Music Library Compilation Issue under new 16.3 Firmware
Today I successfully updated to the latest 16.3 Firmware and Windows Desktop Controller. I subsequently performed an “Update Music Library Now” from the 16.3 Windows Desktop Controller. Now any Sonos Controller (including SonoPhone, SonoPad) show multiple entries for each compilation album when viewing Albums. Just an example shown below...
Does anyone else have this issue? Ross.
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Hi @SlamDesi
I have Android and Windows, yes, and I’m not a Mac user. As I understand it, some 913 errors coming from macOS shares may be erroneous and not relating to SMBv1 - we’re looking into this right now. I don’t see how SMB relates to the USB bus - one is software, one is hardware, and they have nothing to do with each other in any way, shape or form. Not even vaguely.
Are you just talking about the issue which is the topic of this thread? I’m still not sure. Yes, the issue is with the mobile app, so any other controller (even third party ones) will not produce the same issue. The speakers handle the indexing of the music library, so the fact that other controllers view it without issue highlights that it’s just the app having display issues.
I think it’s a safe bet to say we will not be offering two versions of the S2 app (the new app is still an S2 app - S2 is firmware for speakers) at the same time.
Oh, and about streaming, I can’t access my Amazon Purchased music library either. I get the “Something went wrong” banner and, believe me, something has gone wrong.
We’re not aware of an issue where you can see none of your Amazon library. I recommend removing the service from your system and adding it again.
Corry P… Thank you for the links for removing and adding a music service. Since I’m a non-streamer who’d trying to learn something, I wanted to get a quick clarification.
I have two desktop controllers (one on each iMac) and my iOS iPhone controller. Does one need to Remove them from all devices and then add them back into the controllers and iPhone? I’m uncertain as to which device is the top dog. I hope I’m making sense. If I only remove it from the iPhone, will it still exist because it’s on the two S2 apps? My apology for such a remedial question.
I will do that - can I test it after I have reinstalled the app on just one device (like my laptop), to see if it solves the problem by checking it on the laptop, or will I need to reinstall on all devices before seeing if it worked? Thank you very much, Chris D
HI @cdiani I can confirm that Android V80.05.06 of 20240717 (the latest) works fine as long as, like me, you stay with Firmware V79.1-54060 on your speakers.
By all means go with the controller upgrade - it lets you search your Library and other minor tweaks, which is good - but keep away from the Firmware upgrade until the compilation album problem gets fixed.
Good luck
Pretty sure Sonos force the firmware upgrade if you want to use the latest app that allows library searching.
I certainly would if I was Sonos. You can’t have two parallel systems for those who want to update their app and those who don’t.
HI @cdiani, @dpg50000 and @Rhonny my experience, as detailed above with the latest firmware (S2 16.2 build 79154060) on my speakers and Android controllers on both V16.1 and V80.05.06 of 20240717 is that the library search function works fine.
It is definitely NOT the case that Sonos force the upgrade, as my experience when using the latest (Android) app proves.
Well yes and no - depends on what “force” means - the fact that windows desktop controller functionality is disabled until you carry out an upgrade .. then at the very least upgrade is being “encouraged”
Hi @SlamDesi
I have Android and Windows, yes, and I’m not a Mac user. As I understand it, some 913 errors coming from macOS shares may be erroneous and not relating to SMBv1 - we’re looking into this right now. I don’t see how SMB relates to the USB bus - one is software, one is hardware, and they have nothing to do with each other in any way, shape or form. Not even vaguely.
Are you just talking about the issue which is the topic of this thread? I’m still not sure. Yes, the issue is with the mobile app, so any other controller (even third party ones) will not produce the same issue. The speakers handle the indexing of the music library, so the fact that other controllers view it without issue highlights that it’s just the app having display issues.
I think it’s a safe bet to say we will not be offering two versions of the S2 app (the new app is still an S2 app - S2 is firmware for speakers) at the same time.
Oh, and about streaming, I can’t access my Amazon Purchased music library either. I get the “Something went wrong” banner and, believe me, something has gone wrong.
We’re not aware of an issue where you can see none of your Amazon library. I recommend removing the service from your system and adding it again.
@Corry P FYI. At least on my system, the duplicate compilations albums issue appears on all controllers including the desktop app and 3rd party ones such as SonoPhone. It happened when firmware updated to 16.3.
Adding my experience so I can keep up to date with this issue.
On my apps any compilation is duplicated, but I’ve also noted that any album with a ‘featured’ artist is also duplicated. For example Imelda May’s “11 Past The Hour” has four tracks (tracks 3, 6, 7 & 9) that have feature artist tracks, this has resulted in five instances of the album. Also tracks 3, 6, 7, & 9 are not in the correct order, they appear at the end of the track list in the reverse order.
It really is poor software management and testing.
Realise it’s not helpful just to say “I have the same issue” but … well, I do.
I would add that I added the music library back into my system using the Windows app, so I do not think it is anything to do with which mobile app you are using.
Many, but not all, albums split into tracks. Even classical ones: Beethoven’s 9th Symphony split into 5, one for each movement. Another album by “various artists” has a long list of tracks which, when selected, say “No selections are available”.
Same issue here, and probably everywhere… I started another thread before I found this one. The more complaints the merrier. Let’s see what new bugs are introduced with each update. Whoever finds more, gets less SONOS:(
Hi @Eejay60
We are aware and are investigating. I have no ETA for a resolution, however.
I paid for my speakers. I do not want to be a beta tester for every update that has new bugs. Why can’t you test first on your side? It is beyond my comprehension how each update introduces new errors, instead of providing reliable use. It’s even senseless updating now (after months and months) and communicating any errors (after years and years)… “innovation never pauses” at SONOS, “stay connected”, etc. I suggest to change your slogans to “errors never end”, “we know how to lose you”, sorry, I am simply lost, no matter what your CEO and company promises.
