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Music Service Plex doesn't show any of my music tracks

I have my local music stored on a Synology NAS DS916+ running DSM 7. Because of the security issue with SMB1 I decided not to enable NTLMv1 but to use Plex instead. So I pointed Plex at my music collection and it duly added 5119 albums and showed them in the Music tab on the left. But when I go to the Sonos S1 Controller on either my iPad or Mac and add Plex as a music service there is no Music folder in Plex showing my available music. I have looked in all the folders under Plex but no music. What step am I missing? 

Sonos S1 Controller 
Plex running on my Synology 916+



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16 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Unfortunately Plex does not supply a folder view on Sonos. Or is your problem Plex in Sonos does not show any music at all?



Plex in my Sonos does not show any music folders (see the image I uploaded and shown below). So I can’t see how I can select my music tracks using Plex and have them play on Sonos S1? 


Working purely on memory, ISTR that the Sonos version of Plex is very limited - possibly to just an artist and album index. As I use the folder view for everything, it was useless for me.

If I used Plex under a web browser, I think that it was much more comprehensive. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

I do not see a server name in your screenshot. Did you log in to Plex on Sonos OK?

As I understand, although both Sonos and Plex server are on your local network, Sonos will access Plex through the Plex cloud service (which connects to your local server).  Therefore, you would need to enable Plex to be used outside your local network, and then pay the subscription fee.

Depending on your network setup, there maybe some issues there as well.  I have an odd situation where plex works for me sometimes. My nvidia shield is my plex server, and it only seems to work if I do a reboot.


OK perhaps I’m not explaining this very well. If you look at the screen shot above titled “Plex running on my Synology 916+” you will see that my server name is there - DS916, and I logged into Plex and added my music folder of 5119 albums with no problem. I have a Lifetime Plex Pass so paying a subscriber fee is covered. Can someone who is successfully connecting Plex to their Sonos Music Sources upload a screenshot of what they see when they click on Plex in the list of music sources. My list is shown below and I would like to ascertain whether what I see in my list is the same as others. I would have expected to see a folder with the name “music” and then when I clicked on that a list of all my albums/artists etc. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +17

As said above there’s no folder view in Plex on Sonos. What you get is the Plex database. This is what Plex looks like on my iPad:

I might upload a screenshot of the app on my PC later

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

The Sonos app on my PC:



Thank you 106rallye - now you can hopefully see the difference. Although the music is showing in the Plex app running on my DS916 (see my second image) I don't have any of the folders which you have in the Sonos S1 app. So does anybody know why that would be? I read that Remote Access needs to be enabled - is that correct and if so what should the settings be? Is there a setting which stops Sonos “seeing” my music? Any pointers would be gratefully received.


According to this doc, you need to turn on remote access.

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

That part of the settings looks like this on my QNAP (in Dutch):



Ah perhaps we’re getting there! I have enabled Remote Access and the screen now looks like this below. Does that look correct? Should I reboot my Synology as even with the Remote Enabled the screen in Sonos S1 remains exactly the same! 



I really appreciate your help on this!

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Not sure about “correct", but your screen seems to look the same as mine…….


Yes but I don't have the folders in the Sonos S1 app showing any music from Plex….. What am I doing wrong? 


Finally found the problem - I had not linked my Sonos account to Plex in the Other Services section of the Plex Web. Once I did that the music popped up in the same folders as 106allye showed 

Thank you so much for your help in solving this mystery!