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New Sonos app removes key features - beware!

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

First they remove the Lock Screen controls for iPhone and Apple Watch. Now they remove the ability to select the product before playing and the ability to clear the Queue along with an extremely complicated to maneuver interface!  Make it easier this took away the easy to use and professional grade features for a useless update to their apps view to try and keep up with the time 

How many of us went to bed last night and messed around with this debacle trying to find where the timer function had been hidden 🤬. Took awhile before I checked here and discovered it’s not hidden, it’s actually not even available! 

My two cents regarding issues (and maybe some solutions) i’ve found in the New app:


1.) There are also other little issues, like missing prompts if u’re trying to TruePlay ERA’s 300, where if it fails it won’t tell u, what was wrong. On an older app there was an additional step, where it stated that Microphone had to be Enabled, so TruePlay could run. This prompt was missing in the new app.

2.) If ure having issues with TruePlay not starting after hitting “Continue”, reboot your phone and it should work.

3.) Some other issues u're having could be also mitigated by going to “Account” / “App Preferences” / “Reset App” which will logout you out of the app and u'll have to sign in again and go through the initial wizard, which's gona find your existing system.

4.) I also had issues with my existing Apple playlist. After hitting play, songs were skipped one by one and nothing was playing.

5.) The removal of surrounds worked correctly only on the older 16.1 app. If i tried to manually reset surrounds, they did not automatically disappear from the app and the “hard reset” did not help with the removal in the new app. Old app worked like magic.

6.) Addition of new speakers did not work in new app either at all, or it crashed during the pairing/registering/wi-fi wizard. I’ve spent hour on Sonos support to achieve nothing.

7.) “System Settings” / “Manage” / “About my system” / “Audio in:” doesn’t display the audio format/kodek in the new app. So for example, if u’re wondering if lossy DD+ ATMOS is playing or the lossless DTHD ATMOS is playing, at the moment u're out of luck.

8.) ?


Dont get me wrong, i ** LOVE SONOS, i’ve got 2 SUB GEN 3, ARC, BEAM GEN 2, SYMFS GEN 2, ONES GEN 2, now i even added ERAs 300, and for most of the time, everything worked like a charm in the OLD app except updates, which failed regularly, but as far as i can remember, nothing else was acting up.

I was naturally looking forward to this redesign, silently hoping that it would not be centered primarily arround “smoother music finding”, but even some additional quaility of life features or even some new features would be added.

But unfortunately, what we got is a buggy hell, which should have stayed in the oven for 2-3 months longer.

U really dropped the ball on this one SONOS.


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


How many of us went to bed last night and messed around with this debacle trying to find where the timer function had been hidden 🤬. Took awhile before I checked here and discovered it’s not hidden, it’s actually not even available! 

I looked for about 10min then did a search and found this thread. I have used the timer every night for months.  Bringing my Apple HomePod up to start using tonight. May have to get more, I have Sonos in almost every room including the garage!

How many of us went to bed last night and messed around with this debacle trying to find where the timer function had been hidden 🤬. Took awhile before I checked here and discovered it’s not hidden, it’s actually not even available! 

I looked for about 10min then did a search and found this thread. I have used the timer every night for months.  Bringing my Apple HomePod up to start using tonight. May have to get more, I have Sonos in almost every room including the garage!

Ended up using an older iPad that has not had the update but how in the world did this update get out there? Why would anyone release something that is simply not ready?

How many of us went to bed last night and messed around with this debacle trying to find where the timer function had been hidden 🤬. Took awhile before I checked here and discovered it’s not hidden, it’s actually not even available! 

I looked for about 10min then did a search and found this thread. I have used the timer every night for months.  Bringing my Apple HomePod up to start using tonight. May have to get more, I have Sonos in almost every room including the garage!

So for iOS, the apps Soro and Clic both can set sleep timers.  The first app adds a bunch of shortcut actions - you’d have to build your own shortcut in the Shortcut app to set a sleep timer.  The second provides Lock Screen controls and a few other things, but just added the ability to set a sleep timer today.  It’s not really a replacement for the Sonos app, but it can be useful to do some things.


Ended up using an older iPad that has not had the update but how in the world did this update get out there? Why would anyone release something that is simply not ready?

It’s become apparent that Sonos think it is ready - it has all the features they want to attract future customers according to their Streaming worldview, and all us crusty old customers who like specific music are just complainers who don’t matter.


Ended up using an older iPad that has not had the update but how in the world did this update get out there? Why would anyone release something that is simply not ready?

It’s become apparent that Sonos think it is ready - it has all the features they want to attract future customers according to their Streaming worldview, and all us crusty old customers who like specific music are just complainers who don’t matter.

It certainly appears that way…unfortunately.

Argh. Should have read this before upgrading. Selecting a song to play as the next song missing? How on earth did this get released? 

(On a similar note, there is not even a play now option, just the option to replace the current playlist with the new song. yes, that’s the same. But it doesn’t get more counterintuitive than this. ) 

Unmitigated disaster!  “Stations” was the number one feature now impossibel to find buried deep... 

@Sonos - I wil never recommend Sonso products again; the UX keeps getting worse and worse and worse...pathetic/  Reminds me of when i jumped from a Logitech system (Slim Devices) that Logitech ruined after it bought the original system.  Just keep annoying your existing custoemrs!  See how that works… looking at you @Peleton, etc…. 

