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Sonos and Mac OS 10.15 Catalina

Tried using Sonos with Golden Master of Catalina and its a no go. When I add my music library on an external drive it does so normally but NO songs in the folder are recognized. Wonder if it has to do with Music being the new app for music instead of iTunes?I was able to see music added if it was on the internal drive of the machine.
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Granted Sonos Library Full Disk access in Settings > Security & Privacy
Granted Sonos Full disk access in Settings > Security & Privacy

Sonos now plays my own library and Sonos created playlists again
Thank you alan_52. Allowing full disk access did the trick. I had a whole chat session with Sonos about this earlier today and they were clueless.

Took my son about 2 hrs to work this out. Hope yours is working ok now.
Userlevel 7
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Thanks for sharing guys! I'll make sure to pass that on to the team too.
Userlevel 1
The best answer should be changed to alan_52's first post. I'm not sure who can change it though.
Userlevel 7
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The best answer should be changed to alan_52's first post. I'm not sure who can change it though.

I've added Alan's details to my post so all the needed information should be in one spot regarding Catalina and Sonos.
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I seem to be able to access all my music either through the old iTunes folders or the new Catalina Music Library. I’m not too worried about playlists at this stage.

what I’m completely lost with is Podcasts!
I still have all my existing podcasts in iTunes and can play them through Sonos, and the new Catalina podcast app is downloading new episodes but I have no idea where it stores them and cannot access them except through the podcasts app.

i realise that this was part of the xml file. Anyone know where in Mac Finder new podcasts are stored in Catalina?
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Pete, I believe that they have moved all files for podcast deep into the library, in containers. (not a clue what this means) but my Son has the same problem, after upgrade Apple had removed all audio books, and podcast from A NAS DRIVE, and relocated them on to his hard drive. They all work normally, but he has no access to the files. At the moment he is trying to resolve this.
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Pete, I believe that they have moved all files for podcast deep into the library, in containers. (not a clue what this means) but my Son has the same problem, after upgrade Apple had removed all audio books, and podcast from A NAS DRIVE, and relocated them on to his hard drive. They all work normally, but he has no access to the files. At the moment he is trying to resolve this.

thanks Alan,

yes, you’re right. hidden in the library bowels!
i think I was lucky enough to have a setup issue and all my original files stayed put in iTunes folders.

it is possible to physically drag & drop podcasts from the Podcast app into any folder in finder. If I can find a way of dragging & dropping the latest episode using Apple Script, I can utilise that script in my daily Chronosync schedule as I did with iTunes and then followed that with a Sonos scheduled library update.
I have Sonos Play:1s and recently updated to Mac Catalina. Bad move. My music is on a NAS (NOT in iTunes, just raw files) and Sonos no longer recognizes it. I deleted it but it will not re-add the directory so now I am stuck without music.

Any suggestions? Sonos help is useless. You would think this issue would be known (except to me) before the release.
"Granted Sonos Library Full Disk access in Settings > Security & Privacy"

I don't have this on my Mac. All of my music files are on a NAS. I can't add those files anymore to Sonos even if I give the permission. My computer has only one sonos file.
Userlevel 7
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Hi Podsnap, generally speaking, no amount of OS updates on your computer should prevent the Sonos software from contacting your NAS drive and grabbing the files off of it. That process doesn't include iTunes, aside from iTunes created playlists. I'd start with making sure the files are still on your NAS drive, and using the Sonos app on a mobile device, go to the library settings and add a network path pointing at the NAS drive location.
The files are on the NAS, I assure you. Unfortunately, I have tried all these. Won't work. It gets there and finds the files but indexing goes on and on (24 hours yesterday). Nothing ever shows up on Sonos. Any more suggestions? I see that there are numerous similar problems with Catalina and Sonos.
Any chance there was an update to your NAS firmware at the same time that turned off SMBv1? Although I don't know what error that would throw, if at all.
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Any chance there was an update to your NAS firmware at the same time that turned off SMBv1? Although I don't know what error that would throw, if at all.
Good thinking, though that should pull up an error trying to add the share entirely. Worth checking nonetheless.

@podsnap, can you send a diagnostic after it's been indexing for 10 minutes or more? If it starts indexing and fails partway through, it's usually due to an issue trying to read one of the files contained therein. Perhaps there's a corrupt file in there, or maybe an old copy of the depreciated "iTunes Library.XML" file that the new Music app has stopped used.
Alas, there have been no NAS updates. After Catalina it dropped a lot of files in the directory. So, I deleted the NAS directory and re-added it and now it finds no files or at least finds files but spends forever indexing them.
Thanks, Ryan. The indexing isn't failing but it never ends. I just sent the diagnostic file, #1518622948
Userlevel 7
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Thanks, Ryan. The indexing isn't failing but it never ends. I just sent the diagnostic file, #1518622948
Thanks, while I'm looking that over, can you send a new diagnostic now? I'd just like to confirm that it's "moving" through the index.
Sorry, I was out for a while. Just sent, #1971496856
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Alas, there have been no NAS updates. After Catalina it dropped a lot of files in the directory. So, I deleted the NAS directory and re-added it and now it finds no files or at least finds files but spends forever indexing them.

my music was all in iTunes. However, as a throwback from when it wasn’t on a Mac, I too had all my iTunes files on a NAS drive. I no longer use it for Sonos but I kept it right up to date as a backup.
the up to date xml file always got copied across to the NAS.
I haven’t used it since 2015 but I’ve just tried pointing Sonos to it and it still works. So there should be some hope for you.
There would be but ... I have no iTunes files and iTunes is no longer supported on the Mac.
Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the details Podsnap. I checked out the two diagnostics together and the first one does show it indexing the files, but the second one doesn't show a completed index. There are some access errors, but I can't be certain based on just those logs on what is causing the issue. I don't think this is related to Catalina in particular, but it'd be great for the team to work with you to get a closer look at the system. You mentioned reaching out to support already, but I'd recommend contacting the team live to continue.
Thanks for the assistance, Ryan. I will contact the team.
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There would be but ... I have no iTunes files and iTunes is no longer supported on the Mac.
When I said files, I meant music files in particular. As long as they are there all is not lost.
Userlevel 2
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On my iMac, in System Preferences > Security & Privacy, I see that something called SonosLibraryServer already has full disk access. But I cannot see my music library from within the Sonos app.

Is there some other Sonos file that I also need to give full access to? If yes, can you be specific on the path and the name of the file?

FYI my Music (formerly iTunes) library resides on an external drive - not sure if that's important to my question.

It certainly would be, I think. Sonos uses SMBv1 to access external drives, you need to be sure that it's enabled in order for Sonos to be able to see that.

The weird issue is I'm not sure that's a setting in the MacOS. At least on my NAS, it's a setting on the NAS.
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To add a graphic to alan_50's solution:

alan_52 wrote:

Granted Sonos Library Full Disk access in Settings > Security & Privacy
Granted Sonos Full disk access in Settings > Security & Privacy

Sonos now plays my own library and Sonos created playlists again