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Radio Plenitude connection impossible

  • 8 January 2024
  • 4 replies

Aujourd'hui, j'ai réinstallé ou au moins reconnecté mon Sonos Five au réseau électrique de ma nouvelle maison. Il s'est connecté directement à ma box Internet, mais ensuite j'ai voulu passer "Radio Plenitude" mais impossible, il dit juste "This is Tuneln" tout le temps et des pubs après. J'ai essayé avec d'autres radios que j'ai en favoris, tout fonctionne sauf celle-là. Pourriez-vous l'essayer vous-même chez vous si Radio Plénitude fonctionne, s'il vous plaît ? Parce que j'apprécie vraiment cette radio pour ma paix intérieure. Actarus


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Good morning,

Today I reinstalled or at least reconnected my Sonos Five to the power grid in my new house. It connected directly to my Internet box, but then I wanted to play "Radio Plenitude" but impossible, it just says "This is Tuneln" all the time and ads afterwards. I tried with other radios that I have as favorites, everything works except this one. Could you try it yourself at home if Radio Plénitude works, please? Because I really appreciate this radio for my inner peace. Actarus

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Actarus 

Thanks for your post!

As far as I can make out, TuneIN has no stations called “Radio Plénitude”, which would explain why your favourites link no longer works - the station seems to have been removed.

I did, however, find the station on the myTuner and services - neither of these services require an account, so you can quickly add them to your Sonos system, search for the station and recreate the favourites link so you can easily find the station later.

Add a music service to Sonos

I hope this helps.


Google Translate:


Merci pour votre message !

D'après ce que je peux comprendre, TuneIN n'a pas de station appelée « Radio Plénitude », ce qui expliquerait pourquoi votre lien favoris ne fonctionne plus - la station semble avoir été supprimée.

J'ai cependant trouvé la station sur les services myTuner et - aucun de ces services ne nécessite de compte, vous pouvez donc les ajouter rapidement à votre système Sonos, rechercher la station et recréer le lien des favoris afin de pouvoir la retrouver facilement. la gare plus tard.

Ajouter un service de musique à Sonos

J'espère que ça aide.

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hi @Corry P,

Unfortunately I have just tried the two services that you indicated to me and it does not launch "Plenitude" but I thank you for searching or finding it elsewhere on Tuneln who deleted it without notice. Have a nice day. Actarus9999


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Actarus 

I confess I didn’t actually try playing the station when I searched - apologies.

I can report that I am also unable to play the station from either myTuner or As a result, I can only suggest that you get in touch with the station directly and inform them of the troubles you had in getting their station to play from any of the providers you’ve tried - I found an email address you can use:

Their website is down, however, so it’s possible the station has been shut down entirely (

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hi @Corry P, in fact I just went to their website it is no longer activated so this will probably explain that the web radio service via all the broadcasters such as Tuneln, Sonos Radio, etc... does not find it more. I am disgusted. It was a great radio station because it was ad-free and had no interruptions, with lots of beautiful music for the mind and the soul.