
system disappearing after app 80.04 update

Userlevel 3

After updating my system with the latest app (80.04) my system has vanished, including arc and surrounds, every room that had a speaker isn’t showing up. Even when I try and add an existing speaker I get an error. 

after using the previous app for years it has been very stable and these issues popped up right after update, not sure if anyone else is seeing these issues. 


Best answer by Vincen_t 8 May 2024, 20:09

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79 replies

Userlevel 1

I have the same problem as described above after updating to the 80.00.04 of the app, no speakers are visible anymore.

My wife has the old S2 version of the app on her phone, and in it all speakers are visible and the system is fully functional. When I connect to the system on my phone through the Spotify app instead of using the Sonos app, the system is also fully functional.

I would appreciate if it would be possible to downgrade to the latest S2 version of the app until a version of the new app that actually works is available.

Userlevel 2

Bruce, not the case at all. Network is there and visible. App says it is connected to

the network but can’t see any of the speakers on any room. Sonos should have tested this better before rolling out. Goes to show it’s better not to ‘upgrade.’

Userlevel 1

My Sonos is about 10 years old. I have never really been thrilled about the updates which several times have meant I had to buy a new device as the OS was no longer supported, instead of keeping the Sonos backwards compatible.

My Sonos was fine yesterday. This morning it is destroyed from the color of the desktop icon on. TuneIn radio does not show. I can not see my own server with the music I have on it. I was able to pick one station when I started Sonos this morning, but now all the stations showing are grayed and I can’t select anything, or basically do anything at all with the Sonos other than play the one station I had selected.

You would think a company with this many years behind them knew what in the world they were doing, but this Update is really a disaster. I hope they make it possible to rollback to previous Sonos version.

It is terrible that both users and support need to spend hours and hours on making the system work after an update. Not smart for anyone to say the least!



Userlevel 2

Be aware that with the new app it’s not as easy as before to setup speakers! I had to try multiple times with my « old » speakers, it was more straightforward on the recent ones


In total, taking into account the time I spent on my own to try to make it work, the time I spent with support on chat then phone, and the time to setup back everything (including services, favorites, trueplay…), I’ve spent almost the full day… 

Userlevel 1

I have the same issues. This is so frustrating. Sonos needs to fix this asap. Who has time to do a factory reset on every single device.  I’ve got over 10 devices in my home. 

Userlevel 1

I’m having the same issue. ios app updated. Was running really slow with delayed inputs. System crashed mid-song and now my whole system is FUBAR. Speakers disappeared from system. Tried adding them & it always fails. Now 6 hours into troubleshooting and everything I try fails. No longer connecting to my wifi, but won't work with Ethernet. These speakers have been running without issue for a few years. New app has killed them. Seriously unimpressed with wasting a whole evening on this half-baked software. Now have a Play1 & Play3 as paperweights

Userlevel 1

This is unbelievable. Same problem here. They expect everyone to have to reset all speakers in the system?? 

Userlevel 2

I had a similar issue following the app update: all my speakers (except the left one of a stereo pair) disappeared from the app…
I’ve spent close to 3 hours on the phone with various Sonos support engineers: all the speakers were visible on their side, and they had no clue why they were not showing up in the app. We’ve tried absolutely everything, nothing was working. They confirmed it was a bug created by the app update.

After checking internally, they came back to me few hours ago: only option is to create a new Sonos environment, factory reset each speaker and add them to the new environment… which I did, but it took me almost all day first to try to repair, diagnose with support, and setup everything.

Userlevel 1

Same problems here too. Have boost, sub, 2 playbars, 2 play1 and 1 play3. New app on ipads cannot see anything, although older app on iphones and PC still work as previously. Sounds like a downgrade to the old S2 app would be a necessity.

Userlevel 3

I had a similar issue following the app update: all my speakers (except the left one of a stereo pair) disappeared from the app…
I’ve spent close to 3 hours on the phone with various Sonos support engineers: all the speakers were visible on their side, and they had no clue why they were not showing up in the app. We’ve tried absolutely everything, nothing was working. They confirmed it was a bug created by the app update.

After checking internally, they came back to me few hours ago: only option is to create a new Sonos environment, factory reset each speaker and add them to the new environment… which I did, but it took me almost all day first to try to repair, diagnose with support, and setup everything.

Well thank you for saving me the time of having to call them. I figured it was a bug since everything has worked so well before. Not looking forward to this factory resetting I’ll be doing. But seriously this app should have seen a long public beta period first.

Userlevel 3

Be aware that with the new app it’s not as easy as before to setup speakers! I had to try multiple times with my « old » speakers, it was more straightforward on the recent ones


In total, taking into account the time I spent on my own to try to make it work, the time I spent with support on chat then phone, and the time to setup back everything (including services, favorites, trueplay…), I’ve spent almost the full day… 

That is a total nightmare! Not looking forward to it. 

To all.

this problem is a bug. My iphone 13 updated the app and the system was gone. My wife’s iphone 13 not updated and everything (still) works!


also, starting from spotify, music can selected to play on the Sonos system. 

The system is only ‘gone missing’ in the app……

I was relieved to discover in this thread that I am not losing my mind, and that SONOS has stuck it to their customers with a non-vetted update. 

I finally got some music to play (Pandora) but the screens in the app are weird, my speakers are randomly dropping in and out, and when I open the app it says “Playback Activity - no connected products” but the music is playing on three speakers (out of seven) - WTH? My groups are gone, and I can’t find my list of Pandora playlists anywhere. 

