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new sonos app released 7th May 2024 issues


Apart from the listed problems with music libraries, sleep,alarm, wifi channel options missing and Rova issues, I’ve noticed another, forgetting Sonos systems.

This is when i leave my home system and go to work which we have Sonos, when i opened my app with the old app, this would seamlessly connect to the work system, then when i get home seamlessly connect to my home system and so on. 

Now the new app requires me to ‘join new system’ every time i go to work and come home. It doesn’t remember or seamlessly change between the 2 systems. I also tried this when going to my parents home and brothers who have Sonos. I am on their local networks and the same issue. I have to join their system, then i get home and have to join my system.


Too many bugs on the new app, and Sonos should allow us to download the old app until they sort out all the problems. Im sure once the bugs are ironed out, this new app will be a better experience. I have noticed when it is working, it is quicker on connection when opening the app.


Poor testing by Sonos, i expected better from a brand like this.


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309 replies

Sorta works on my Google Android 8a phone, but absolutely useless on the Google Pixel Chromebook!

Userlevel 1

And on my FB feed….


Once again Sonos can’t leave their system alone without enraging loyal customers. Since the new app downloaded I have’nt been able to control  my system. It doesn’t recogonize my system. I have rooms full of Sonos  speakers 8 intotal. When they first announced they were going to  brick  all the Series 1 speakers i about fell over. They reolved that issue and I have’nt had any problem with the Sonos 2 app at all. I even upgraded my wifi to High Speed fiber optic cable at 500mb. At this time Sonos needs to  rectify this debacle immediately. 

I have the Play 3, 2 speakers and I recently downloaded the new Sonos app. I can’t figure out how to do anything that I could do with the old app. I cannot add songs to the queue, I can’t set a timer to stop playing, and I can’t edit the queue. Does anyone know if sonos is going to fix this? If they don’t, I will never purchase another product from them. Why can’t I just get the old app back? Why would they make such shitty changes to their app? 

I can’t seem to locate any of the 36 extensive playlists after this update?

 I’m so confused. 🫤 


This is the first time I’ve experienced a negative feeling after a Sonos update. 

Userlevel 1

I reverted back to the old version of the app and disabled automatic updates, which seems to have resolved the issues for now. However, the significant software complications have prompted me to postpone any hardware purchases and to start looking elsewhere.

Userlevel 3

I reverted to the old app, told it not to do automatic updates and overnight it up updated itself, without my permission, to the new garbage. Argh.....Can only assume automatic updates refer to firmware on the devices 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Someone may have already suggested this in the forum/thread, but for LOCAL MUSIC PLAYBACK, Plex Media Server is an option (I run it on my NAS, but it can also be installed on Windows/Mac OS).

As Plex runs as a ‘service’ and not under local media, it remains usable and searchable. Thought this might help some users in the meantime.

Despite the app issues, it’s not driven me away from being a loyal Sonos customer, so look forward to some app updates ASAP.

My recommendation would be to uninstall this version and install a version prior to May 2024. Worked for me and I will not install any further updates until I know all the bugs are fixed, so have turned auto update off.

Takes 2 minutes plus to just open the app???

Userlevel 3

I reinstalled the new app on my iPhone and it helped somewhat.  But, other than that, if it wasn’t a problem before the update I would assume it’s the new app.  The lost functionally and repeated error messages are too much.  I have 23 Sonos devices.  I never complained when the S-2 equipment update requirements were forced on us. But, this moronic software update has me looking at alternative products.  Bluesound seems like it could be a permanent solution. Sonos just doesn’t care about its customer base.

Userlevel 1

I am so invested in Sonos and even I am close to dumping it all over this.  I need this app fixed.  What is Sonos thinking here?  Release the old version for us so we can at least stop the bleeding.  I have two sets of speakers I need to setup and cant get the stupid app “upgrade” to see my network.  I get mistakes happen, but to be so silent.

More issues…

I cannot edit a sonos Playlist.

Many of my pinned podcasts and stations are no longer valid. (See screenshot)

I cannot add to end of queue.. or even edit a queue.


