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New Sonos app - The worst ever

I am writing to express my frustration and disappointment with the latest update of your app. Since the update, I have encountered numerous issues that have severely disrupted my experience:

  1. Speaker Detection Issues: The app intermittently fails to detect my speakers. They appear and disappear at random, making it impossible to manage them effectively.
  2. Grouping Problems: When I try to split the music in one room from the group, the remaining speakers stop working and cannot be re-grouped. This has rendered the multi-room functionality unusable.
  3. Playback Failures: None of the speakers will play music after attempting to manage them through the app.
  4. App Connectivity: The app frequently loses connection with the speakers and is unable to detect them again.

Moreover, the support wait times are exceedingly long, often over 70 minutes, and the chat support has not been helpful in resolving these issues. This situation is unacceptable and has caused significant inconvenience.

I urge you to provide an option to revert to the previous version of the app until these critical bugs are resolved. Additionally, I would appreciate a more responsive and effective support system to address these urgent issues.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Why would this disappoint me? I am happy that your system works. 

why are you here though? If my Sonos worked I wouldn’t be in this particular thread in the first place. 

or maybe you work for Sonos to muddy the waters? 

you should maybe look at the amount of people that report the same problems and have some sympathy rather than just telling them that your stuff works. Nobody cares about a working system, read the thread title 

Why would this disappoint me? I am happy that your system works. 

why are you here though? If my Sonos worked I wouldn’t be in this particular thread in the first place. 

or maybe you work for Sonos to muddy the waters? 

you should maybe look at the amount of people that report the same problems and have some sympathy rather than just telling them that your stuff works. Nobody cares about a working system, read the thread title 


Why do you care?  You replaced yours, remember? 

I think @Planktonian needs to have the last word, and will keep posting until it happens. 

The issue with companies like Sonos is they update apps and features without properly beta testing, they don’t proactively communicate and they are deaf to feedback…until it’s a major issue that can lose them money. I will never understand why companies do this to their customers and themselves. I have to imagine there were many Sonos software engineers and project managers screaming to high heaven about this disaster of a rollout, but they were told to push on with the project. I wish there was a better alternative to Sonos, but there really isn’t…at least when it’s working properly. 

As the default it guy in the house I’ve set up a lot of stuff. The Sonos software interface is the worst I have ever encountered on any device. Having installed and assembled several items with directions written in other languages, I’ve found that frustrating experience infinitely more reasonable. 
I’ve never wanted to throw something this expensive and new in the trash as much as I do this product. 
All so that Sonos can control my access to try and sell me on a music app. How disappointing. 

As the default it guy in the house I’ve set up a lot of stuff. The Sonos software interface is the worst I have ever encountered on any device. Having installed and assembled several items with directions written in other languages, I’ve found that frustrating experience infinitely more reasonable. 
I’ve never wanted to throw something this expensive and new in the trash as much as I do this product. 
All so that Sonos can control my access to try and sell me on a music app. How disappointing. 

How are they “trying to sell…a music app”, and which one? 

As the default it guy in the house I’ve set up a lot of stuff. The Sonos software interface is the worst I have ever encountered on any device. Having installed and assembled several items with directions written in other languages, I’ve found that frustrating experience infinitely more reasonable. 
I’ve never wanted to throw something this expensive and new in the trash as much as I do this product. 
All so that Sonos can control my access to try and sell me on a music app. How disappointing. 

How are they “trying to sell…a music app”, and which one? 

The S2 Sonos points to all the music apps and away from our libraries. Have you not been paying attention?  

As the default it guy in the house I’ve set up a lot of stuff. The Sonos software interface is the worst I have ever encountered on any device. Having installed and assembled several items with directions written in other languages, I’ve found that frustrating experience infinitely more reasonable. 
I’ve never wanted to throw something this expensive and new in the trash as much as I do this product. 
All so that Sonos can control my access to try and sell me on a music app. How disappointing. 

How are they “trying to sell…a music app”, and which one? 