I don’t have time nor energy to empty shelves and move furniture to get to all my speakers to reset this system.  There is NOTHING wrong with my router, network or device that I use to run my system, these are all problems caused by SONOS to my system that was operating perfectly before this “update.” 

These are expensive systems - we all have a lot of money, time and effort invested and SONOS needs to fix this nonsense!!! 

Userlevel 2

Come on, Sonos! You can do better! Many of us are affected by this prematurely released ‘update.’

PLEASE give us a roll back option!!

Your customer base is heavily invested in your products, and this app upgrade has left your products useless. Gives motivation to change brands if you can’t get this issue fixed expediently. The lack of communication from Sonos on this debacle is inexcusable. 

Userlevel 2

I still have same problem with latest update so restarted to recreate the full system. Started to add boost detected, added. Strange do not see boost in the parameter.... And then not possible to add wireless speakers....

Reply to @Harvsh I think the controller app update is a car crash. Having spent my career in software support/maintenance I cannot believe they allowed this new release. It just doesn't work. I've finally got my system up and running again by deleting the updated version and then downloading and installing a legacy version…

Good luck! And don't forget to disable automatic updates!

My system disappeared after the update as well. It would be nice if we were given the option to choose when to (or even whether to) install disastrous updates when they’re posted. Just in case any Sonos people feel this is a small handful of isolated instances, that’s not accurate. Higher level, the new update seems to be all pain and no gain. I’m really dreading the next one.

Android over here. On the off chance it helps somebody else, I turned Bluetooth on and then unplugged my Sonos for ~2m. After plugging it back in the system returned and was accessible. No router reset was necessary. Good luck out there.

Userlevel 1

Reply to @Philip.S I was a software developer for 15 years so I have some idea of what I am doing too.

The update is the First Prize winner for catastrophic updates. As far as I am concerned they have destroyed the system.

Another thing I experience is It seems volume response is very slow when I attempt to change the volume. TuneIn radio seems to be gone, but some of the Favorites I saved are showing under Sonos Favorites. They have a player at bottom of screen and if you want a new source it is on top. I can’t seem to figure out how exactly to get what I want to hear to play because either there is no reaction to Play or no reaction to Stop until the system finally decides to cooperate!

I can not at this time see my own server Music Library with all my music files (on my tablet or phone, but OK on PC which may not be updated as the SONOS icon is still gold). I don’t see any way to use my music library in the apps on devices.

I wrote the CEO about this update and asked if they could give me the previous version back (it seems you have found it and I will give it a try). No reply of course from the CEO.

Whoever is responsible for this update needs to find other employment!

I certainly hope they move themselves on this and either send out a release that fixes the large amount of issues or at least rolls back to the previous fine working version.



A little update, for me with Bluetooth and location on it will find the system, turn them off and it keeps playing music and i can control music start stop vol etc, but i can’t change tracks.

Close the app and restart and it will all vanish again. I get the need for Bluetooth and location etc for system set up, but not every time I open the app to play some music.

The good thing here is I can play music while we wait for a response.

Can the entire community sign up to attend this, we might get an answer?


I'm also having lots of problems with my system after this useless update.

SONOS are very quiet about this pathetic disgusting issue. Terrible customer service

Is there any way at all to get rid if this update and use the previous version?




Same problem here. I have an older Play:3 and with the new app it keeps disappearing. I’ll start playing music, and then come back to the app while the music is playing and it says there are no devices on the network.


I tried doing a factory reset but I can only get it to work with the speaker connected via ethernet, and when I do that there’s no way in the new app to switch it back to wifi! (because of this issue 

) When I try to add the device over wifi the app “finds” it, but then can’t connect to it.


It was a little flaky with the previous version (S2?) but now it’s just unusable.

After updating my system with the latest app (80.04) my system has vanished, including arc and surrounds, every room that had a speaker isn’t showing up. Even when I try and add an existing speaker I get an error. 

after using the previous app for years it has been very stable and these issues popped up right after update, not sure if anyone else is seeing these issues. 

How is is possible that this arrogant company doesn’t even find it necessary to apologize here?

They simply deliver constant s*** and have their customers go through it, simply because their software teams are complete morons. Sonos? Hello? Anyone caring at all about this? Or did your CEO also prohibit you to show weakness? Maybe to buy another Yacht from the savings? What bulls*** this is. We should be sueing them. A nice class action lawsuit might actually change something.

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Hi All,


I had the same experience as you all, start the app and no system, no services almost blank. I then closed it and quickly reopened it I got the system, but no services so repeat again. This time everything turned up. But If I let the app sleep in the background, just not use my phone for a bit, I needed to do it all again. So not good but at least not a full reset.

This is not a fix but a stop gap if it works, while the cluster F$#@@# is fixed

I have an android phone for what it’s worth

I had the exact same problem. Support told me to reset my system and create a new one. It’s really annoying as I have all my devices setup on my smart home software as well. And also just setup a new home not long ago so I now have to go through this long process with 5 x speakers around the house all over again. This new app has been a real terrible release. I hate to say it but someone will probably get fired over it

Am having the same issue. System lost after app update. Never been impressed with Sonos. I rue the day I opted for this system. All I want to do is listen to some music but with Sonos it is never simple. Staggered at the amount of time you have to update the system before you can do anything. 