I have rolled back to 16.1 using ApkPure.  I was really looking forward to an app update because the old sonos app wasn't great... but you don't know what you got until il it's gone.


Auto update so system screwed. No access to local music library (Mac/NAS). A complete and utter shambles. So much for customer care.

Userlevel 3

You would think a new app would improve on the old one, but that’s not the Sonos way. What a joke!

Userlevel 1

I propose making an open  Facebook page and listing all of the problems.  Then as it gains traction maybe Sonos will do something.


Sonos needs to revert to the older phone app immediately.  As of now, I would not recommend any Sonos product.  Before the new update, I always praised Sonos, Now Sonos has listened to engineers who have been making a salary and needed to show something for their effort.

The Engineers failed all of us.  And Management let the engineers pull the wool over their eyes.  The engineers at SONOS should be ashamed of themselves and their efforts. The head engineer should resign or be fired. 


Bring back the last phone app now.  Facebook will be our next option.

Cheers Michael




Pirchased some new speakers today. The Sonos forced an upgrade. Wasted 5 hours on IT support, now half the system works poorly. None of my Spotify playlists work and most other playlists are there but greyed out. Why release new software if it doesn’t work. 
I much preferred the user interface before the upgrade. 

Got back from work today, opened the Sonos App to disable night mode, App required update, App updated, now I cant do anything! What a steaming pile of…! After this theres no way I would recommend Sonos to anyone, I would advise against it even. So until Sonos fix their App I'm stuck on night mode, so it sounds rubbish! I think I may even try to sell it and get something like Samsung that actually works!

Userlevel 1

Hello Everyone;

Please write letters outlining our collective displeasure with the new phone app.  

Here is Patrick Spence CEO of SONOS email.

Nicholas Millington Chief Innovation Officer

peter peterson Vice President of Product Management 

Lets us push back against SONOS, for making our purchase of Sonos products a shitty experience after the last phone upgrade.


Please keep adding emails of the corporate elite!

 Let us make this go viral until they change the app back.



Thanks, Michael

Userlevel 3

I agree that we should get on another forum.  I wrote a reply yesterday referencing a Forbes article about the software release that was very negative, but they obviously blocked it.  I also wrote to the Sonos CEO and got a “canned” marketing reply.   It seems Sonos couldn’t care less about its customer base.  Crazy!

....adding my name to the angry and frustrated customers who have spent $$thousands$$, with speakers in multiple locations, with guests easily running the app when they arrive to visit... SONOS tech department must be in a sad state to allow this to happen!

Userlevel 2

I’ve become a Sonos hater.  This new app is an absolute piece of garbage!  No point mentioning all of the bugs, they’ve been mentioned above.  Everyone please let Sonos know what a * move this was!!!!  

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

Keeps telling me I need to sign in as the System Owner. App force closes multiple times before maybe opening. Nothing has changed on my end! 

I AM the system owner!!! Step back new Sonos app.

My biggest issue is that I go into a list of songs in Tidal or Plex, select the first song to play, and that's it, the single song plays and finishes with no continued play of next song.  No “add to queue” or “play next” kind of options.  Anyone know how to make the system play more than a single song manually at a time?

Otherwise, added stuff to Favorites thinking I could just click the Artist for example and have it play a bunch of their songs.  Nope, still just one song.  I went into an Artist on Tidal and then clicked on Popular Songs, added that to Favorites…. still plays just the one song I pick.

Userlevel 3

For iPhone users, I installed SonoPhone from the App Store to control Sonos.  My Sonos devices were immediately found. My music library came up in seconds and I was able to select and play music.  I also tried Apple Music with no issue.  Finally, the Sonos app on my Mac synced with it.  It costs $2.99.   The privacy policy seemed acceptable to me.  I’m still looking at alternative products to Sonos as a permanent solution.  Sonos’ ego has the company lost. 

(For those considering alternative players, I have 23 Sonos devices and a music library in excess of 1,000 albums.  SonoPhoneq just worked for me - no drama!)