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New Sonos App Update Sucks Massively

Sonos really screwed the pooch on the update.  Nothing connects now, simplicity is gone.  What in wide world of sports were you thinking?????  Was there any real world testing done?  Massive screw-up.  Thinking of pitching what I have and starting over with another brand.  Awful product

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143 replies

I agree the UX is absolutely terrible.  @sonos - Please roll the App back to where is was before this latest update.


Userlevel 1

I can’t believe how utterly stupid this update is. I never post but am at a loss how bad this is.  

Userlevel 1

I agree, I liked the original so much better....I can't even add to my queue anymore. Pure trash who tested this bs? Could've have tested it with real users.... unless they trying to be shady and charge us more for the same features we had before?? Just like Amazon prime video charging us more and giving us commercials making us pay more for no commercials. The same features we had for less...smh

Userlevel 3

I agree, I liked the original so much better....I can't even add to my queue anymore. Pure trash who tested this bs? Could've have tested it with real users.... unless they trying to be shady and charge us more for the same features we had before?? Just like Amazon prime video charging us more and giving us commercials making us pay more for no commercials. The same features we had for less...smh

I just tried to watch an Amazon series on UHD and Dolby Atmos but couldn’t get my tv or Sonos to show the series in either venue. I did a little research and Amazon took those features away unless you pay extra per month for the no ads program. SMH

Userlevel 1

This latest update is a massive failure. Problems all the way around… so difficult to use and control and connect. We used to use the sleep timer nightly, falling asleep to soothing sounds… that’s gone.

Moving from one location with Sonos to another location with Sonos is now a nightmare… 

Bring back the system that worked just perfectly, this update was a failure. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Sonos totally messed this app release up big time.  I have 25 devices and none of them stay grouped, Stereo pairs keep separating, Sub’s stop working, Sonos voice is not working, zones start playing different music, etc… this is a nightmare release.  I can hear the phone support people now… can you reboot your router, can you unplug all 25 devices, and you plug them back in… The truth is that the system worked great on S2!!!  What a total cluster.



Userlevel 6
Badge +4

After more than 90 minutes on the phone to tech support, farmed out to the Philippines, I was finally able to get the Sonos app to connect to my personal music library on my personal server. (The app has done this flawlessly for over a decade prior to this “update”). Guess what? It still sucks! No playlists. No adding items to an existing cue. No timer. Everything is extremely sloooooow ( using M2 chip and latest OS). It takes forever for song info to update. The GUI says I’m still playing a song that ended 5 minutes ago. The GUI says my Sonos amp is playing audio from the TV while it is actually streaming music from an album. 
I’ve never experienced this level of incompetence in software engineering before. My take away is that what Sonos says is not to be trusted in any way.

Untustworthy company

Userlevel 1

I’m not usually one to comment on these community threads but this is a disgrace. Like many others I’ve spent quite a lot fitting the house out with Sonos products and have been a loyal supporter for many years. I was looking forward to the update to be honest, as Sonos in my experience has been pretty polished and I expected them to get it right but the update has not been fit for purpose to say the least. Why oh why release it WITHOUT many of the features Sonos users have utilised on a daily basis for years?!? I expected a speedy patched update returning these features pretty sharpish, but no, nothing. No alarm, no queue combining albums, massive volume control lag, painfully sluggish etc.

First world problems I know but I really expected a lot more from Sonos. 

Userlevel 1

I can’t find how to play music in specific rooms anymore easily on the new app.  This version is horrible!

Userlevel 3

What is frustrating for me is the number of different things Sonos support technicians ask you to do to try to get your system working. If you read the various responses on this support forum of what customers are doing or asked to do just to get the app to recognize its own products is insane.  Download app,delete app,reinstall app,reset phone,reset router,stand on one foot and eat a piece of ginger, etc.  It should never be this hard to get your system working or recognized by your operating app.  I am hearing of first time customers unable to get their newly purchased device to get working. The selling point of this product is supposed to be its sound production and simplicity. 

Totally agree! I’m unable to connect most times, then it’s super slow when I can connect. Doesn’t allow me to move/choose speakers - just keeps going back to the last speaker. It sucks. With the money spent on this system, I expect far better service. 