The S2 Sonos points to all the music apps and away from our libraries. Have you not been paying attention?  

Sure, I’ve been paying attention. Hence I know that music libraries are supported. Not fully functional yet, but support is there. 

As the default it guy in the house I’ve set up a lot of stuff. The Sonos software interface is the worst I have ever encountered on any device. Having installed and assembled several items with directions written in other languages, I’ve found that frustrating experience infinitely more reasonable. 
I’ve never wanted to throw something this expensive and new in the trash as much as I do this product. 
All so that Sonos can control my access to try and sell me on a music app. How disappointing. 

How are they “trying to sell…a music app”, and which one? 

The S2 Sonos points to all the music apps and away from our libraries. Have you not been paying attention?  

Sure, I’ve been paying attention. Hence I know that music libraries are supported. Not fully functional yet, but support is there. 

“Not fully functional”. Very understanding of the Sonos regime. The thing is we users know what functional is. It’s what we used to have. I note that there are a few apologists for Sonos on this site. Their schtick is that somehow we dim users are to blame. That’s not how it works guys. S2 is a failure. Own it and change it. 

Fire everyone involved in this. And the walk of shame message you put where you attempt to acknowledge what an embarrassment this should be for everyone involved out was a patronizing heap of *. What customer said they were having a “robust” experience of the app? No one talks like that. It’s an obvious abject lie. Put the old app back out while you fix this utter fail. Why should we have to deal with all products being rendered useless until you lot find your *? I can’t even use the playbar because there’s a song playing in another room and it finds that too confusing. It’s an absolute joke. 


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

Fire everyone involved in this. And the walk of shame message you put where you attempt to acknowledge what an embarrassment this should be for everyone involved out was a patronizing heap of *. What customer said they were having a “robust” experience of the app? No one talks like that. It’s an obvious abject lie. Put the old app back out while you fix this utter fail. Why should we have to deal with all products being rendered useless until you lot find your * ? I can’t even use the playbar because there’s a song playing in another room and it finds that too confusing. It’s an absolute joke. What commitee of remedial day release prison inmates tested this before no one checked and rolled this utter sack of * out?

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

If you use language like this I hope not to see anything you’ve screenwritten. 

I use S1 for my connect Amp and it works better then the newest Sonos App.  The previous S2 was one of the most unstable, peices of modern software I used.  I would also say how unstable

and inconsistent it was.  I hoped that the new version would resolve the many issues.  Then I started using it and at first I thought maybe something with my network or phone but now I realize that the software went from Bad to much worse.  Thank Jesus that my outside Connect Amp running S1 still works.  My $5000 Sonos inside system is about as reliable and stable and Windows Vista.  How can any company be so incompetent to not even test the software prior to launching.  Now it’s going to take 4 months to resolve?   What’s a good alternative to Sonos?  

The volume never works properly. 
some of my speakers disappear sometimes. 
when I group speakers the app crashes sometimes. 
I never look forward to turning music on because it’s Russian rules as to wether it works or not. 
how is there not an alternative?

It's incredible that they still haven't reversed this terrible app update. We made it clear we didn't want to wait or be bound to their development timeline to get back features we previously had, but they pushed their timeline on us anyway. They then missed their own deadlines because of issues we anticipated.

Treating your paying customers of a premium product as live beta-testers was unacceptable two months ago, and it just gets more unacceptable with every passing minute.

Sonos team, you might think you're nearing the finish line, but the urgency to reverse this awful update is increasing rapidly. Time is running out. Roll back the app update, ASAP.

It's incredible that they still haven't reversed this terrible app update.

Sonos team, you might think you're nearing the finish line, but the urgency to reverse this awful update is increasing rapidly. Time is running out. Roll back the app update, ASAP.

If they didn’t do it when this update was first released, why do you expect them to do it now, with so much more functionality available now compared to the first release? 

It's incredible that they still haven't reversed this terrible app update.

