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extensive music library playlist are missing. when do i get them back?

  • 29 June 2024
  • 9 replies

literally hours managing and developing my music library playlist before the change.  it has almost been two months.  when do i get these quickly back on my system / account ? 

I would like to see you roll out an extensive list of when we can expect all these extensive upcoming changes….not just what you’re doing in ”July” etc.   

Further,  you have a great deal of personal data on all of us.  I don’t understand that if you “care” so much why you are not giving us reliable weekly/monthly updates using our emails to always give us status and coming soon.   why do i have to spend time going into forums or search your website to learn what sketchy written paragraphs you randomly offer?  we should be getting very regular updates from you in our inboxes.

why cant you simply give us back the old app till you have thoroughly worked out this new?

Many of us question your tech savy to have this entire problem in the first place.

weekly/monthly email updates to all of us please !

9 replies

Mac and Windows controllers still have access to Sonos Playlists.

nope, they don't.   haven't shown up on my windows since the new app....

found them now on windows, but missing on Android app ..

how come "recently played" doesn't stay displayed on "home", once it initially appears?   it disappears to blank frames.   

Also, "album art" from all music library files is forever missing. 

still can't find music library playlists anywhere on android app.

Sometimes they may be listed under Sonos Favorites. Click on the “>” on the right hand edge of these Home page.


now home from a 5day trip.  Sonos app not working on both my phone or two tablets.  immediately shuts down during open.  my Samsung tablet says that it has a "bug".   Guess I won't be opening Sonos for now 😕 


now home from a 5day trip.  Sonos app not working on both my phone or two tablets.  immediately shuts down during open.  my Samsung tablet says that it has a "bug".   Guess I won't be opening Sonos for now 😕 

Sonos updated firmware without testing Android devices it appears  more info in this thread

very helpful.  Thanks 

on my android app, why do my "recently played" appear only at start up, then disappear?   also, when will my library playlists be available on the android app? 