Hi @rosswells127
Thanks - that was all my mistake. I have edited my previous post, as it does indeed seem to be an issue that lies in the speaker’s firmware, not with the app.
Hi @SlamDesi
No apologies needed - if you don’t already know the answer, it’s not a “remedial” question. In addition, I don’t think it’s mentioned in any of our documentation.
Basically, there is no “top dog” - all controllers simply show what the speakers are telling them to show. When you add or remove a service, you are in fact adding/removing it to/from the speakers, and not the app. Any app you open at any time should show the same (barring preferences for favoured music service and a few other app-specific settings) as any other app.
In short, no - when you remove a service with any controller, it is gone from them all.
I hope this helps.
Hi @SlamDesi
No apologies needed - if you don’t already know the answer, it’s not a “remedial” question. In addition, I don’t think it’s mentioned in any of our documentation.
Basically, there is no “top dog” - all controllers simply show what the speakers are telling them to show. When you add or remove a service, you are in fact adding/removing it to/from the speakers, and not the app. Any app you open at any time should show the same (barring preferences for favoured music service and a few other app-specific settings) as any other app.
In short, no - when you remove a service with any controller, it is gone from them all.
I hope this helps.
Thanks, Corry, that’s exactly what I needed to know. I appreciate the prompt reply. Brad
Hi @rosswells127
Thanks - that was all my mistake. I have edited my previous post, as it does indeed seem to be an issue that lies in the speaker’s firmware, not with the app.
@Corry P . All good. No apologies needed. Ross.
Same issue for me, running latest firmware. Very frustrating and disappointing.
Sonos Controller for PC version 16.3
Sonos OS: S2
Build: 80155014
Latest version of Sonos app for Android.
I also have no album art in my music library in the Android app, although I still see it in the Sonos Controller for PC.
Looks like I made a good decision to not update the firmware on my speakers. I’m on a Mac so, it could be a different set of issues. My hope is that Sonos will release an app that will restore the system I/we once had before this all began.
It is not just the “group by album artist” that is broken. The “order by track number” has been lost too. Now alphabetic sort for artists and tracks it seems, for music library. Who tested this?
Today I successfully updated to the latest 16.3 Firmware and Windows Desktop Controller. I subsequently performed an “Update Music Library Now” from the 16.3 Windows Desktop Controller. Now any Sonos Controller (including SonoPhone, SonoPad) show multiple entries for each compilation album when viewing Albums. Just an example shown below...
Does anyone else have this issue? Ross.
Same here. Windows & iOS. Noticed it just today.
Unfortunately, the latest firmware update 16.3.1 doesn’t address this issue. Ross.
Unfortunately, the latest firmware update 16.3.1 doesn’t address this issue. Ross.
Disappointing, but true. It has made no difference at all, still a complete mess
Any prospect of an ETA for the fix to this please @Corry P ? Is it still being investigated?
The workaround (such as it is) is to use folders, instead of album, when playing. That works. And the order of files within the folder is retained (mine all start with disc and track number).
We need a fix here though. Some of us (many in this topic!) use the local library more than online services.
Hi @Eejay60
I have no ETA at present, but we will still be actively working on this, yes.
Seems like every unique combination of album/album artist/contributing artist has become a separate 'album'. It's not just 'compilation' albums. Sonos strikes again...
Just want to add that I also see the same issues with compilations, or albums with some tracks with repeated artists. It makes my music library much more annoying to use. I haven’t got anything new to add, just the more people that let Sonos know they that they are having problems with this, the higher it will hopefully rise up the priority list.
I understand that the jumbled libraries mentioned here came as a result of updating the mobile app, right? Wasn’t there similar results after updating the speaker firmware as well? Sorry, it’s all beginning to run together for me.
One individual who posted mentioned plugging a Synology drive directly into his router and got his libraries back. I’d rather have Sonos come up with a solution although, I just checked the back of our modem/router (supplied by our local service provider) that has a USB input on it. Would that work as a stop gap measure and, would my Sonos NAS libraries appear in the Sonos mobile app? (I’m on an Apple platform and my music libraries currently “do not” appear on my iPhone any longer - but do on the Sonophone app).
My problems with compilation of the music folder were similar to the above: multiple listings for the same track, missing album art and also mistakes in which album art was displayed (any album with 'greatest hits’ in the name could seemingly be attached to any track playing from another 'greatest hits’ album). Now i wish i had these problems because at least i had music. Since the app update this week things have become really unstable. It was partly successful, at first (bearing in mind i've never been able to reconnect with my networked music folder. At least i did have access to the folder on a drive connected to the notebook which i could load and play; that was Wednesday i believe.
Come Thursday, when i pressed play the app reported ‘unable to play ...’. When i tried to update the music library, it began to index and then just disappeared. Since then i've been unable to reload the music folder and get a mix of ‘access is denied’ and 913 errors.
The update is really unstable and i still can't load the network folder. How long is this going to persist?
Happy Friday.
Add me to the list which makes my music library practically useless as I have many compilation CDs that I ripped so I can play these on my Sonos speakers.
And so many times when I start the app (Android) it tells me 'No Sonos devices found' (or something like that). So I close and restart, and then it finds my system, returning me to the normal state of s***tiness…
I changed one of the compilation albums in my local library such that the Artist tag and Album Artist tag were made the same. After the scan the screenshot shows the result. Most who have responded on this subject already knew how this would turn out . Just wanted to visually shed some light on the issue for those that are not sure what is exactly happening with this poor handling of compilations.