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The new Sonas app is awful. It typically will not connect to music even when the music is playing, hence I cannot switch the music of,

but worst problem is trying to control the volumes of the various sonas speakers. Even when I adjust the volume in the app it mysteriously changes itself back to the other setting.

trying to adjust volumes is almost impossible and VERY VERY frustrating.

fthis app should not have been released in such a dismal and poor state. It really damages Sonas reputation and brand.

when will these problems be fixed..?

Hello - I’ve spent all day trying to connect my home sound system to the Sonos amp and am going around in circles.  One moment the app can see my devices and I think I’m close then next it can’t detect my devices at all.  Is this the continues app issue and is there anything I can do or is it a case of patience until Sonos fixes the app problems I’ve read here.  Thanks for your help.

Hello I have the same problem. It sometimes detects and sometimes no detects..  I really regret to do this upgrade which is a big bullshit !

I NEVER write into to offer comments on products until now. The new control App is a disaster. The graphics are way too busy, the volume has a terrible lag. It is extremely difficult to navigate and eternally frustrating. Whoever decided that App was “good enough” to be released should lose their job - truly. Please start from scratch and give your dedicated customers something to restore our faith in this company. A few days ago, I had to tell a friend who was inquiring about my system, to steer clear of purchasing Sonos equipment until they manage to get a fix for this terrible control system. That brought me no pleasure as I had been a stout advocate for the product up until now.

David this is how I feel most days with this stuff. It’s become a real joke in the house but it’s not funny at all is it. I’ve spent more time sorting these tech problems out than any other tech I’ve ever owned and I’ve seen a lot in my 50 odd years. You are right to voice an opinion having owned the product and as I suspect sat on the sidelines thinking it will get resolved. After all Sonos isn’t a start up tech company but was a mature player with quite brilliant products that just worked. Their inabilities are becoming very focused and despite the obvious differences and difficulties there must be with tech today why have they decided to so boldly alienate their customers, impact the profitability of the company and ultimately jeopardise their future and our expensive purchases going forwards. Probably an answer would be to find a credible suitor to seriously invest. Possibly a fruit company would be helpful as despite the ease they suggest these tech items are to use my experience is that they require a very good understanding of WiFi, routers, apps, etc etc etc. That isn’t going to be a good model going forward. One mantra in business and life I have that’s served me well is K I S S. this stuff is far from that. 
Keep on pressing away, positively as you have been. They have no choice but to lean right in and put this right. 

It has been ENOUGH.   Enough timeless, unpaid hours of my precious time I’ve spent, weekend, night, money, changing routers, adding eeros to try and fix it.  Thinking it was my fault.  When it had been Sonos stupidity dumbing down their system with careless releases of updates.   

Just wanting to add my voice. The new app is terrible. It’s unreliable, unintuitive and unstable.

I have Sonos through out my house. It’s now next to useless. 

so disappointed Sonos have not rectified their monumental c*** up.

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Sonos, are your people reading these posts and more importantly are they doing anything about it.  I invested in the Sonos speakers system many years ago and up until recently enjoyed using it, recommending it to friends and family. I now find myself reluctant to even attempt to use it and embarrassed to mention the name Sonos. All in all I feel let down by Sonos and helpless to anything about it as I am sure do thousands of of others World wide.

I have experienced many of the problems with the new terrible app including playing music in the wrong room, random volume etc. etc. ( please, Sonos, don’t waste your time attempting to sell me headphones or anything else. You are wasting your time and more importantly more of mine!).

latest problem is that my playlists now include tracks that I haven’t added and that’s very, very annoying!

If anyone can help I’d be grateful 

 What playlists?  Sonos playlists?

Thanks for responding. It’s the Spotify playlists that I play via Sonos. Some of the playlists seem okay but others now include loads of random tracks that I’ve not added.

I'm done. Eight years of loving my Sonos system of 7 products ruined by the terrible implementation of a new app that doesn't work properly with no end in sight. Has it improved with "fixes"... yes but not enough. 

I've sold all my Sonos gear and never going back.



what is going on with this new app? You have totally destroyed your products. When I attempt to use I encounter the following issues:


1- app lags- won’t connect, won’t load, won’t search properly

2- after picking a song it takes sometimes up to a minute for the song to play

3- volume control is absolutely horrendous. You change the volume and nothing happens! Then 45 seconds later it goes up or goes down. It’s even worse if you attempt to do it straight from Spotify!!!


how the hell could a company roll out an update so horrible and still after 4-5 months have done nothing to fix it!!!? I want answers- my whole house is Sonos. RESPOND

After a spring and summer without reliable music from my $3500.00 array of Sonos speakers, the app has finally started to behave reasonably well. But I certainly will not buy another Sonos product, nor recommend Sonos to anyone, until the Sonos board has fired the current CEO, Patrick Spence. He clearly puts the installed base of over 15 million Sonos customers at the very bottom of his priorities. I led an application development team for 12 years: no respectable app team would release an “update” so full of disaster as this one is. No respectable app team would fail to test it extensively with a broad mix of users and product configurations. The Sonos developers apparently protested that the app was not ready. But Patrick Spence insisted on releasing it. He must go. Adding insult to injury, Sonos sent a notice out a few weeks ago announcing “new features” in a recent update. These include an ability to edit the queue, a much used feature that was stripped out of the infamous update. Other former features were also lauded as “new” additions. They were presented as new features that we should be grateful to have. That’s disgraceful PR spin, and an insult to our intelligence.  It’s more confirmation that Patrick Spence and his executive team hold the Sonos installed base in contempt. 

Having been loyal for many years with Sonos Five and two Sonos Five (new version), Arc, Woofer and Boost - nothing works for more than a week or two.  Right now I am waiting for an update to “my products” through the app which is taking 30 minutes and the Arc flashing white and red (meaning failing to update).  The warning on the screen says do not unplug.  Yeah, and when I said how bad this stuff is now in another forum, I got slammed for not being a “loyalist” or “being stupid.”  Sonos is making old fashion wired speakers look a lot better and frankly my enjoyment with the products is now down at -100.  Heck, my Echo dots are more reliable for playlists.  Sonos you have customers who have spent thousands - you are a pathway to disappearing.
