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Sonos S2 App Update Issues : This May or May Not Help

There are a number of symptoms that some members are experiencing with the Sonos S2 App update. They range from a simple annoyance to severe as members would characterize them. I can’t address all the concerns so I thought I’d pick one that may be solvable; if one is willing to take the necessary investigative steps. 

Sonos App Loading/Running Slow 

Here are some things you might consider:

  • Low storage space on your device *
  • Too many apps running in the background of your device
  • Device not running the latest software/firmware
  • Time to invest in a new device

Opening Pandora’s Box 

  • Network Issues (A resolution could be a simple reboot, VPN block removal or in some cases surgical measures required)
  • If owned it may be time to invest in new network gear or request update from ISP

Just food for thought 🤔

 * Although I can’t verify this but the updated app may be larger in size than the previous version which requires more space 

More constructive thoughts, easy things that will absolutely not make anything worse …

  • Try shutting down & restarting your phone/tablet. Just one mis-behaving app with a memory leak can cause hard to diagnose behaviors that a full reboot can (temporarily at least) fix.
  • The Sonos app is (relatively speaking) very lightweight; it does not require much processing horsepower. So offhand, I would say upgrading your device is unlikely to make a difference.
  • Elsewhere on these forums, folks have documented super-counterintuitive behavior due to the new app interacting with network-based ‘firewall’ functions like DNS privacy filtering: menu items flat-out missing in the app, for example. As an experiment* try disabling such functions to see if you’re experiencing one of these interactions.

* I am NOT suggesting that disabling is a proper fix, merely a diagnostic tool.

what a terrible thread. 

Running an iPhone 15 pro max 512gb with 50% free running the latest iOS, using WiFi 6 through a unifi dream machine pro network ( WiFi 6 lite APs approximate 16 feet above my head) install (setup by a professional), with 1.25gb down / 300mb up internet. 

got any tips of what I should upgrade? See anything on that list that that I should invest In new gear to use my mass market consumer speakers?


no.     Setting aside that the hitbox for the volume circle is like 4 pixels and incredibly difficult to grab… is absolutely far more laggy than it ever has been pre-app facelift.  I use to be able to fade down audio.  Now, I grab the slider at 50, slowly drag it to 25, and 3-4 seconds later, all the speakers snap to 25 (not a smooth fade, but a snap due to the insane lag). 

this app may be lightweight for the actual physical install….but the API calls to services and the actual management of hardware is absolutely not lightweight.  It clearly is struggling to manage the hardware. This was designed to push ads on the Home Screen and Sonos specific services (Sonos radio, etc).  With thousands of dollars spent on hardware, it is incredibly disappointing to get software downgrades every couple of years that drive revenue but decrease usability. 

don’t blame consumers (telling them it’s their fault for not spending enough on other hardware) for poor compatibility design. 

Hi @Draddy, my comment about the Sonos app being ‘lightweight’ was in the context of how much memory and CPU horsepower it uses … and it does not use much of either. In other words, any phone/tablet that is new enough to install the app is plenty powerful enough to run the app. Hope that clarifies what I was saying.

The new app has a significantly different architecture than the v16 app: both the new mobile app and your Sonos devices now communicate with Sonos servers. Even when you are playing local library music, those Sonos severs are “in the loop” and I am confident this explains a lot of the erratic behavior. That is extremely frustrating and it is not entirely clear to me how much improvement is in store.

I am absolutely not blaming any consumers for these issues. Sonos needs to deliver a solid user experience for Normal Users without particular technical skills. The new app threw one hell of a spanner in the works.

Sorry for misinterpreting your point! That explains why it’s so much worse.  Unfortunate.  When I first bought most of my gear (mid-run to end of S1 era), it use to work so well. 

I should have clarified, the blaming consumer comment was specific to OP, not your constructive comment.  I took offense to the original position that it’s our fault for the app functioning like crap and that we should upgrade.  

what a terrible thread. 

Well…that’s your opinion. 

I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max 256 Gb. I have absolutely no issues with the app. So I suggest you do some research/trouble shootIng and/or run a diagnostic and call Sonos tech support.

what a terrible thread. 

Well…that’s your opinion. 

I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max 256 Gb. I have absolutely no issues with the app. So I suggest you do some research/trouble shootIng and/or run a diagnostic and call Sonos tech support.

So it works for your use, which means that all other customers that it isn’t working for are doing something wrong and/or need new hardware?


