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SMB3 and Sonos (Again) - Unable to Connect to NAS Music Share

I was hugely pleased that a recent version of Sonos S2 allowed connections to NAS shares using SMB2 or SMB3 and set it all up successfully.

I’ve done a pile of updates on my music, so decided to add the share into Sonos again.

However this time, with S2 14.6, The Sonos Controller refuses to add the SMB share (configured using Synology DSM 7) under SMB2 or SMB3. It will only work with SMB1 and having NTLMv1 enabled.

Has SMB2/SMB3 support been removed again without including it in any release notes?

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10 replies

I’ve recently installed S2 App v14.6 and my local library share (Netgear NAS Box running SMB v3.0) is indexing/working okay. So it’s maybe something to do with your NAS perhaps?

Does your NAS allow you to set minimum & maximum versions of the SMB protocol? - If so, then perhaps try a minimum & maximum of SMB v2 instead of v3.

See this link too:


@Ken_Griffiths Thanks Ken. Previously I had it set to a minimum of SMB2 and Large MTU and it worked ok. I’ve tried it with both SMB2, SMB2 and LArge MTU. Now I have to set it back to a minimum of SMB1 with NTLMv1 enabled.

I can see the logs on my Synology explicitly stating “Host failed to connect via [SMB] due to [SMB1 not permitted].”

Am hoping I don’t have to reset all my Sonos to check if that’s the issue!


On my Netgear NAS I can set minimum & maximum versions of the SMB protocol (see screenshot). If I set it higher than v3 then Sonos doesn’t work for me, so I set it to v3 as a maximum.

In the Synology documentation I linked above, it says setting your NAS to SMB v3 will actually set it higher to v3.11 so my suggestion was to set both min/max to v2 and see what happens - if that doesn’t work for you, then I’m not sure what you need to do… other than perhaps speak with Synology support.

on a slightly different note I do find that many music apps in the Apple iOS store that use network shared access,  don’t (yet) support v3 so sometimes when using those Apps, I drop the minimum level on my NAS to support SMB v2.. it just takes a second to switch levels in my case. No need to re-index etc.

@Ken_Griffiths Ah, I understand now. Thanks. I have tried it by setting the maximum to SMB2 and Large MTU, and the minimum to SMB2, and it still failed the logs still say that Sonos is trying to connect with SMB1.

It really does look like it’s reverted to only using SMB1, but I am on the latest version of the application and there are no firmware updates required.

Thankfully, it’s only Sonos that is causing me trouble with SMB! Everything else works fine with SMB3.

@Ken_GriffithsAh, I understand now. Thanks. I have tried it by setting the maximum to SMB2 and Large MTU, and the minimum to SMB2, and it still failed the logs still say that Sonos is trying to connect with SMB1.

It really does look like it’s reverted to only using SMB1, but I am on the latest version of the application and there are no firmware updates required.

Thankfully, it’s only Sonos that is causing me trouble with SMB! Everything else works fine with SMB3.

Here’s a LINK to contact/chat to Sonos Support, but maybe submit a diagnostic report after the share fails and see if they can add anything. I would perhaps speak to Synology Support too.

I did also come across this thread, which perhaps may assist you too…


@Anonymous Coward Did you manage to get this working?

I’m frustratingly seeing in the Synology logs that Sonos is still trying to use SMB1:

Host [] failed to connect via [SMB] due to [SMB1 not permitted].


@andin I'm afraid I didn't. I contacted Sonos support who didn't even know that they supported SMB3, sent them a log and heard nothing back.

Since it worked before, I can only assume Sonos have changed something, since, even if it didn't support the latest version of SMB3, it should fall back to SMB2. Like you, it just tries connecting with SMB1.

@Anonymous Coward It’s worth giving support another go.

I got in touch and they were now aware of the SMB update. They couldn’t sort it out over chat but over the phone they’ll set up a remote session to troubleshoot.


As it happens, in the time between me using the chat and moving to phone support my Sonos decided that it was going to play ball and connected straight away when we tried it in the remote session - but if yours is still wonky then they should be able to help!