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New SONOS app: many features no longer available!

Think twice before you install the new SONOS app as at least the following features are no longer available (temporarily or permanently):

  • Sleeptimer has disappeared completely. Either you sleep the entire night with music on or you wake up to switch off the music… Quite defeats the purpose.
  • Alarms: creating and editing an alarm is no longer possible. You can only toggle an existing alarm on and off.
  • Local music library: make sure you don’t remove it as it is no longer possible to add a local music library stored on a NAS or shared device. Also the search doesn’t work on the local library any longer; it only searches the online music services. Sonos seems to have finally let down its initial user population that made Sonos big before music streaming services existed…

Either this is a deliberate choice by Sonos to reduce the functionality or someone validated a pre-beta release for production to meet some preset deadlines… In any case, don’t upgrade if you need these features.

Since this is a Sonos forum can I assume that Sonos employees are actually reading everyone’s comments?

Has Sonos replied to anyone about the issues with this app? 

Pretty sure I read somewhere that this app is supposed to be faster, has anyone found that to be true?  For me it seems to be much slower. 

Yes it is much slower. Looks like they're trying to get the app to go via the web when you take a look at 

Have you tried this from your phone?  GFL:  Good...Luck.  Then try to build/save a playlist.  Sonos:  Please wake me if/when you’re interested in your customers again.

BRING BACK THE SLEEP TIMER. Why in the F$&@ would you release such a s***** update?

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Well well well.... Received an app update last night, and it looks like our voices have been heard. Thank you Sonos. Let's see how the rest of the app fares.


BRING BACK THE SLEEP TIMER. Why in the F$&@ would you release such a shitty update?

It's back. 👍🏿

Better but still has issues with a local music library.  Can’t add to end of queue: ‘Something went wrong’. Still relying on Windows app.

That’s it! I have read through the list of complaints and recognise one common feature. Sonos don’t give a monkey’s about existing customers. The removal of timer/alarm function from the new app to enable my Play:1’s to be used for the purpose intended, and I am unable even to change the current alarm settings, then I am out. These were expensive items and now they must go to recycling. Never buy from Sonos again. 

That’s it! I have read through the list of complaints and recognise one common feature. Sonos don’t give a monkey’s about existing customers. The removal of timer/alarm function from the new app to enable my Play:1’s to be used for the purpose intended, and I am unable even to change the current alarm settings, then I am out. These were expensive items and now they must go to recycling. Never buy from Sonos again. 


Good grief, the alarm function was returned in the second update, mere days after the first, and timers are on the list (date TBD).  Are you actually trying to tell us that you are going to toss hundreds to thousands of dollars in the recycling bin because you are missing a sleep timer for a few weeks?  Seems recklessly wasteful, both of funds and the environment.

Actually it has now come back but only on last nights update. Thankfully. You obviously get more speedy updates there in the US.


Actually it has now come back but only on last nights update. Thankfully. You obviously get more speedy updates there in the US.


The Power of the Customer.... which has fortunately worked here, as the features are (eventually) coming back. A key expectation from Sonos going forward is that they learn from this, listen to their customers, and most importantly, act upon matters where any impression is given by Sonos that they don't care about their customers. I don't think the features would've returned if we all never raised our voices about it. I'm glad we've at least got this point. Here's hoping that they make further, better decisions and reasonable improvements. 

Actually it has now come back but only on last nights update. Thankfully. You obviously get more speedy updates there in the US.


The Power of the Customer.... which has fortunately worked here, as the features are (eventually) coming back. A key expectation from Sonos going forward is that they learn from this, listen to their customers, and most importantly, act upon matters where any impression is given by Sonos that they don't care about their customers. I don't think the features would've returned if we all never raised our voices about it. I'm glad we've at least got this point. Here's hoping that they make further, better decisions and reasonable improvements. 

I dunno...for me the lesson learned is to NEVER buy a brand new product from Sonos. Give others time to find all the bugs first. Will be back if/when a local music library is supported as before...or maybe even better...