It’s not just an opinion, it’s an actual experience for thousands of customers. 

seriously let me know what gear i should upgrade to make this app function.  Should I upgrade to 2gb fiber? 10gb? Let me know!

Sorry for misinterpreting your point! That explains why it’s so much worse.  Unfortunate.  When I first bought most of my gear (mid-run to end of S1 era), it use to work so well. 

No worries, my dude! Elsewhere on these forums people have identified super-counter-intuitive interactions between the new architecture and internet plumbing. For example ...

  • If your internet connection goes down, playing local library music becomes a crap shoot
  • If you use DNS privacy filtering, some basic functions literally do not appear in the app
    (odd enough that the app shows ads and gathers tracking data … some functions simply do not work if the ads and tracking data are blocked)

… and then we have the “it’s snappy enough for me” versus “it’s herkey-jerkey and driving me nuts.” Diagnosing and fixing these issues across a global customer base with wildly varying internet connectivity is not a challenge I envy.

what a terrible thread. 

Well…that’s your opinion. 

I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max 256 Gb. I have absolutely no issues with the app. So I suggest you do some research/trouble shootIng and/or run a diagnostic and call Sonos tech support.

So it works for your use, which means that all other customers are doing something wrong and/or need new hardware?

Yes, the app works for me. As far as what other customers should do that’s up to them. I gave possible causes and options. For the record sometimes new hardware is needed that’s just a fact of life with electronics and/or networking. Furthermore, I never once indicated that a customer was doing something wrong. Those are your words…not mine. However, I don’t intend to continue justifying what I originally wrote. 

Sorry for misinterpreting your point! That explains why it’s so much worse.  Unfortunate.  When I first bought most of my gear (mid-run to end of S1 era), it use to work so well. 

No worries, my dude! Elsewhere on these forums people have identified super-counter-intuitive interactions between the new architecture and internet plumbing. For example ...

  • If your internet connection goes down, playing local library music becomes a crap shoot
  • If you use DNS privacy filtering, some basic functions literally do not appear in the app
    (odd enough that the app shows ads and gathers tracking data … some functions simply do not work if the ads and tracking data are blocked)

… and then we have the “it’s snappy enough for me” versus “it’s herkey-jerkey and driving me nuts.” Diagnosing and fixing these issues across a global customer base with wildly varying internet connectivity is not a challenge I envy.

Honestly I think the hitbox is the thing that annoys me the most.   I’m swiping the screen 3-4 times every time trying to get ahold of the slider with the first 3 swipes missing. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

what a terrible thread. 

Well…that’s your opinion. 

I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max 256 Gb. I have absolutely no issues with the app. So I suggest you do some research/trouble shootIng and/or run a diagnostic and call Sonos tech support.

So it works for your use, which means that all other customers are doing something wrong and/or need new hardware?

Yes, the app works for me. As far as what other customers should do that’s up to them. I gave possible causes and options. For the record sometimes new hardware is needed that’s just a fact of life with electronics and/or networking. Furthermore, I never once indicated that a customer was doing something wrong. Those are your words…not mine. However, I don’t intend to continue justifying what I originally wrote. 

I am curious, you’ve got a ton of Sonos gear like I do (based on your profile), but it all looks like it’s new / the latest generation.  

looking at the video I posted above, does your app do the same? Or can you actually fade audio up and down smoothly?    Is it a old hardware versus new hardware situation?  Should they have made this an s3 system and sunset old soundbars and play 3s that us OG Sonos consumers use?

FWIW @Draddy, I’ve poked and prodded the new architecture at the app level (performance profiling) and the network level (tracing, down to packet capture) so my comments in the posts above and elsewhere on these forums are not idle opinion. Bringing it back to the thesis of this thread—which started out constructively enough!—people can feel confident that:

  • If their mobile/tablet meets the OS requirements to install the new Sonos app, it is perfectly capable of running the new app.
  • If their Wi-Fi network is solid enough to reach all their Sonos gear, it is perfectly capable of running their Sonos system. Streaming even the high-res FLAC tunes needs less than 1mbps of bandwidth, a fraction of what basic video streaming pulls down.

FWIW @Draddy, I’ve poked and prodded the new architecture at the app level (performance profiling) and the network level (tracing, down to packet capture) so my comments in the posts above and elsewhere on these forums are not idle opinion. Bringing it back to the thesis of this thread—which started out constructively enough!—people can feel confident that:

  • If their mobile/tablet meets the OS requirements to install the new Sonos app, it is perfectly capable of running the new app.
  • If their Wi-Fi network is solid enough to reach all their Sonos gear, it is perfectly capable of running their Sonos system. Streaming even the high-res FLAC tunes needs less than 1MBps of bandwidth, a fraction of what basic video streaming pulls down.

