Play local files Solved

  • 16 March 2024
  • 2 replies

The solution is to use an app like HiFiCast.   Cast to 1 speaker and then use Sonos app to add other speakers.

HiFiCast also supports .m3u playlists which iBroadcast sadly doesn't.  Also plays at full bitrate which is nice.

2 replies

Edit, apparently HiFiCast isn't available for iOS.

M3u support for iBroadcast would be unlikely (no I haven't asked) as you have to define each song path in the xml. I'm sure that the iBroadcast paths will be hard to convert from local paths.  Happy to be proven wrong.

Userlevel 7
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I found the Support team at iBroadcast super helpful (they fixed their service so my app worked better with it), have you asked them about m3u file support?