The Power of the Customer.... which has fortunately worked here, as the features are (eventually) coming back. A key expectation from Sonos going forward is that they learn from this, listen to their customers, and most importantly, act upon matters where any impression is given by Sonos that they don't care about their customers. I don't think the features would've returned if we all never raised our voices about it. I'm glad we've at least got this point. Here's hoping that they make further, better decisions and reasonable improvements. 


I’ve got news for you, this has nothing to do with the “power of the customer”, which means nothing compared to the “power of the investment capitalist”.   The features were always scheduled to be there, they weren’t being taken away.  Sonos released the app half-baked because they promised their investors the headphones would be out by the fiscal end of year (June 30) and they were willing to take the hit PR-wise in order to keep that promise.  The customer’s wants and needs are trivial compared to the investors.

The Power of the Customer.... etc....... 

I’ve got news for you, this has nothing to do with the “power of the customer”, which means nothing compared to the “power of the investment capitalist”.   The features were always scheduled to be there, they weren’t being taken away.  Sonos released the app half-baked because they promised their investors the headphones would be out by the fiscal end of year (June 30) and they were willing to take the hit PR-wise in order to keep that promise.  The customer’s wants and needs are trivial compared to the investors.

OK..... What we all can agree on is that SONOS did a really very dumb thing not keeping the old app available alongside the half baked awful update. So.... It was the case of "release it and s*d the existing customers!" , only to eventually put stuff back in the app, that should've been there in the first flipping place. I still find the old app more responsive than the new one, plus the old app has better playlist control. It has now become part of my daily routine to uninstall the new app and install the APK file of the old one. Because with Auto Update even switched OFF, the damn thing still updates overnight to the new one.

Think twice before you install the new SONOS app as at least the following features are no longer available (temporarily or permanently):

  • Sleeptimer has disappeared completely. Either you sleep the entire night with music on or you wake up to switch off the music… Quite defeats the purpose.
  • Alarms: creating and editing an alarm is no longer possible. You can only toggle an existing alarm on and off.
  • Local music library: make sure you don’t remove it as it is no longer possible to add a local music library stored on a NAS or shared device. Also the search doesn’t work on the local library any longer; it only searches the online music services. Sonos seems to have finally let down its initial user population that made Sonos big before music streaming services existed…

Either this is a deliberate choice by Sonos to reduce the functionality or someone validated a pre-beta release for production to meet some preset deadlines… In any case, don’t upgrade if you need these features.

The new App is a complete disaster!!!! What terrible user experience! You can hardly control speakers, they react with lag, if at all, sound is interrupted frequently (and no, it’s not due to Bad Connection!!). What the hell are they doing???

Since this is a Sonos forum can I assume that Sonos employees are actually reading everyone’s comments?

Has Sonos replied to anyone about the issues with this app? 

Pretty sure I read somewhere that this app is supposed to be faster, has anyone found that to be true?  For me it seems to be much slower. 

Yes it is much slower. Looks like they're trying to get the app to go via the web when you take a look at 

Have you tried this from your phone?  GFL:  Good...Luck.  Then try to build/save a playlist.  Sonos:  Please wake me if/when you’re interested in your customers again.

Agree, Seems they don’t even test their product before releasing, TERRIBLE experience!!! Really awful, regret having spent literally thousands of dollars over the years with Sonos 

Just had another update of the app this morning.... COMPLETE REGRESSION! Features removed again! 😡

Very very poor! How can the Sonos CEO say this app is better??? Deluded!!!

Found on Android where to put a hold on updates for individual apps. D'oh! 🤣 

We are Sonos dealers (weren’t part of the beta testing group tho) and have provided feedback on such missing features with the new app update, which Sonos is aware of, including your sleep timer. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some tunes while you wait...maybe not REM’s “It’s The End of the World As We Know It” for those teetering on the edge...jeesh 😁

How you feeling about this contribution now? Still chilling? It’s a shtshow, and people were and are justifiably pissed off. features still not back after 2 months. jeesh