I bought into the the Sonos system when it was s1 and I loved it told all my family and friends about it. The s2 come out and iv had nothing but trouble. Speakers dropping off mid film. True play haveing to be redone every ¾ days musics been out of sync between rooms. Spent hours on the phone to sonos not once have they offered a replacement just fob me of everytime time with try this and test for 7days. Then today the new app. My Google music will not play more the one song as it crashes the system when it try’s to change to next song. Sound cloud will not sign in at all. Once again true play has stopped working my speakers will not group together at all now (lest before they did just out of sync) and they have removed so many of the great features. Like getting eq setting direct from the play screen and no mute button now what’s all that about ? And my biggest shock is that after 3 or 4 years they still haven’t brought use Dynamic Island controls. Been pondering change brand for a while and unfortunately this has sealed the deal…

Yeah. I think I’m out. Already planning what the main stereo is going to look like. Fortunately they still make good airplay speakers so no rush to replace everything. 

Just got the following response after emailing the CEO:

My name is Teodora and I'm a senior member of the Customer Experience team here at Sonos. Our CEO, Patrick Spence, brought your feedback to my attention, and I wanted to reach out and see if there's anything I can do to help address this.

I understand you’re experiencing troubles with the new Sonos App and I’ll be more than happy to provide you with an explanation.

This feature is not currently available in the Sonos app, but will return in a future update. You will not be able to view, enable, disable, or change any settings related to their Sonos alarms on either iOS or Android apps. For what concerns searching the music library, this is not possible as the new App uses only universal search. To find the music library you can go to the Home screen and scroll down to Your resources. There you can browse the music library.

This revitalization of the Sonos app is our most ambitious software update yet, and aims to address what our customers have been asking us for. It’s a huge undertaking, and we are taking the time and effort to ensure all features work seamlessly and meet both our standards and the standards of our listeners. With this commitment in mind ,some features will not be available at launch, but will be added to the app on a rolling basis over the coming months.

Thank you for your collaboration and patience!

Best regards,

Teodora R.


Clearly they expect us to wait for them to fix this shambles rather than allowing us to roll back the app.

Absolutely terrible app now. I usually listen to a few stations on Sirius XM. After having to reload all my favorite stations back and deleting those same stations from this upgrade, nothing plays unless play it first from my husbands Sonos app on his phone which is the OLD APP! 

I have tons of Sonos crap and have recommended it to many others.  No more.  I'm tired of music skipping.  Tired of the app not working.  I'll not buy anything else and will tell every person I speak to not to buy this garbage.

I’ll join in as primarily a Music Library user. I won’t repeat all the problems, but this update is a disservice. At least give us the option to go back to 16.2. 

I’ll join in as primarily a Music Library user. I won’t repeat all the problems, but this update is a disservice. At least give us the option to go back to 16.2. 

You can if you're an android user via sideloading from apk mirror.   IOS users are stuffed as Apple doesn't allow sideloading. 

I’m shocked at how bad this update is. I use apple music and it’s basically useless. Can’t create a queue, can’t add songs, all my apple music playlists are corrupted and don’t work. The volume adjusting has become ridiculously complicated. I can, basically, choose a single song from Apple Music and when it’s over choose another. Absurd. If I can’t create a queue then SONOS is useless. Also the MacOS controller doesn’t work anymore but after an hour an a half on the phone with tech support the guy discovered that the MacOS controller is being discontinued and that I could try the “web app” which works even worse than the new IOS app. And you can’t use them both at the same time. It’s a total ****t show. Why would SONOS roll this thing out before they get it to work? And why wouldn't they at least educate their tech support people? I’m ready to swap out all my speakers and be done with SONOS.


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


It's really difficult to understand what is going on at Sonos. This isn’t some startup trying to get by. They make great speakers but seem to be out to lunch on software. I thought I had problems enough,  but many here brought up even more problems -- for example missing timer. Someone said they had no problems with local media servers. Ok, but mine are gone and Sonos’s support article for this update says adding media shares is not available (in other words “removed” or “broken”) in the brand new app update. But don’t worry, it will return at some later date! This app and software update are so half baked! I fear for the future of SONOS and for my investment in their hardware…

Could just be teething problems 🤔😝🔥

I suggest you register to attend the event on the 14th of May - Sonos App Redesign AMA


I think I have some questions for Sonos….

Yep, I simply had to re-add the local library address on my setup and it is all up running without a problem. I wonder if the ghosts of SMB1 are biting a lot of folks in the tail. 

Yes I think so too, but maybe from a security point of view with a new App it was decided not to include the old insecure protocols - I can’t say I blame Sonos as it’s what all other large companies are doing too, including Microsoft, Apple etc.


Holy crap, this app update is utterly abominable. Where the hell did the queue go? Why can't I add to or edit the songs that are playing in it? Why does search not include results from my own damn library?


Who's mixing the Kool-Aid over there? It's impossible for me to imagine a disaster like this making it all the way to a public release without SOMEBODY involved pointing out the myriad obvious ways this sucks. 


Yesterday I lived my Sonos system and used it for hours every single day. Now I'm wondering what I'm gonna replace it with.


This update has completely destroyed the way I listen to and enjoy music.

Previous Sonos Favorites won’t properly function. Had to remove from Favorites, then add again.

WARNING!! Deleting a Playlist from Favorites deleted my actual Sonos Playlist. And there is no backup!!

And my Queue doesn’t list the songs in the order they are actually playing!

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

omg sonos app all broken.  who beta tested this?    luckily i can use spotify to play music..

It’s clear (to me, at least) that some features, are still to be rolled out, such as adding tracks to the queue and ‘play next’ etc. as they are shown in the preview screens on - so I’m thinking that what we’re seeing now, are the core features at the moment and that there’s still more to come a little further down the line. 

Why in the world would they roll out an update that removes existing functionality if they planned to add that functionality back later?

Why not just wait?

This is product development malpractice.