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How to Rollback to S2?

Please provide a rollback option to S2.

The new app was advertised as a feature upgrade.  No mention of feature losses.  

We got feature losses and no warning.  No informed choice to delay the “upgrade.”

I cannot add a single song to the queue.  Basic queue management a critical feature that somehow didn’t make it into your MVP.


Now you expect your user base to wait months to return to feature parity.  Months.  


Do you realize how ridiculous this is from a user perspective?

Totally agree with all above, an urgent option to rollback to S2 is required. The new app is neither an improvement in it’s design or use.

The ability to update music sources has been removed, album art in music library is no loger available, search facility is rubbish. Station Icon ident artworks and other artworks are missing from bbc sounds, the ability to adjust eq settings from the volume bar has been removed, etc, etc, I could go on!

Sonos need to listen to their customers and either fix these issues or provide a rollback to S2 now!!!

I need a rollback too. Even though I turned off auto updates it still updated on both ipad and android.  

This version makes my whole system unfit for purpose so I either want sonos to buy back all my hardware or I want an immediate rollback option 

I've been with sonos since the early days and never felt this angry and let down by you people before 


Google for

Sonos downgrade to 16.1

There is a solution, via

Worked for me


Please provide a rollback option to S2.

The new app was advertised as a feature upgrade.  No mention of feature losses.  

We got feature losses and no warning.  No informed choice to delay the “upgrade.”

I cannot add a single song to the queue.  Basic queue management a critical feature that somehow didn’t make it into your MVP.


Now you expect your user base to wait months to return to feature parity.  Months.  


Do you realize how ridiculous this is from a user perspective?

Google for

Sonos downgrade to 16.1

There is a solution, via

Worked for me

That won’t work for ios devices though.


Please provide a rollback option to S2.

The new app was advertised as a feature upgrade.  No mention of feature losses.  

We got feature losses and no warning.  No informed choice to delay the “upgrade.”

I cannot add a single song to the queue.  Basic queue management a critical feature that somehow didn’t make it into your MVP.


Now you expect your user base to wait months to return to feature parity.  Months.  


Do you realize how ridiculous this is from a user perspective?

obviously this company has lost customer focus , time for a competitor to take advantage 

That won’t work for ios devices though.


Yes, should have said it is only for android.

Fortunately,  I had not updated my ipad

I am glad I am on android, for me the new app is unusable, without adding to queye my whole sleeping routine with the kids does not work anymore…


Please provide a rollback option to S2.

The new app was advertised as a feature upgrade.  No mention of feature losses.  

We got feature losses and no warning.  No informed choice to delay the “upgrade.”

I cannot add a single song to the queue.  Basic queue management a critical feature that somehow didn’t make it into your MVP.


Now you expect your user base to wait months to return to feature parity.  Months.  


Do you realize how ridiculous this is from a user perspective?

obviously this company has lost customer focus , time for a competitor to take advantage 

Or pick up sonos at bargain prices, if 16.1 installed

At least let us roll back. This app is awful - this is the worst update of any product I ever experienced. I have had Sonos since the dedicated hand held controller. I also have Auralic and HEOS products. Sonos has made listening to music unusable. No add to end of queue? Sluggish response when selecting a song? No response to hitting a song or album? Slow search? Sometimes music library shows sometimes not? Did they not test this thing? After all the money I have sunk with these idiots. They should at least let us roll back the app. We have always accepted the limitations of 16/44.1 (way outdated but seriously undetectable), but to make their products even worse? I may dump it all…

I regret “upgrading” to new Sonos app.  What happened to the sleep timer?   Isn’t an upgrade supposed to be better?  Who at Sonos gave the green light to proceed with this mess?  Historically, Sonos was widely praised for the “ease of use” of their fully functional app.  Now it’s been reduced to a useless carcass.  Please provide for a roll-back!

I have a Port and 2 earlier Connects. The new S2 App is so shockingly bad that I am now switching over entirely to a competing product line. Sonos has run out of steam and is now easily being overtaken in what has become a crowded market place. I have spent years carefully tagging my music library which is deserving of better software than this.