Sonos, this is a disaster!  We have spent untold amounts of money for Sonos products throughout our home, including speakers in the ceilings.  Now, I can’t even get music to play in the right room!  Every time I try to turn music on in the living room it defaults to the bathroom.  I may not be the most tech savvy person, but I’m not an idiot.  I shouldn’t need to spend this much time to learn how to turn music on! My husband has already started researching other system options.

Userlevel 3

Sonos, this is a disaster!  We have spent untold amounts of money for Sonos products throughout our home, including speakers in the ceilings.  Now, I can’t even get music to play in the right room!  Every time I try to turn music on in the living room it defaults to the bathroom.  I may not be the most tech savvy person, but I’m not an idiot.  I shouldn’t need to spend this much time to learn how to turn music on! My husband has already started researching other system options.

I am also researching other system options. I know the Sonos fans will say there’s nothing better than Sonos hardware and software when it’s working right but that’s the key word “when”.  I just want a simple system that works and doesn’t fall prey to bad updates and doesn’t give me a set of speakers (era300’s) that won’t let you use the front driver because they know what’s best for me. Let me control them and I will determine if I want them on.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Sonos has now lost the connection to my server again. This was never a problem over the past decade. Now I get “No selections are available” or “Something went wrong. Try again”.  It is impossible to overstate how miserable this “update” is. These are not inconveniences. They are MAJOR FLAWS. The app does NOT function.


Total fail. People that make decisions thought it was a good idea to roll this out. Kinda scary for the future of Sonos. 

Have a house full of Sonos and loved the flexibility of the system. That is all gone with this new app!

no search feature for library….volume control by speaker…gone….


how can I revert back to the previous app for iOS?

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Total fail. People that make decisions thought it was a good idea to roll this out. Kinda scary for the future of Sonos. 


Userlevel 1


This has all the earmarks of a department moved offshore

igo without saying where that offshore is !!

Simple Fix for Android users - install the old app !!!!!

It is a total fix in 5 minutes …

uninstall the Sonos app from your phone….install the previous version… ‘important’ - disable updates of this in the app settings 

download the APK file ( it is a file of the previous app that you can install on your phone )

See this link explaining “how to “.

Userlevel 1

I cannot connect to any of my Play:1 speakers and everything I try, all the old tricks I have learned over many years, fails. So I have no speakers. If this is a ploy to get me to buy new SONOS speakers, it will fail because this kind of connection problem has been an issue for the longest time. SONOS speakers are excellent, but the software just sucks! Please, please, please fix and soon – switching to my BOSE while I wait for this to be fixed. 

This app is junk, it is making so hard to just play the right music through the correct speakers, it just does its own thing.

There is no ‘play next option anymore so that sucks. 

I have a demon amp with my cinema system and that has a HEOS system so I’m just going to upgrade my Sonos speakers to the HEOS. Customer service sucks at Sonos and I have had an issue with songs cutting out for 10 secs, every song and they don’t know why and it hasn’t been resolved. Now this abortion of an update is giving me a headache so I’m waiting around any longer to see if they bother to rectify it. Not happy with this at all. 

Total fail. People that make decisions thought it was a good idea to roll this out. Kinda scary for the future of Sonos. 


If Patrick Spence stays, I go. Awful decision making, awful attitude. 


Sonos user of over 15 years, this company doesn't deserve me


Userlevel 1

As a business owner who depends on loud upbeat music in our gym facility and hot yoga studio, this update has completely screwed our business over a holiday weekend when we rely on providing an outstanding experience to people visiting on vacation.  I’m so so so livid  - I want to throw every Sonos speaker we have in our facility in the lake and start over with new speakers. FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY.

Userlevel 2

The app is horrible. Some speakers did not roll over. Song queues are a mess. Music plays on its own. The last app was great easy to use. Easy to add new speakers. Now it’s just a mess. Had to turn it off last night because it wouldn’t work. I wonder if Sonos reads these. 

They know the app sucks. They just don’t care cause they have headphones to sell. 

I doubt they’re selling any headphones right now!  Hopefully no one is buying ANYTHING from them!  They have destroyed a good thing. 

Userlevel 1

I'm 41, i write software for a living for the government, I have 10 Sonos speakers and I can (with complete sincerity) say this last update is the worst experience I've had with a product ever.

I would compare this update to a colonospcopy without anesthesia or perhaps an intense 3rd degree burn that requires a skin graft to resolve.  

This update and the complete lack of caring on behalf of Sonos the company and their testing department will single handedly get me to switch to ANYTHING else.  

What a * up.  

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