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New app Sucks!!

This new app is one of the worst apps I have ever used! I have been a high end integrator for 30 years! I love Sonos but will now have to find a new music system to sell if they don’t fix this!

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223 replies

Add me to the frustrated list too

No sign of any recognition of issues, apology or humility from SONOS for the damage they have done to their customers and their brand.

Come of SONOS make a statement!, it looks like you just don't care

Rubbish experience at present


Read their official statement here.

The right thing to do would be roll it back right now and rather than use consumers as software testers only release it once it is ready. Terrible service and not doing the right thing is certainly going to hit their legacy as going forward who would trust them now? 
Let’s see what they do, or don’t do in this scenario.



I've had a Sonos system for years and years. App updated a few days ago.

I wanted to listen to some music while I cooked dinner last night. Took me five minutes to figure out how to play music. FIVE MINUTES! 

Then, when it was time for bed I wanted to turn the music off. Impossible.

If these two very simple functions are this hard for an experienced user then Sonos has entirely lost the plot.


Terrible. Long time Sonos user. This app is the worst! 

Userlevel 3

I will echo so many if the comments in this thread. Sonos app interface used to be so clean and simple, now it’s extremely difficult to switch between managing different devices without it trying to do grouping and ungrouping!!  A basic, critical, constantly used function!  I can’t believe they would get such a basic function so very wrong. They need to fix it ASAP!!  I can’t imagine what is happening in the software development team to release such a step backwards. You can have the best hardware but if your software user interface isn’t good you will loose customers and market share. 
sonos, you need to fix this right away. I’ve a local customer for many years, but these kind of unforced errors that so significantly lower the user experience have me thinking about alternatives!

Just try changing the volume.  Good luck!

😂🤣 but so so true 😭😭😭

I run a company that provides mobile apps and I was an early Sonos customer and have recommended Sonos to others over the years. I went through the Sonos 2 upgrade. NO MORE! The controls don’t work. The interface is massively unintuitive. Did you do focus groups with your existing customers? If you did you would have learned that you were introducing too many new user journeys at once. Did you even test this app. Whoever runs your product and engineering teams should be fired.

Userlevel 4

This new app is one of the worst apps I have ever used! I have been a high end integrator for 30 years! I love Sonos but will now have to find a new music system to sell if they don’t fix this!

Sonos has taken an app that worked well 85% to one that is virtually unusable. I was looking at upgrading to the newest speakers but now considering dumping the system and going with something else if this isn’t resolved quickly.

Userlevel 2

This new app is one of the worst apps I have ever used! I have been a high end integrator for 30 years! I love Sonos but will now have to find a new music system to sell if they don’t fix this!

Sonos has taken an app that worked well 85% to one that is virtually unusable. I was looking at upgrading to the newest speakers but now considering dumping the system and going with something else if this isn’t resolved quickly.


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Userlevel 2

I’m livid. I have spent thousands of dollars on these speakers and the complete lack of response or action from Sonos management is unforgivable. 

I urge all of my compatriots on this thread to get on both the Google Play and Apple App store and give this app a single star accompanied with the scathing review it deserves. 

Pound it into the dirt.

Userlevel 2

One more day, one more problem. 

SONOS, WTF are you doing???

So, after an update that the app asked for the system (which I thought would solve all the problems reported so far with the new APP), now my APP does not find any of my systems AT ALL. 

To be clear, I must have more than 100 speakers in various locations and businesses. All our colleagues report the same problem. 

In our property in Portugal we have over 45 speakers and systems connected. We had divided these under different SSIDs, with different account emails, after SONOS had advised me that I was one of the biggest accounts that they had ever encoutnered. Everything was working just fine. You would go from one SSID to another, and the app, when reloaded, would IMMEDIATELY show you the system there. 

Now, I have to set up a NEW SYSTEM??? Which probably means I have to discover every speaker and set it up anew??? 



Dude. If I were you, I would be on the phone with Bluesound ASAP and see if they’ll give you any special incentives for switching over. 

I agree.  This new app is almost worthless.

Surprised to see the new black Sonos app on my phone.  Got the hang of it but:

1:  I start playing music and after an hour or so no more sound even though the app shows the music playing.

2:  now I can’t play anything even though it shows the music being played

3:  looked to see if I had the mute on.  Guess what no mute option as far as I can tell.  Also no more number displayed for the volume. 
4;  ok I can reboot and get things going again, but the same problems above.  
guess I will have to wait for the bugs to be fixed, but it would be nice to have the old app back so I can listen to music.  Luckily I have an old stereo system that I can use.

I HATE this new app.  How do I rollback to the old version?

Sleep timer is gone and now I find trying to simply switch from one service to the next is like s treasure hunt. Is anyone recording these messages for quality control?


Absolutely 💯 so glitchy I can hardly get it work.  There was nothing wrong with it.  I want my old hardware controller back!

Userlevel 2

I've been happy using old version of app through apk. I had auto updates OFF but woke up again to find the unbearable black one back again like a bad penny. How can I stop it from coming back? Why Sonos? Why force a terrible app on me?

Maybe if I don't sign in?

same as most people here...I usually do not come to forums but because my experience is now so bad, I want to be sure our voice is heard...please rollback the app!

Im not quite sure who talked Sonos leadership into this new app redesign. Its terrible. It was easy and very intuitive to use before. Now, it just makes me angry. 

is the old app still a available on the app store? If not, can you make it available as an option? The new version isn't anywhere close ti the old app in usability. 

Userlevel 2

I wonder if there is a single person who is satisfied with the app? Has anyone heard of anyone that likes it better? Why not just let everyone use the one that worked fine instead of forcing all to use the one that doesn't? 

Userlevel 2
  • Our systems dont work any more since new app.
  • Play 1 will not register so cant be used
  • PlayBar wont register so cant be used

    Stupid app says try again later - SONOS has abandoned its loyal customers.

Why?  The new app is garbage and bears no similarities to the prior app. I love you Sonos; tweak, improve, most importantly beta test!!! 2 minutes would have told you that this is a step backwards. Good luck, please fix soon! 

Userlevel 2

We need a CLASS ACTION against Sonos for disabling prior versions of thier hardware from being recognised, being able to connect to internet, being recognised by Sonos app.
Frankly I would like my money back on all my Sonos equiptment.

Im not the only one, thousands of loyal customers with expensive systems have been thrown under the bus and disregarded, so that Sonos can sell new stuff.

New Coke

Yep, the new app is utter rubbish! In addition to all the other usability issues mentioned others that annoy the heck out of me are that top songs playlists from Amazon cannot be played anymore, if I pin a playlist to home I cannot give it a custom name, there is no more search history so I either have to favourite everything which defeats the purpose of favourites or I have to type the search again. Also, if I am in a speaker group then I cannot adjust volume of individual speakers; I first have to close the group window and then adjust. Aargh! Sonos, take us back to nice simple app we had before because that was 10000x better than the latest junk.

It’s honestly incredible that Sonos has created awesome music hardware while at the same time created, quite possibly, the worst user experience ever with the software.

Sonos, I don’t know who you need to hire to figure it out, but please do it. Maybe Richard Hendricks and Erlich are available.

Every time an update comes through on the app I think… this could be the one! Yet, every time I’m left with “drink your Ovaltine” 


I beg you Sonos - fix the app.