today's app update. It looks like the tuning goes all the way through, but it doesn't actually apply it. Clever little "cheat"..

I don't understand why they can't come up with a real solution.

Application image after tuning Arc+Sub+ Era300

Application image after tuning Playbar

I think Sonos only "appeared" to solve the Trueplay problem with today's app update. It looks like the tuning goes all the way through, but it doesn't actually apply it. Clever little "cheat"..

I don't understand why they can't come up with a real solution.

Seriously, I haven't been able to check mine but you're actually saying the update will not apply the acoustic after it seems to attenuate the room! These people need a class action lawsuit!  I'm sure there's an attorney somewhere who can find a legal grievance with this company!