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New Sonos app (on IOS) cannot see all my Spotify playlists

I got the email about the new Sonos App on 5/9/2024 and updated the Sonos app on my iPhone 13 Pro and iPad (both of which I keep up-to-date with the latest software updates).

I use Spotify as my music service and I have 347 different Spotify playlists. Unfortunately, the new Sonos App only shows me the last 50 playlists that I created, I cannot see all 347 Spotify playlists! Yes, I removed the Spotify service and then reinstalled it. Yes, I rebooted my iPhone and iPad. Nothing has worked for being able to see all my Spotify playlists. (Please do not tell me to recreate the playlists on Sonos, I will not do that.) FYI, the old Sonos app let me see all my Spotify playlists, and on my PC laptop running Windows 11 Pro I’m running the Sonos OS S2 version 16.1 application and that lets me see all my Spotify playlists. When will there be a fix for this on IOS? thanks

Same issue here.

Same for me

Same for me too. Is there a fix for this, does anybody know please? This new Sonos app is absolutely awful. 

Same here. What a horrible update! It doesn’t make anything easier!

Certainly doesn’t. I wished I’d never “upgraded” to this new app. And from what I’ve read, others feel the same way. The previous version was absolutely fine. Everything worked as it should. If it isn’t broke, why fix it ! This version has taken everything away from what was good about Sonos to absolutely awful. Items missing such as changing the network channel if there’s any interference (for example) from a microwave oven on the WiFi. Before I could change the network channel. Now I can’t. All my playlists from Spotify are now longer available. Well, they are, but only if I swop over to the Spotify app. As for fine tuning the sound (as before) with the Sonos sound tuner, or whatever it was called, that’s no longer available. Thanks Sonos, I’m seriously considering throwing all my Sonos speakers in the trash can (bin) and moving to Bose. Either that, or I delete the Sonos app, never to be used again, and just use the Spotify app instead. I have no idea what on earth Sonos are up to in launching such an awful “upgrade” which, to my mind, hasn’t been throughout of tested properly and merely puts Sonos back ten years. Sonos was a pleasure to use, alas no more. This so called upgrade is an absolute downgrade of the largest proportions and makes Sonos almost unusable, in my opinion. Off to the Bose shop soon and will dump Sonos and write off Sonos giving my speakers to a charity shop.  Unless, maybe, hopefully, Sonos see the light and make amends and fixes with this app, or at the very least, give us the option of reinstalling the old Sonos app, until, maybe they fix things. At the moment my Sonos investment has been rendered useless by this very, very, poor, to say the least, “upgrade”. Thanks for nothing, Sonos ! 

Just adding my name to the list. Only last 50 Spotify playlists out of 170+ are visible through the new Sonos App. Have checked the Sonos limtations (up to 1,000 playlists, max 40,000 tracks total) and currently well within these limits.

 To All: I have the same problem with the 50 playlist limit on Spotify playlists being displayed on the new Sonos app. My solution is to use the Spotify app to play any playlist not displayed on the Sonos app. All you have to do is open the Spotify app and go to your playlists in your music library and select your desired playlist, then click the speaker box in the music bar at the bottom of the page and select your Sonos network. Hit play and Sonos is now playing your playlist from Spotify and it will display it on your Sonos app. Very easy work around and the Spotify app is better at displaying music anyway. 

Same problem plus not all songs in a single playlist cannot be seen, only few first ones and the rest, over 4/5 of the list is not available. Tried updating the latest iOS, confirmed to have latest version of Sonos, deleted connection with spotify and relinking it, deleting and reistalling the Sonos app but not working. Things are getting now even worse - in the middle of night one of the speakers start playing music without any reason and app does not seem to be connected any of the speakers and speaker couldn’t be controlled anyway - only way to stop it you needed to unplug the power cord. Horrible wake up. But this update is like disaster, I’m not even able to downgrade S1 app either. Helpdesk has hours lasting ques.

Yep, this is infuriating. I’ve been making playlists for over 12 years and can only see 50. 

Another way around it is to search by name of playlist (if you have given unique names and remember them!). This seems to work for me but it’s a bit of a faff. I just want to be able to browse as I did previously. 

Bring back the old app!!!

the new app is embarrassing and indecent. doesn't display all my Spotify playlists. it is not yet possible to sort them in an alternative alphabetical way. it's very slow. what the hell are you doing???

Same here… any ideas how to fix this? I want to be able to see ALL my playlists!!

Use the Desktop app, it still works correctly and shows all of them.

I debugged this (in the web app). It asks for chunks of 50 playlists at a time, which is expected.

Gets the first chunk of 50, displays it, gets the next chunk(s), but doesn’t display them, just displays the first 50 even though it reads them all.

Same for me, very disappointed 

It is absolutely unbelievable how can an update make the app so much worst ! I cannot access my Spotify playlists anymore. 

Same here spent years putting my playlists together. I now have half my playlists and these are reduced drastically to handful of tracks 


Hello Sonos.

why am I not surprised? You created a good product but it’s almost useless considering the almost quarterly system crashes or incompatibility to other products.

60% of my Spotify playlists disappeared with the introduction of your new App update. 
please do us the favor and resolve this inconsistency and inconvenience.


Thank you 




Same problem for me, only 50 playlists.  I’ve been using Sonos for a long time and still own redundant speakers due to compatibility with Sonos 2 app.  I persisted and replaced them which was frustrating but this last app update it the final straw.  It’s got progressively more and glitchy over time so I’m currently in the market for a replacement home speaker system.  Real shame.

I feel that Sonos is treating all of us in the community with nothing but contempt they know who we all are they have our email addresses why do they not email us with an apology and telling us how soon this problem will be fixed or if we can reinstall the old version before the absolutely useless update come on Sonos you have all our emails let us know what's going on we should not have to contact you to find out we are supposed to be your customers look after it and instead of offering a cheap service


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I have the same issue. Very disappointing. 

I have exactly the same issue and it is not just on the Apple platform it is also exactly the same on Android pathetic that a large company that prides itself on a premium product can release such a low end performing app instead of spending as little as possible having Indian app writers writing your software for you spend some real money like you expect us to do on your speakers and employ people that know what they're doing and thoroughly test in-house any changes before you release them to the Sonos consumer I can only see about 25% of my library on Spotify

I just purchased my first sonos (five) with much excitement, just set up and now super disappointed to discover this! I had plans to purchase a 2nd speaker in another month to allow for stereo sound but only reading now that this can only be achieved with another 5 (I was wanting my 2nd to be portable Bluetooth with voice control) sales consultant advised I could do this. Any advice on my best way forward to achieve my goals?