I use iPhone. Can’t add a new device. I also tried it on Android (yuck). Doesn’t even work on Android. I have to give this Sonos upgrade 5 lemons. It is awful. I picked a bad time to buy additional speakers, assuming they’d be easy to register like my other Sonos speakers. Worst upgrade ever!

I concur with everyone else. Get a grip Sonos. This new "upgrade" is awful 

Thank you for your apkmirror suggestion. Guys, don't forget to unselected automatic updates for the Sonos app in Google play.


I also unchecked the "automatic system updates" in the Sonos app since I'm a bit scared what they are going to do to our devices in the future.


I will most definitely consult this community before opting back into any updates.

I hate this thing. You’ve rendered my system fairly useless. My music library which is on my network has drive is nowhere to be found. A speaker that was previously used and no longer used shows up as a kind of default in the new app. Network connectivity is lousy. Thank god I said no to the upgrade on my iPads. My phones is now worth;rss in controlling any of the 12 speakers I own. 

please give us a roll back. 

Please provide a rollback option to S2.

The new app was advertised as a feature upgrade.  No mention of feature losses.  

We got feature losses and no warning.  No informed choice to delay the “upgrade.”

I cannot add a single song to the queue.  Basic queue management a critical feature that somehow didn’t make it into your MVP.


Now you expect your user base to wait months to return to feature parity.  Months.  


Do you realize how ridiculous this is from a user perspective?

Do we have an ETA on when this will be fixed ( in whatever form that is)? If it is months, then I'm out (14 speakers)? I'm routing random music through my TV at the moment, since my preferred streaming services and network services are now gone. 

Not to be a princess, but this is a really bad strategy, business-wise. Yes, it's a big loss to rebuild a house-wide system, but since it currently doesn't work at all, there is only so long I'm willing to wait before I call it a write-off and abandon the platform. The conversation will progress in short order to talking about alternatives.

If there is a script that will rebuild the previous service connections and library organisation, that's fine. But if I have to reorganise everything to accommodate this, I might as well so it on a new platform that hasn't burned me.

Next time, warn us.

Any official answer from Sonos?

Give us back the old app until this mess is cleaned up and clarified!

Hey Gazebo, I’m already looking, but didn’t switch yet. Like you I also use the tv to play music but that’s a bogus workaround. I’m holding out for a fix. Very disappointed. I used to believe in Sonos. 

It seems like they have us on Ignore so far. 

This is only opinion, but have a look at SONO stock price and flat-to-declining sales since 2021. Sonos executive “leadership” is betting the farm on new product sales to turn this around. I would guess they are forcing premature releases over their tech team’s objections. Since this release would have been malpractice for any software professional.

Hola Sonos, rollback por favor?

+1 the new app is horrible. How could they get it so wrong

Please provide a rollback option to S2.

The new app was advertised as a feature upgrade.  No mention of feature losses.  

We got feature losses and no warning.  No informed choice to delay the “upgrade.”

I cannot add a single song to the queue.  Basic queue management a critical feature that somehow didn’t make it into your MVP.


Now you expect your user base to wait months to return to feature parity.  Months.  


Do you realize how ridiculous this is from a user perspective?

100% agree. Can no longer add songs to the queue (a basic day one requirement!) and can no longer balance my paired speakers. 
So annoyed with Sonos right now - how can they release this new app and then not even be available at the weekend to address customer questions (surely most customers will be using their systems at the weekend!).

SO. DISSAPPOINTING. AWEFUL!  Was entertaining 50+ this weekend, and kept having issues with our SONOS system due to new software update.  Friends thought it was a POS.  Thankfully later I realized I did not update it on my iPad and was able to salvage.  Just sad I have to walk around with my iPad versus iphone to change music outside now.  Don’t worry - friends who were in attendance have no interest in SONOS at all for future speaker/music options.   



*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

Adding my voice to the chorus of massively disappointed and frustrated users with the latest "upgrade". Not only did we loose functions, the app stability was an absolute nightmare. Nothing worked, everything was laggy, glitchie and utterly unworkable. Completely useless as an app. 


Thanks to those who pointed us to the old APK on Android. I've gone back to the March version and I'm back in business. 

The new app won’t even keep the settings for my 3 speaker system.  I have to edit the speaker selection after each change of music/artist/playlist.   This app has so many flaws - it’s a disaster.