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sleep timer missing on new app

Why have Sonos removed the sleep timer function in the new App . This makes my speaker useless to me. 
   Waiting for a response from Sonos but if nothing forthcoming I will have to ditch it and change brands as I use it all the time. 

if you’re having the same issues please email Sonos as well, the more that do should hopefully make them take some action !! 

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142 replies

Userlevel 2

Very unimpressed... my bedroom speaker now useless 

Userlevel 3

I too use the sleep timer every night as I go to sleep.  What kind of an update is this??  How can you update to a new version and not have this feature?  Should have a way to return to the older version that worked fine for me.  Come on!

Userlevel 2

I too used the sleep timer function every night.. Disappointed that this is considered an improvement over the previous application..  I still love my speakers, but can’t believe this was overlooked.. 👎🏻

Userlevel 3

Yes, the speakers are great, but software not so much unfortunately.

Userlevel 3

 I am a long time customer of Sonos, and have purchased thousands of dollars worth of your products for use in multiple homes. I have been through all of the previous app update disasters, but this one hits a new low. The sleep timer function is the number one, single most important feature to me. My wife and I use it at night, knowing that we can fall asleep without having to manually turn off the music. How could your development team roll out a new app taking out such a critical feature, without warning? I never would have updated. Now, I can’t roll back to the previous version, and I am going to have to find a different solution. To say that I’m a furious customer is an understatement. I’d short the stock, but I see it’s already been hammered. I can see why.

Userlevel 3

Put the freaking sleep timer back or put a way to downgrade this * update.


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


Userlevel 3

Put the freaking sleep timer back or put a way to downgrade this * update.

As a workarround for the speakers that have bluetooth and you listen online radio, i have stopped using the sonos app, connected the Bluetooth and using tune in radio app with sleep timer


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


Userlevel 2

Just adding to the thread.   Really a poor decision to remove the sleep timer / alarm from the app.  As many others, I use them regularly.  The workaround that has been suggested is all well and fine...but what a pain.   Sonos, you’ve taken a step backwards and I’ve sent an email to the CEO to express my disappointment. 

the sleep timer can be set by voice, there is nothing wrong with it, much worse that there is no alarm, e.g. at 8 a.m. the radio turns on automatically, etc., that's what I had with the old application and now it's a bummer :-/// I hope this functionality will come back. I use this functionality a lot, someone didn't really think through the new application :-/

Userlevel 1

Again, like everybody written above, I can't believe Sonos have taken the timer function way, like many I use it when I go to sleep - sonos bring it back ASAP, please

The new app is complete rubbish, not user friendly, no sleep timer, lost use of tuning, please can we have the old app back?

It was the one feature I really used and new I’ve had to remove SONOS and go back to my digital radio alarm clock

Userlevel 2

And no I don't want to say hay Alexa, this omission is awful what where you thinking,  these are 2 functions I use daily,  have had my system for several years, if you can't fix this soon I'm off, 

Userlevel 2

To me it is completly insane to force people to the New app when basic features Arent Even working and with No way to downgrade.. It really feels like your pissing down our backs.. My sonos is now pretty much useless.. At the absolutly least you could do was to warn the users before hand.   

Userlevel 2

This is beyond non acceptable.  Shame on anyone involved. Sorry I have invested so much money in this hardware 

Userlevel 2

Such an unfortunate decision to release without this critical feature that so many ppl have come to rely on daily. I also would not have updated knowing it was intentionally omitted. Poor attention to your users.

Try emailing the CEO directly: and ask for a refund as some of the services aren’t available. If we all take to social media it will damage the value of the brand which may have an impact on the share price. Good luck!

Userlevel 3

I emailed the ceo

We need to warn others and leave negative reviews in app store and google play.

They will fix it soon. Just have patience. Emailing the CEO will do nothing. 

Userlevel 2

I used the sleep time every night. I can’t believe they removed this function. The app was better before these changes. Now it’s less functional and useful... 

Please reinstate on new app


The new app has taken away more than it has given. No sleep timer, no integration, no local libraries etc.


There should be the ability to downgrade to the old version whilst feature parity is restored. Feels like a massive beta test experiment.

I hope there are some AMAZING features coming that require a rewrite of the app.


Time to seriously investigate what Roon can do I think. Weekend project.


Userlevel 1

I’m really mad about this… 😡


Comment faire pour avoir la possibilité d arrêter une station de façon programmée? Par exemple dans 30 mm.

Ce service existait auparavant mais je ne le retrouve pas sur la nouvelle application.

Merci par avance.


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-


Good morning

How can I be able to stop a station on a scheduled basis? For example in 30 mm.

This service existed before but I cannot find it on the new application.

Thanks in advance.

The Sonon app update released on 7 May is very poor.  It just suddendly updated, with no "what's new" introduction, so the user has to go figure out where everything is.  The interface is slow and quite buggy, and where's my sleep timer gone?

Sonos, this release was not tested properly.  Roll it back, fix the issues and rerelease with some explations about the changes

Userlevel 1

I agree re no longer a manual sleep timer option!! No, I don’t want to use Alexa, Google, or any voice activated device to set a timer. Please reinstate immediately! I have an older system, so at this point I can easily switch to one of your competitors. It doesn’t sound as if I’m alone.