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sleep timer missing on new app

Why have Sonos removed the sleep timer function in the new App . This makes my speaker useless to me. 
   Waiting for a response from Sonos but if nothing forthcoming I will have to ditch it and change brands as I use it all the time. 

if you’re having the same issues please email Sonos as well, the more that do should hopefully make them take some action !! 

First time ever in my life posting to any community; this issue warrants a response.  Please please please heed the hundreds of pleas and restore this option immediately!

It seems that this is the reason SONOS released their terrible software early.

Either way, their image was impacted by a stupid decision. It will take a really long time for anyone to buy headphones from SONOS.




Step by step im going to leave the sonos system. This Software ist bulls***. A new app fromm the past without alarm clock and sleeptimer. :(


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Just found a workaround… if you add your room as a device in Google Home app you can create an automation to mute the sound at a preset time…


I cant believe there is no more sleep timer. I cant get the stop playing to work on my IPhone.

Why remove a basic feature and not allow an easy work around?

I’m very disappointed in Sonos.

My wife and I use the sleep timer every night.




Dans une récente mise à jour de l'appli, Sonos a remis la fonction Alarme.

En attendant que la fonction Timer soit elle aussi remise, une astuce me permet de m'endormir à nouveau en musique.

Je programme une alarme pour dans 1 minute et je paramètre la durée de cette alarme.

Il n'y a plus qu'à attendre entre 1 et 59 secondes et ma musique douce se met en marche pendant la durée souhaitée! 😀 

Good night ! 😴


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Google Translate-


In a recent app update, Sonos brought back the Alarm function.

While waiting for the Timer function to also be reset, a trick allows me to fall asleep to music again.

I set an alarm for in 1 minute and set the duration of this alarm.

All you have to do is wait between 1 and 59 seconds and my soft music will play for the desired duration! 😀

Good night! 😴

PLEASE add the timer back into the app. I am stunned that such useful functionality has been removed. Why?!

In a recent app update, Sonos brought back the Alarm function.

While waiting for the Timer function to also be reset, a trick allows me to fall asleep to music again.

I set an alarm for in 1 minute and set the duration of this alarm.

All you have to do is wait between 1 and 59 seconds and my soft music will play for the desired duration! 😀

Good night! 😴


Hier mon app Sonos venait d’être mise à nouvelle version, j’utilise chaque nuit pour jouer musique pour dormir pendant une heure, mais hier je ne parviens pas le mettre le timer, 

c’est catastrophique pour moi, qui peut me dire comment ça se passe ?



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Google Translate-


Good morning,

Yesterday my Sonos app had just been updated to a new version, I use it every night to play music to sleep for an hour, but yesterday I couldn't set the timer,

It’s catastrophic for me, who can tell me how it’s going?


Where is the timer in the new version?

I miss the sleep timer on my lamp, now I use my phone to play music. Who's bright idea at Sonos was it to remove something like this? Some bull$#!?

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I just sent a note to the CEO. This is totally unacceptable. I use the alarm daily and it’s missing too. 

if you feel th same and are inclined to write, it’s

At least give a warning and a path back to the previous app. 

The CEO doesn't care. He's proud of the new app. 

The worst update ever… Usability and Functionality became worse and features are gone. I can’t find the sleep timer anymore. Roll back out the former app

Terrible software update. Agree with all the posts above. In addition, do not like the functionality of the new software. Not as intuitive as the previous software versions.

Also, what happened to “Sleep Timer”? A function I use every day/night and it is just gone? Did Sonos do any research as to how many users use this feature? I suspect I am not alone. I hope Sonons provides not inly a better update but an apology would go a long way...

Never have I seen a company with the capacity to shoot themselves in the foot. You have a decent product - many users - then you go and do a release which in one fell swoop serves to piss off a large proportion of the users. Could I honestly recommend Sonos to a friend - frankly after the last couple of software updates - the answer would have to be on. Granted I can manage to sort out most the problems and hopefully the sleep function will be restored. Frankly that is not the point - for a so called premium product this stuff is not supposed to happen. When it happens repeatedly - then frankly heads should roll. 

Very unimpressed... my bedroom speaker now useless 

I have a way to get by it but it takes a little more work… You can play sound and then set an alarm for the same speaker when you want the sound to stop playing, effectively the same as a sleep timer. The alarm will pause the sound being played from the speaker. You can set the alarm to 0 volume so it won’t wake you up when it goes off. You can create an alarm on the new app by clicking manage → alarms. Although it might not work for all speakers, it’s definitely worth trying. It works for all of mine. 


Having spent years amassing many seperate speakers and accessories whilst wholeheartedly recommending this system to others I feel a fool.


To have key features disabled without warning on the drop of a new OS removes confidence in this product and the brand a s a whole.  


Please restore or provide an easy roll back so those of us who don't wish to buy your headphones can utilise the many thousands of pounds worth of equipment they purchased in the way they were told they could when sold.

Looks like app update on iOS v80.02.04 today brings back the sleep timer!

The new app is such a catastrophe! What vendor removes good features and just adds rubbish??? I am thinking about selling all my Sonos product (10+) with such an app to control...

Why have Sonos removed the sleep timer function in the new App . This makes my speaker useless to me. 
   Waiting for a response from Sonos but if nothing forthcoming I will have to ditch it and change brands as I use it all the time. 

if you’re having the same issues please email Sonos as well, the more that do should hopefully make them take some action !! 

All fixed. The sleep timer was added back today. The alarm feature is also there, but that one never left. Just hard to find.


I think its important to make a distinction between what has been removed and what isn’t yet present, although to the end user the distinction is moot.

We know alarms are present in the underlying OS and therefore is present on the speakers and amps.  The UI of the phone app is clearly unfinished (and yeah that is another way of saying rushed out).  But alarms clearly haven’t been removed.l, per se.  I’m not excusing it, I’m just saying it’s not in the app — yet, but it hasn’t been removed from the OS.  I don’t know why I’m saying this when Sonos should have stepped in by now and calmed the waters here, but they haven’t.  Sit tight, the missing bits will be added in, though they can’t come soon enough. 

“Your Honor, I believe it is important to note that my client did not steal, they simply had not decided to give it back, yet.”

The sleep timer is back in the version released on 4th June.  It was easy to update the Android app.   For iOS I had to disable and re-enable the app to get the upgrade