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New Sonos App Update Sucks Massively

Sonos really screwed the pooch on the update.  Nothing connects now, simplicity is gone.  What in wide world of sports were you thinking?????  Was there any real world testing done?  Massive screw-up.  Thinking of pitching what I have and starting over with another brand.  Awful product

I have had to unplug my SONOS system, as it began randomly playing country music without prompting. I was hitting the button on my speaker to turn it off, then it would wait thirty seconds or so – and start again. Interestingly though, when I *want* it to play something, it refuses. So now I have expensive black boxes dotted around my house, but I’m listening to Bose. Sack the CEO.

The app and Sonos just self destructed. I am shocked how terrible it is. 

I hope Sonos addresses this issue sooner than later. I would highly recommend going back to the old software while sorting this problem out. I have problems with this everyday. I have speakers throughout my house. I was also told by a local store owner in my neighborhood that their Sonos system is having problems as well. 

Sonos really screwed the pooch on the update.  Nothing connects now, simplicity is gone.  What in wide world of sports were you thinking?????  Was there any real world testing done?  Massive screw-up.  Thinking of pitching what I have and starting over with another brand.  Awful product

22 days after the first post and the app update is nothing but horrible. You guys need help?

From the SONOS Careers page: 
“We prioritize long-term value over short-term goals and embrace any task.”

I’ll just leave that there...

Sonos team, how did you manage to literally destroy the user experience with one release? I've been in IT and software development for over 28 years and I've never experienced such a degradation in user experience as I and others have recently been subjected to. I've owned SONOS products since the very start and even during the s1 and s2 debacle I still kept faith even when I was losing devices I'd purchased. I'm dumbstruck how features that made Sonos their name, like grouping speakers is no longer working between two software versions. Don't you guys do regression testing? This has to be the worst app Sonos has released to date and I'm not that hates progress. But if it ain't broke.…


So now I sit here and realise that many features have gone and there's no proper dialogue from the company to assure their very expensive devices are still worth buying if the software is totally crap. So to this end, as a developer,  do you guys have an API so that I can create my own app. That way I can build something with the features that used to be a game changer Years ago, but are now just expected. 

Sonos OS app continues to “forget” the location of my music library. This never happened with the previous iteration of the app. Apparently the connection is lost if the computer is rebooted, restarted or goes into “sleep” mode over night.  Each time this happens I have to re-enter the location, password, identity and re-index my entire library. For me this is a 45 minute operation several times a day.  Is this a another “feature” of the new and “improved” app? 

Sonos OS app continues to “forget” the location of my music library. This never happened with the previous iteration of the app. Apparently the connection is lost if the computer is rebooted, restarted or goes into “sleep” mode over night.  Each time this happens I have to re-enter the location, password, identity and re-index my entire library. For me this is a 45 minute operation several times a day.  Is this a another “feature” of the new and “improved” app? 

I’ve not seen what you’re describing, and I’ve seen some erratic/episodic behavior with local libraries. What app (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac) are you using?

Echoing all of the above. The "update" SUCKS!! GET IT * FIXED!!!

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

From the SONOS Careers page: 
“We prioritize long-term value over short-term goals and embrace any task.”

I’ll just leave that there...

Embrace your customer base for God's sake. We hate this!

There seems to be, according to this post, and this FAQ article.

My understanding is that both that post, and the FAQ article, will be updated as needed.

Not happening.

Sonos-are you listening? You are quickly losing a base of long-time customers. After spending $$$$ on a system for the entire house, I have one speaker that will connect. Ridiculous! Unfortunately, I can’t ditch the system and convert to a competitive brand. However, I can certainly give feedback to friends/family that are looking to purchase. 

Sonos OS app continues to “forget” the location of my music library. This never happened with the previous iteration of the app. Apparently the connection is lost if the computer is rebooted, restarted or goes into “sleep” mode over night.  Each time this happens I have to re-enter the location, password, identity and re-index my entire library. For me this is a 45 minute operation several times a day.  Is this a another “feature” of the new and “improved” app? 

I’ve not seen what you’re describing, and I’ve seen some erratic/episodic behavior with local libraries. What app (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac) are you using?

I am referring to the operation of the Sonos app for MacOS I’m using on my laptop (The Mac iOS version on my iPads and iPhones is pretty much unusable). I have updated all apps to the latest version.

Sonos OS app continues to “forget” the location of my music library. This never happened with the previous iteration of the app. Apparently the connection is lost if the computer is rebooted, restarted or goes into “sleep” mode over night.  Each time this happens I have to re-enter the location, password, identity and re-index my entire library. For me this is a 45 minute operation several times a day.  Is this a another “feature” of the new and “improved” app? 

I’ve not seen what you’re describing, and I’ve seen some erratic/episodic behavior with local libraries. What app (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac) are you using?

I am referring to the operation of the Sonos app for MacOS I’m using on my laptop (The Mac iOS version on my iPads and iPhones is pretty much unusable). I have updated all apps to the latest version.

You’ re not crazy. Been using both pc controllers (Win10/MacOS) as the only resort for full access of my NAS music library. Same thing, music library disappears > have to reassign and re-index. The iOS app then can see my music library but seems to have an album limit. Problematic for artists with high album count. <sigh>

What a mess. Beyond frustrated. What other market products are available that are comparable ? I’m done with this ? I have over 32 speakers / amps between 4 homes. 

Sonos OS app continues to “forget” the location of my music library. This never happened with the previous iteration of the app. Apparently the connection is lost if the computer is rebooted, restarted or goes into “sleep” mode over night.  Each time this happens I have to re-enter the location, password, identity and re-index my entire library. For me this is a 45 minute operation several times a day.  Is this a another “feature” of the new and “improved” app? 

