Hello good people. Have been toiling with an issue with my music library for way too long now and i need it sorted. I have two Sonos One’s and a Sub (all ethernet connected now) and I have my music library exposed through Samba/SMB shares by both a Raspberry Pi and as of today (for test purposes) an Ubuntu Desktop (just 4 albums).
Using the S2 controller app on a windows 10 desktop, it will happily accept the details of these shares, but it just sticks on the Updating Music Library, please wait spinning message, and the folders never appear (left it running overnight, good 12+hrs) before I went and setup the Ubuntu desktop and am getting the same result with that, with just the 4 albums on it.
Sonos chat team got me to try a few things which hasn’t made a difference so i guess i’ll be on the phone later in the week, unless one of you kind people have any thoughts/ideas?
My smb.conf file already contains ntlm auth = yes and server min protocol = NT1 (although i dont think they’re necessarily required now. Can also access these shares perfectly fine from my phone over wifi etc..
thanks in advance :)