Man I was burned by the s1 to s2 transition, and wanted to know what was coming for this update 


appreciate the work digging in!  That’s what’s so infuriating about the boot licking OP is doing.  It is unbelievable how powerful an old iPhone 10, or utility provide router, or basic high speed internet is.  

Even with GB+ internet, I’m rarely using more than 100mbps at a time.  


if a speaker company can’t produce software that modern hardware can run (could we agree that anything after an iPhone 8 is modern?)….they’ve got a problem.   Something is wrong with their architecture.  

and you’ve proved it according to what you’ve said.  It’s not device or network side that is the problem,    It’s the call outs to random APIs that is resulting in a s*** user experience.  


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

FWIW @Draddy, I’ve poked and prodded the new architecture at the app level (performance profiling) and the network level (tracing, down to packet capture) so my comments in the posts above and elsewhere on these forums are not idle opinion. Bringing it back to the thesis of this thread—which started out constructively enough!—people can feel confident that:

  • If their mobile/tablet meets the OS requirements to install the new Sonos app, it is perfectly capable of running the new app.
  • If their Wi-Fi network is solid enough to reach all their Sonos gear, it is perfectly capable of running their Sonos system. Streaming even the high-res FLAC tunes needs less than 1mbps of bandwidth, a fraction of what basic video streaming pulls down.

What do you think about the change from SSDP to mDNS for device discovery? 



Here’s my video of volume control with new app. Even with the old app the volume slider was not “buttery smooth” as each speaker will have a slight delay/advance versus another. Some of the delay/advance difference is due to my finger as I didn’t want top move the slider too fast. However, you can see that the volume levels are within “one click” of each other for the most part.


Would love to hear press250s perspective.  I know that I had a terrible time with Sonos and igmp snooping/stun rules.  Maybe mDNS solves some of that? 


Here’s my video of volume control with new app. Even with the old app the volume slider was not “buttery smooth” as each speaker will have a slight delay/advance versus another. Some of the delay/advance difference is due to my finger as I didn’t want top move the slider too fast. However, you can see that the volume levels are within “one click” of each other for the most part.


Appreciate the visual.  Yours is about as bad as mine.  So it’s potentially not hardware related since you have newer hardware than I do. I honestly feel like you should be annoyed as well based on that video. 

do you remember the s1 days? It was so smooth then.  I could actually fade down audio with the slider. Even looking at yours, you probably can’t fade down audio that smoothly either since it’s jumping 5-10 digits at a time for the fireplace which I’m assuming is an ARC. (And I mean like 50 to 15 in 3-5 seconds, not over 10+ seconds.)   

I will say that s2 pre facelift did operate more smoothly than you’re showing for me.   My master volume slider felt like it was connected to the speakers fairly directly.


let’s say you’re watching tv and you haven’t opened the app in ~30 minutes.  Do you also find that it opens as if it hasn’t been opened at all recently and takes 5-15 seconds to load your speakers and figure out which speakers are playing what before you can make an adjustment?


Nope. App loads as normal which is instantly if left running in the background. If the app is stopped and re-started it takes 2-3 seconds to load. I don’t see that as excessive…maybe you do 🤔. I really don’t have anything else to add to this thread.

As far as my video is concerned…Nope…I don’t feel annoyed and for you to suggest that I should is not your place. Furthermore, just because I have a positive experience by my way of thinking is not “boot licking”.  In any event why anything I say or write should “infuriate” you (or anyone who disagrees) is beyond me and childish on yours and their part.

I’m not willing to join your choir of dissatisfaction. If I have an issue I’ll handle it without your suggestions in my own manner.

Here’s an idea….start your own thread describing your issue, run a diagnostic within 10 minutes of the next occurrence, post the reference ID and later call Sonos Tech support to discuss the results.

Good luck to get your Sonos working as you like 👍 

Would love to hear press250s perspective.  I know that I had a terrible time with Sonos and igmp snooping/stun rules.  Maybe mDNS solves some of that? 

Hard to say, @Draddy. FWIW, mDNS and igmp are both non-routable protocols that can be finicky. mDNS is better supported nowadays, so adopting it makes sense, I suppose.

let’s say you’re watching tv and you haven’t opened the app in ~30 minutes.  Do you also find that it opens as if it hasn’t been opened at all recently and takes 5-15 seconds to load your speakers and figure out which speakers are playing what before you can make an adjustment?