I’ve not seen what you’re describing, and I’ve seen some erratic/episodic behavior with local libraries. What app (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac) are you using?

I am referring to the operation of the Sonos app for MacOS I’m using on my laptop (The Mac iOS version on my iPads and iPhones is pretty much unusable). I have updated all apps to the latest version.

You’ re not crazy. Been using both pc controllers (Win10/MacOS) as the only resort for full access of my NAS music library. Same thing, music library disappears > have to reassign and re-index. The iOS app then can see my music library but seems to have an album limit. Problematic for artists with high album count. <sigh>

Just checked this minute. Music library has disappeared again. (2nd time today). No restart. No reboot. Sonos just “decided” it can't locate the library. It will take 45 minutes and more wear on my NAS drives it get my access to my library.  Ive just about reached my limit with Sonos. What good is as music app that can't play music? Why did I spend $1,000s on speakers that are now most likely worthless?

How do I uninstall this garbage update.  I can’t listen to anything.  This equipment is a paperweight at this point.

My wife spent over $2000 dollars for my sonos set up and ever since the “upgrade” I can not open the sonos app on my android phone and I have tried everything multiple times. Now I have a $2000 piece of junk in front of my TV!!  

Can you please let us have the old Sonos 2 app back while you all try to make sense of this monstrosity of ineptitude that you have created with this update? No more excuses and no more delays!  Give us back the old app now. I have been a Sonos customer for 12 years and I have never encountered such an utter failure in any update of software. How is it possible to not put in a search feature for the home library?? With 30,000 songs in my library, scrolling to find anything is absurd! Your update totally *. 

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

This goes under the adage, "if it ain't broken,  don't fix it!"

Sonos really screwed the pooch on the update.  Nothing connects now, simplicity is gone.  What in wide world of sports were you thinking?????  Was there any real world testing done?  Massive screw-up.  Thinking of pitching what I have and starting over with another brand.  Awful product

Response time of application is utter pants now , getting quickly fed up of waiting for menu items to respond , or not as the case would more often seem to be .  Won’t be recommending sonos anytime soon  

I hate the new app interface. Can’t even change the sound level with the Iphone locked.

I spent 65 minutes on the phone listening to music while waiting to speak to a support person, for 28 minutes he instructed me to do many things like install an app so he could see what was on my phone, send me a code to type in on my phone, in plus my sonos arc, type in my phone the numbers located on the bottom of my sonos sub differ as well as unplugging it, pushing the button on the side of the sub and some other maneuvers. When that was all completed my app was working once again. It was very stressful to say the least especially with his language barrier. All I can say is if you call support, make sure you have at least an hour and a half, be close to you sonos, phone charged, get the numbers on the bottom of your sub, they are very small so hard to see and make sure they get your phone number in case you loose them while on the call, it happened to me so thank God he got my number and called me right back. I hope this bit of info helps. Good luck.

I spent 65 minutes on the phone listening to music while waiting to speak to a support person, for 28 minutes he instructed me to do many things like install an app so he could see what was on my phone, send me a code to type in on my phone, in plus my sonos arc, type in my phone the numbers located on the bottom of my sonos sub differ as well as unplugging it, pushing the button on the side of the sub and some other maneuvers. When that was all completed my app was working once again. It was very stressful to say the least especially with his language barrier. All I can say is if you call support, make sure you have at least an hour and a half, be close to you sonos, phone charged, get the numbers on the bottom of your sub, they are very small so hard to see and make sure they get your phone number in case you loose them while on the call, it happened to me so thank God he got my number and called me right back. I hope this bit of info helps. Good luck.

I had a similar experience. It took me 90 minutes with a helpful guy from the Philippines to get the “new improved” app to locate my music library. Astonishing that this should be necessary to achieve basic functionality. As it turns out, the “new improved” app periodically “forgets” the NAS library location. At least now I know how to tell the app where the library is, then the entire library has to be re-indexed. Only takes 45 minutes! 

I spent 65 minutes on the phone listening to music while waiting to speak to a support person, for 28 minutes he instructed me to do many things like install an app so he could see what was on my phone, send me a code to type in on my phone, in plus my sonos arc, type in my phone the numbers located on the bottom of my sonos sub differ as well as unplugging it, pushing the button on the side of the sub and some other maneuvers. When that was all completed my app was working once again. It was very stressful to say the least especially with his language barrier. All I can say is if you call support, make sure you have at least an hour and a half, be close to you sonos, phone charged, get the numbers on the bottom of your sub, they are very small so hard to see and make sure they get your phone number in case you loose them while on the call, it happened to me so thank God he got my number and called me right back. I hope this bit of info helps. Good luck.

I had a similar experience. It took me 90 minutes with a helpful guy from the Philippines to get the “new improved” app to locate my music library. Astonishing that this should be necessary to achieve basic functionality. As it turns out, the “new improved” app periodically “forgets” the NAS library location. At least now I know how to tell the app where the library is, then the entire library has to be re-indexed. Only takes 45 minutes! 

I can not believe it takes 15-30 seconds for the app to update all the grey boxes!!! why can this not be a cache? As it does not change too much. Now my library is gone from the new app. I seen more than 10k on Sonos equipment and I can not use it to listen to music.


Where are the people that caused this mess where is the fix!!!

Not usable!!


You know what’s missing in all these threads about the ridiculously awful SONOS app update?

Any responses from anyone at SONOS that would at least let us know they give a damn and are going to do something!!