Sonos team, you might think you're nearing the finish line, but the urgency to reverse this awful update is increasing rapidly. Time is running out. Roll back the app update, ASAP.

If they didn’t do it when this update was first released, why do you expect them to do it now, with so much more functionality available now compared to the first release? 

That’s exactly my point, to me, the progress made on giving us features back is irrelevant when the app is still sluggish and unstable. On top of it, it has less features than the previous version. There’s no better time than right now to roll it back. It’s still not too late.

Know when it will be too late? When Sonos goes out of business.

Totally frustrated with this new app. I have raved about the amazing benefits of having sonos products to anybody that would listen. But with this app I will no longer be doing that.

Music brings joy into my life. I have a turntable and some nice speakers in my living room. I have Sonos in all the key areas around my home and yard. Half of my speakers are not working and I can’t pair any of them, I have to use them one at a time. 6 in total. If I have guests over, I’m constantly picking up my phone to try and get the music working, they think I’m being rude and I’m quick to say, “sorry I’m just trying to get the music to play, Sonos doesn’t work, they released a new app and it broke my system. I think it’s cause they’re going under and out of desperation they are rebuilding their app to serve ads — or something, I don’t know.”  

This word of mouth brand tarnishing is not going to help the cause which the new app is trying to solve.

Team SONOS please give us back the old app so we can get back to the joy of music while you work offline to get your ad centric app (or whatever your cause is) ready for prime time. It’s not fair for you to do this to your loyal customers. It’s summer, I want to simply listen to music and share experiences my family and friends without interruption. Just take the old, stable, app build and put it up on the App Store. Yesterday, please.

why doe no one from Sonos respond on here. It’s a disgrace . Definitely buying  Bose next time.

None of my music services work!!!! FFS!!! always get error “something went wrong”. This software is absolutey appalling. I can’t use my speakers at ll. Where is the accountability?????????????????????????????????????????????????

why doe no one from Sonos respond on here. It’s a disgrace .

There have been one or two other threads and posts; I suspect they’re having trouble keeping up with them all. Plus, this is a user community, rather than an “Ask Sonos” forum. 

STILL have issues with pairing/grouping speakers - the music cuts out a bit and then goes totally silent - track is still playing but no sound.  This is beyond ridiculous.  I have read a few articles that the CEO stated they MAY bring the old app back while this new one gets fixed.  HOW ABOUT IT MAN !!  HOW ABOUT WE ARE ABLE TO USE THE PRODUCT THE WAY IT WAS INTENDED AFTER SPENDING A GOOD DEAL OF MONEY ON IT !!  SICK OF WAITING FOR YOU A__ HATS TO FIX THE NEW APP.   ARE YOU GUYS LISTENING ! READING THESE POSTS ??  THIS IS NOW 2.5 MONTHS THIS WHOLE DEBACLE STARTED 

The lack of SONOS feedback here is frustrating but nice to hear the CEO acknowledge the issues on their most recent earnings call, and their prioritizing the fix. My office system (new equipment/new app) is a mess but my 15 zone home system thankfully has some older equipment so runs on the S1 app.. still buggy but has the old more intuitive interface. Maybe some of the folks here could look for an older unit that only works with the S1 so you can revert the rest of your system to S1 until this is resolved. I’ve done just that with a couple of my office speakers when I took them home. 

link to earnings call:

Oh my god!


Terrible Sonos Since The Update.             Worked Flawlessly Before This Recent Update.         I Have Gone From A Huge Proponent Of Sonos To Wanting To Throw It Away

Sonos sucks so bad on your recent updates of the Sonos App.  Its is absolutely TERRIBLE!

I cannot believe Sonos has sold me many thousands$ of dollars of hardware - I have 11 zones in my home — then this?    It's essentially a brick now.

I was totally stoked on Sonos prior to this past few months; but with the new App that talks to the internet before making any changes on the local system.  It is TERRIBLE.

Now, I will not recommend Sonos at all…

One thing does seem to be sorted the sales side of the app, introducing new products, deals and online shopping. 🤨