This feels like an “out and back over the internet” issue, as opposed to an “inside the app” issue. (I recognize that sentence isn’t helpful in your case.) Here’s an experiment for you, if you’re game: try using the Windows/Mac desktop client in parallel with the iOS client, performing the exact same things in both, and see how the behaviors compare. Hardly apples-to-apples, tho’ it could be insightful.

More constructive thoughts, easy things that will absolutely not make anything worse …

  • Try shutting down & restarting your phone/tablet. Just one mis-behaving app with a memory leak can cause hard to diagnose behaviors that a full reboot can (temporarily at least) fix.
  • The Sonos app is (relatively speaking) very lightweight; it does not require much processing horsepower. So offhand, I would say upgrading your device is unlikely to make a difference.
  • Elsewhere on these forums, folks have documented super-counterintuitive behavior due to the new app interacting with network-based ‘firewall’ functions like DNS privacy filtering: menu items flat-out missing in the app, for example. As an experiment* try disabling such functions to see if you’re experiencing one of these interactions.

* I am NOT suggesting that disabling is a proper fix, merely a diagnostic tool.

Been trying to figure out why I can't see my devices. Apparently setting any DNS to a manual number will make your Sonos not show up on airplay. Thanks for this fix. Now I get error code 1,000 & 1,105

Hi @Draddy, my comment about the Sonos app being ‘lightweight’ was in the context of how much memory and CPU horsepower it uses … and it does not use much of either. In other words, any phone/tablet that is new enough to install the app is plenty powerful enough to run the app. Hope that clarifies what I was saying.

The new app has a significantly different architecture than the v16 app: both the new mobile app and your Sonos devices now communicate with Sonos servers. Even when you are playing local library music, those Sonos severs are “in the loop” and I am confident this explains a lot of the erratic behavior. That is extremely frustrating and it is not entirely clear to me how much improvement is in store.

I am absolutely not blaming any consumers for these issues. Sonos needs to deliver a solid user experience for Normal Users without particular technical skills. The new app threw one hell of a spanner in the works.



Nope. App loads as normal which is instantly if left running in the background. If the app is stopped and re-started it takes 2-3 seconds to load. I don’t see that as excessive…maybe you do 🤔. I really don’t have anything else to add to this thread.

As far as my video is concerned…Nope…I don’t feel annoyed and for you to suggest that I should is not your place. Furthermore, just because I have a positive experience by my way of thinking is not “boot licking”.  In any event why anything I say or write should “infuriate” you (or anyone who disagrees) is beyond me and childish on yours and their part.

I’m not willing to join your choir of dissatisfaction. If I have an issue I’ll handle it without your suggestions in my own manner.

Here’s an idea….start your own thread describing your issue, run a diagnostic within 10 minutes of the next occurrence, post the reference ID and later call Sonos Tech support to discuss the results.

Good luck to get your Sonos working as you like 👍 

DUDE.  If the app is now sending everything first to sonos and then back to the devices in my house of course that is why they are lagging.  maybe you are on a lower latency network and closer to sonos servers, but clearly this adds massive lag to everything we do with the app.  what an idiotic architecture for this kind of product.  there is no reason for sonos servers to get between me and my devices except for possibly validating my apple music account.  

Some scumbag exec is trying to get as much data about our usage as possible for their commercial benefit and has wrecked - probably permanently - the app.  

There is no way to fix that terrible architectural decision without giving up and going back to the old app - which - surprise surprise - is no longer an option.

It literally takes a minute to connect and do anything now when just a few months ago it was working “ok”.  

Updated my system to the latest S2 app (80.05), and tried and tried to connect to my NAS for all MY music. Would always come back it can’t connect, and check User Name or Password. PLEASE!!!  I’ve got 5 other items that connect to it just fine.

further reading, talks about SMB version 1 or 2. Well guess what? My 15 yr old NAS is version 1. So, that means having to research the latest NAS units and spend some bucks to be able to get back where I was a couple months go with my Sonos systems.

oh yes, one other thing - the whole system some how unconnected from my network every other day!!!  Funny how my 2 iPads, 2 iPhones, Microsoft laptop, TV and one old S1 Sonos box stay connected like they always have. Yet another fault in this new S2 app!!!!!

Almost 14 perfect listening years until this new S2 app released before being fully functional.
