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sonos app keeps crashing!

  • 11 July 2024
  • 5 replies

When the hell do you get the app fixed!!! It keeps crashing, and I can only use the system using Google Assistant. This is suppose to be a premium product, not something from cheap website!

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When the hell do you get the app fixed!!! It keeps crashing, and I can only use the system using Google Assistant. This is suppose to be a premium product, not something from cheap Chinese website!

Are you asking for help from this user community, or just venting? If you’re after help you need to be more specific about what you’re doing, any error messages, etc. If just venting: thanks for sharing with us. 

Just venting, I have ended up buying the SonoPhone app, and forwarded the invoice to Sonos, as their app is not usable at all.

So pure frustration, of an app that doesn’t work. Tried everything, so only an app update can solve it, it seems. 

reboot app, reboot iPhone, reinstall app, not much more to try :/

Same here, only then on android. Tried to use another phone (both worked before) , both craching. Windows controller still works… The new App really sucks bigtime.

I’m another person who is so very frustrated with Sonos. It just never works right. Very unhappy that I bought into this flawed, broken ecosystem. And, yes, I’m venting but all my friends and acquaintances are going to hear my venting too.

I must say dispite the horrors we endured, the latest app is a lot better. Still work to be done, bir it is going in the richt direction. Still, this version should have been the one at launch. 
