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Sonos App iOS can't add songs to playlists - Tidal


I am using the new Sonos app on iOS and there seems to be no way to add songs to Sonos or Tidal playlists from the app. Is this really true or am I missing something? Is it up to the music services to do something? 


If true, this is HIGHLY disappointing as it was the primary way to build playlists between using the Sonos app and Tidal playlists - which I also use the latter outside the home. Please fix!

Sonos drives me crazy! But I found a solution that works for me as a Mac and iPad user.   I just use the Apple music app and AirPlay where Sonos shows up when I click the Air Play icon.  Problem solved, simple...but why isn’t it described anywhere?  

they just want to promote their own app?!

Why is there no response from anyone at Sonos on this topic?

Because this is a community forum, and not a forum to communicate with Sonos Support?

There is no longer any playlist functionality.  Early moderator replies said playlist editing would return. That was a month sgo. But that has fallen off the known issues and future action steps list.

Most likely another example of corporate greed. Sonos must be somehow competing with tidal and is therefore limiting features… to bad… it’s time I leave Sonos behind. I should have this already when they forced people to move from to the version 2 of play 5 … making older versions incompatible. So wasteful and frustrating. 

I initially contacted customer support……waiting a total of 4 hours for them to pick up, only to be told that the new update is required for people with the new headphones. As for playlists there is a get around if you have a laptop or computer. I have an iPhone and iPad, so there’s nothing they can do.

I’ve tried to contact the CEO. I complained about playlists and asked for Sonos to supply me with a laptop so I can use the system as it was intended to be used. All I received was a generic reply about updates, which I checked out. There’s no mention of playlists!! They then advise to come onto this customer website, but Sonos have no input and don’t respond to any issues.

I have 6 Sonos speakers. Wish I’d never bought them. DISGRACEFUL WAY TO TREAT LOYAL CUSTOMERS 


I am using the new Sonos app on iOS and there seems to be no way to add songs to Sonos or Tidal playlists from the app. Is this really true or am I missing something? Is it up to the music services to do something? 


If true, this is HIGHLY disappointing as it was the primary way to build playlists between using the Sonos app and Tidal playlists - which I also use the latter outside the home. Please fix!

I’m having trouble too with iPhone and even my computer is not working correctly. I have bragged about Sonos since 2009 and now have 9 speakers. The speakers are good but the software and wireless WiFi has been great 

Really not impressed!! How can an update screw so many things up and make my music experience lame! I want to add song to my own playlists in Spotify and Tidal but cant anymore

Like here? Or here

There have been several responses made by the Sonos Forum moderators, including posts in this forum, they tend to be ‘shouted down’ by many other posts, and get lost in the clutter of ‘new’ posts. 

In the first link, there is a July 1 release update that says some features are delayed while they respond to feedback from the beta.

Beta? They are calling this a beta?!?  How is it a beta version if it is deployed irreversibly to the entire customer base?