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random muting on my system

My entire system mutes randomly and without touching any buttons, The voice Assistance not activated and that's not what appears to be causing it. Are there any solutions? I have updated my system. 

Happens to me too after latest software update. Please fix this Sonos.

Moderator edit: moved to larger thread

This has happened to me the last 2 mornings. All speakers are muted when I get up.

Hi @Morgpierre et al

Thank you all for your assistance - we have identified an issue making speakers randomly set their volume to 0 and are investigating. We will update this thread once a fix has been implemented.

I have a play 1 that keeps muting itself when it is not in use. The green light on the unit illuminates. Playing music does not unmute it. I have to adjust the volume via the app or the button on the unit.

Any idea what is causing this?

Moderator edit: Moved to bigger, related thread

It’s not just the mornings it happens… it just happened to me again while I was listening to TuneIn. Everything muted except my Roam, which has been on and off it’s dock all morning… very strange and super annoying. This is about the 6th or 7th time it’s happened over the past 36 hours for me so hopefully a fix will arrive soon...

This never happened before the new app was released. It feels like it is related.  Another reason to roll back.

This never happened before the new app was released. It feels like it is related.  Another reason to roll back.

It can happen whilst app isn’t in use (e.g. overnight), so seems more likely to be related to a system update.

Have been having the same issue for a few days now...speakers randomly muting.

Also the set volume feature in the new app is very glitchy.

At the same time the random muting starting happening I’ve also started having the issue that my podcast app (Podcast Addict) will randomly receive a stop command because another app is trying to take over playback even though I’ve done nothing.

I suspect that the latest Sonos app is also the culprit for that because both things started happening the same day.

We also use our system for sleep sounds for the kids.  It's not fun to have them wake us up in the wee hours of the morning because their speakers have randomly muted.  Please, please, please fix quickly so we can all sleep again.

Hi @CortJstr 

At the same time the random muting starting happening I’ve also started having the issue that my podcast app (Podcast Addict) will randomly receive a stop command because another app is trying to take over playback even though I’ve done nothing.

I suspect that the latest Sonos app is also the culprit for that because both things started happening the same day.

I think this unlikely - the Sonos app is incapable of playing media on the device it’s running on. It’s not completely impossible that it could be our app though, so I recommend getting a feel for the frequency of this occurrence, then uninstalling the Sonos app. Use Podcast Addict as you were before, until at least double the time it would normally take for the issue to occur has passed. If it still does it, it’s obviously not the Sonos app doing it. If you find that the issue no longer occurs, however, then I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team to report it - you are not likely to get an immediate solution, but we can at least document the issue for investigation.

I hope this helps.

Just wanted to add that I'm also having the same problem.

Some speakers keep randomly setting their volume to 0 with green light coming on.

This happened on two of my speakers - I noticed green lights on both and thought, strange - then I saw the volume slider was all the way down when checking the systems in the horrid new Sonos app (I refuse to use it since Sonos destroyed the ability to add my iTunes library). 

When they fix it in two years, maybe I’ll use the speakers again.

(I refuse to use it since Sonos destroyed the ability to add my iTunes library).


I exclusively use mine in as Airplay speakers from iTunes on my laptop and as a soundbar. I only listen to music I own and never streaming services so I don’t even know how else one would use them. I only open the app to set up a new speaker then never touch it again.

I would be nice to be able to skip or pause without going back to the actual laptop but I guess that’s too technologically advanced for Sonos to handle.

Just happened to my Beam2 while streaming movie.  Happened again while submitting the diagnostic report.  Please fix.

I am having this issue too. Happens every night whilst asleep. Get woken up by the bright green mute LED! Please fix this as soon as possible!

Same here. Multiple One's SL, Arc, Move. They all go into mute multiple times a day. Sometimes all, sometimes only a few.

Seems to be a pretty widespread bug related to a firmware update. Hope this is is given top priority.

I had my system on from 8am until 6pm yesterday and it happened at least 5 times throughout the day and that was while listening to TuneIn & Spotify, both launched via Alexa. I had to reset the volume on all the speakers each time and then later in the evening they all randomly jumped up in volume on their own accord.


Woke up this morning and all but one of my speakers has the green mute button illumintaed. This is not good and needs fixed ASAP...

Been woken up the last two mornings, with the bright green “Mute” glare on both the Ray and Five.

Sonos seem to have really dropped the ball lately with both the ‘App’ and now unstable updates.

Premium product credibility is being eroded away methinks!

Same issue. Not all speakers move to 0 at the same time. Sometimes just part of a group will go to 0 while the rest will not change. Log #************* sent. 


Moderator Note: Recorded and removed Diagnostics Number. Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

and me just randomly sets to zero and wont unset - stereo pair - log *********sent


Moderator Note: Recorded and removed Diagnostics Number. Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Note with regard to Diagnostic confirmation numbers: SONOS staff do not automatically review diagnostics. In the distant past, support was not able to easily find diagnostic submissions and asked that users record the number and reference it during discussions. Users were also encouraged to post the confirmation number here. SONOS is now able to easily fetch diagnostics associated with an account and discourages posting confirmation numbers publicly, citing security concerns.

It’s likely that a moderator will edit the above posts and remove the numbers.

Guess what?
Same issue here. Random muting on two of my three components (one ONE and one BEAM)… but not the third one (a ONE as well)… Several times a day. Does seem to happen only when the app is open. When app is closed and I use ALEXA only to control my music, it has been working OK… That seems to suggest it is indeed this new version of the app!

I have no clue about how to submit a report, let alone finding diagnostic codes...

Same happens to me. All speakers turn their volume down to zero and green light comes on. Happens every night and during the day too. Volume doesn't come back up by itself when I play something, I have to turn the volume back up from zero every time 

It's happening at random times whether or not the speaker is playing but you might only notice it if it goes quiet during playback.

If you have smartthings it keeps a log of every event for connected devices and you can see the volume going to zero at random times a few times a day.

Luckily the routine I use sets volume as well as station so it had been unmuting the speaker until I noticed it for the first time when it happened during playback today.